Cuomovirus, Pork and Biden’s Lost Marbles

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

New York’s Governor, Fredo’s brother, Andrew Cuomo has been holding daily press briefings regarding the whole COVID-19 liberal panic, and he’s been getting plenty of camera time even from Fox News in the process.

The reason he’s been holding daily press briefings is because President Trump has been holding daily press briefings, and the mainstream media have been watching Trump’s poll numbers rise, along with the stock market rebounding every time Trump does an extended briefing.

Liberals hate that, so they are trying to counter-program against it…but that’s not really the problem.

New York’s problem is that they have become the COVID-19 U.S. epicenter and Cuomo is demanding that the U.S. government use an unprecedented amount of our taxpayer money to save their sorry asses.

And why is that?

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COVID-19 for Dummies

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

I should like to address those amongst us who have been, for the past few of weeks, hording toilet paper. You know who you are.

We have seen you on the news and splashed about on social media with your shopping carts piled with a mountain of toilet paper in such a fashion that one would require a Sherpa to reach the summit were one so inclined to plant a flag atop Mount Charmin.

This, you claim, is because of the coronavirus, otherwise known as COVID-19.

COVID-19 is a RESPIRATORY illness.

For those amongst you who seem woefully unaware of what a RESPIRATORY illness is…it affects the lungs. That is the UPLOADING system, not the DOWNLOADING system. That is to say that contracting COVID-19 will not, I repeat NOT give you a case of the galloping guano however, HAD you contracted a virus with galloping guano as a symptom, to be perfectly honest, and giving due consideration to your mental state at this point you would now most likely be hoarding…

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The Latest in Liberal Lunacy

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Ever feel that all the world is a dog, and you’re the fire hydrant?

That’s the way the democrat party, liberals, socialists and their voters must feel today, and those warm, moist feelings aren’t happy tears being cried by rainbow-farting unicorns.

Oh, the past couple of weeks have been banner weeks for the democrat party as they have carefully taken aim at their own feet and let loose with both barrels. They couldn’t have done more damage to themselves with a Bic lighter on the Hindenburg, or with a can opener on the Titanic. Team Trump should be working 24/7 just putting together campaign videos featuring the democrat party’s circular firing squad.

Honestly, I have never seen a political party implode like this before, and it is pretty damned entertaining. If it wasn’t for self-inflicted bad luck, the democrats wouldn’t have any luck at all.

Let’s just take the last couple of weeks as an example…

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Mr. Biden, It’s Time For Your Pudding

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

That is one of the most well-known sentences from arguably THE most famous document ever written. With those words, Thomas Jefferson ushered into being the greatest nation on Earth, and those words have echoed throughout the world to this day.

That document, our Declaration of Independence, and those words should be known by all Americans, and until recently, were taught in our schools.

In fact, anyone over the age of 35 is, or should be as familiar with that sentence as they are with their own names…

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The Best Reason Yet to Vote For Trump

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Over the past 5 years, we’ve heard and seen all sorts of histrionic behavior from the liberal/socialist left regarding Donald Trump, first as a candidate, and since his election.

The collective panty-wadding has been obnoxious, violent, silly, diametrically opposed to the pretend mantra of liberal tolerance, and in some cases, quite entertaining.

There were the safe space liberals who curled up in the fetal position on college campuses with their coloring books, Crayons, bottles of bubbles and their therapy puppies, but sadly, the supply chain for such items ran out when other like-minded socialists refused to continue to use their money for the collective good, and the puppies ran away.

Those were good times.

ANTIFA, which employed Nazi tactics in their effort to label Trump, and Trump supporters as Nazis ran out of steam for the most part when the socialist bus fuel pool also ran out of the support of other people’s money.

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Biden Being Biden

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Being Joe Biden apparently means being in your own realm of not so real reality most of the time. He often has no idea where he is, as several times he says he’s glad to be in a particular city when he’s not even in that city’s particular state.

Being Biden also apparently means telling what sure seem to be fabricated stories from his own past. Stories like wrapping a length of chain around one arm and confronting a known gang thug named “Corn Pop.”

Then there was that other swimming pool story from Biden’s younger days when he claims little black kids at the pool liked to stroke the long blonde hair…on his legs…and how much he enjoyed that.

Being Biden must be relatively easy, not having to keep track of your whereabouts, making up tall tales from your youth, sniffing the hair of women and young girls, getting handsy like any other creepy old uncle, and occasionally insulting the very people you’re hoping will eventually vote for you.

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Free Vaseline and Other Empty Promises

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Russian collusion is over.

The Mueller report is over.

The Trump/Zelensky phone call with its quid pro quo, it’s extortion, and its bribery along with its “abuse of power,” and its “obstruction of congress” is over.

And impeachment is over too.

All of those things ended with liberals wadding up their collective panties, and with President Trump standing tall, still in the White House, and still their president, but all of those things had one thing in common…

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The Soleimani Strike in Proper Perspective

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So, President Trump gave the order to take out Qasem Soleimani early last Friday morning, U.S. time upon Soleimani’s arrival at Baghdad international Airport.

That strike was well coordinated and precipitated by intel gathered by our intel services, in concert with other intel agencies in other parts of the world. While some of those other agencies have been named, some have not, and for the sake of national security, ours and theirs, I will not reveal the specifics of them.

A simple mazel tov will suffice.

That said, a lot has been said regarding the Soleimani strike by liberals in congress, their propaganda wing, the mainstream media, by liberal celebrities whose heads are firmly planted in their socialist collective fannies, and by Republicans.

Naturally, only the Republicans are getting it right, and that should come as no great surprise.

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Cancel Culture…The New Censorship

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Cancel culture.

It’s all the rage right now. Say something, do something, wear something, or be seen somewhere deemed inappropriate by faux liberal intellectual ilk, and you’re finished. You can lose your job, your business, your ability to appear at anything from a concert to your high school prom…and worse.

No proof needed, no evidence of wrong doing necessary.

All it takes is someone else’s pretend offense.

Cancel Culture…The New Censorship…it’s political correctness in steroids, and fascism run amok.

At the risk of offending anyone, real or pretend, your every word is now scrutinized, your every social media post is under the proverbial microscope, your manner of dress, your hair style, and your every interaction whether or not you believe those interactions to be jokes, or serious, is being held to a very high double standard by liberals.

If, on the off chance you happen to be a liberal…well, you pretty much get a free pass. Maybe a liberal here, or one there, will be punished, but by and large, and certainly if you are considered to be one of the liberal elite…you have little to worry about.

But God forbid you happen to be a Conservative…

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The Insanity at CNN Continues

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There are so many unknown things in our world, it’s nearly impossible to know where to start.

Why do whales beach themselves? Where do elephants go to die? How were the pyramids built? What happens to socks when they disappear in the dryer?

Why can’t Hillary just shut the hell up and go away?

There is a very long list of things we may never find the answers to, but there are some things we do know as fact, and one of those things is that…

Liberals are bat-crap crazy.

There is no end to the insanity from the left side of our political aisle, and seemingly no end to the lies the liberal mainstream media will tell to bolster that insanity.

Take CNN as a prime example…

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