Unconstitutional Fiscal Cliff Deals for Socialist Dummies

How will the new UNCONSTITUTIONAL fiscal cliff tax deal effect our economy?

I’ll get back to that but first…

Let me count the ways.

First of all, the new legislation sets the standard for “rich” at $400k for an individual or $450k for a family rather than the $250k originally desired by the Emperor.

This will leave some small business in the NON rich category but not ALL small businesses.

Those small businesses which exceed the “rich” limit will have some options available to them. They can simply put the breaks on any planned growth of their business which will be the case for those approaching the limit or, they can downsize if they are just barely OVER the limit.

What will be the MOST likely scenario will be businesses raising the cost of goods or services to compensate for their increased tax bill.

THAT, of course means, those who BUY those goods or services will have THEIR taxes raised by proxy.

Then there is the fact that EVERYBODY…not just the “rich” will see a tax increase.

That’s right…Part of the new fiscal cliff tax deal is that everybody…EVERYBODY will see their PAYROLL taxes go UP which means EVERYBODY will have LESS take home pay.

Nice huh?

All that talk from the Emperor during his campaign about making sure that the middle class would NOT have their taxes raised?

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We Have Officially Gone Over the Sanity Cliff

Maybe the Mayans were right and we’re all too apathetic to notice that the world really has come to an end.

We are no longer facing the fiscal cliff…We’ve officially gone over it, for now. Today, maybe tomorrow or perhaps later in the week, the House will attempt something only seen previously in cartoons…Hanging in mid-air, turning around and trying to run back to safety before gravity sets in.

Last night, the senate passed a sort of, almost, not really fix for the fiscal crisis in that it included no spending cuts, doesn’t deal at all with sequester and only raises taxes on those making $400k per year.

The house hasn’t voted yet, and they might not like it at all since they didn’t like it when the tax hikes hit those making a million or more.

Given the fact that congress has a single digit approval rating, they waited until AFTER the last minute to do anything on this fiscal cliff issue and the senate hasn’t passed a budget in 1400 days or so…

Naturally they all deserve a raise.


I mean, we’re now 16.4 TRILLION dollars in debt, taxes are going up, spending is NOT going down and Congress  is basically waiving the white flag so…Obama signs an executive order giving them all a raise.

That ONLY makes sense if the world actually HAS ended…Right?

$16.4 trillion dollars in debt…

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Weekend Edition: Obama Plan a Bridge to Socialism

As the “fiscal” cliff looms, there is another, perhaps more disastrous cliff of which congressional conservatives should be vary.

In Obama’s “plan” presented last week by tax cheat Timmy Geithner, are some just crazy ideas.

Obama, who ran on raising taxes by $800 billion dollars is NOW demanding $1.6 TRILLION in tax hikes.

If soaking the so-called rich, those who make $250,000.00 or more, many of them small business owners, was going to cause higher unemployment and a stalled economy, what then will soaking them for twice that amount do?

Faced with that sort of government theft, small business owners will NOT expand, will NOT invest, will NOT hire and WILL lay off employees to offset their losses.

In many, MANY cases, small businesses will ALSO raise their prices to consumers thus causing their customers to cut back on THEIR spending.

Combine the two and unemployment rises while the GDP falls.

Basically, the Obama “plan” calls for massive tax hikes and then leaves the spending cuts…dangling.

Obama says, give me the tax hikes NOW and we’ll talk about spending cuts…later…maybe.

Also included in his “plan” is another $50 billion dollar STIMULUS.

Why? Are there more green energy companies that have yet to go bankrupt?

Obama is acting like he has a mandate from 99% of the people to hike taxes in the 1% but, that simply is NOT true. He was “reelected” by a smaller margin than in his 2008 original election and, nearly half the people voted to send him packing.

In fact, the whole “tax the rich” and blow off the spending cuts “plan” only has the support of 11% of the people according to recent polls.

Gallop places the number of people who want “major cuts” to government SPENDING at 92% although, in Obama’s plan, we’ll discuss spending cuts sometime down the road…maybe.

NOT included in Obama’s goofy “plan” are any measures to stabilize Medicare or Social Security.



Zip, zilch zero.

Oddly, according to Gallop polls, 88% of the people WANT Obama to do something to save Medicare and Social Security.

It seems to me that 88% IS a mandate…92% IS a mandate but…11% is NOT.

So, let’s recap…

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Election 2012 – Don’t Tap Dance in the Mine Field

When it comes to this election, the most important election since 1860, far too many conservatives are asking the wrong questions or, I believe, taking the wrong stance.

It’s a problem born of far too many years and decades of complacency.

It’s exactly what liberals have been laying the groundwork for throughout those years and decades.

To avoid the trap, one must first realize there IS a trap, see the trap and then take the proper steps to avoid that trap.

As we are but 3 ½ months away from this election, the time is NOW to identify the trap and steer conservatives away from falling prey to it.

Conservatives…Put your bias aside and open your eyes. Open them WIDE and you too, will see through the darkness.

Here we go.

I hear and read far too many conservatives asking, regarding certain issues, “So…Who will do anything about it?” There are, of course, variations of this question. “Why won’t congress DO something?” “Congress KNOWS about this but they won’t DO anything about it.” “What good is it to point out what we all already know since nothing will be done about it?”

You get the idea.

Here’s the Deal…

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Today’s Obamacare Headlines Are GROSSLY Misleading

Yesterday, in the House, yet another vote to repeal Obamacare was held. It was the 33rd time such a vote was taken in the House since the passage of the bill nobody could know what was in until they passed it.

33 times in the house.

How many times has this been debated in the Senate?


That’s because Harry Reid, just as he’s done with 30 some odd jobs bills passed in the House and all the various budgets passed in the House…Refuses to allow them to see the light of day in the Senate.

Liberals and socialists love to tell you that it’s the republicans obstructing congress or doing nothing in congress but, they’re lying.


There will be a great many variations of the headlines but, essentially, they’ll be talking about republicans voting for repeal and getting nowhere doing it.

That, however, should NOT be the headline.

HERE’S what the headline SHOULD be:

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Obamacare IS a Fundamental Transformation Tax

Obamacare is THE largest TAX INCREASE, the most deceitfully CONTRIVED and UNSCRUPULOUSLY passed bill in American history!!!

As a law, Chief Justice Roberts was absolutely CORRECT in finding it CONSTITUTIONAL as a TAX law and THAT is as FAR as I believe he could possibly go in his ruling. The Supreme Court had no choice but to hear arguments and adjudicate upon the MERITS of the law itself and in that light, Chief Justice Roberts was 100% correct or…Was he?

Here’s a MAJOR problem though…According to the Anti Injunction Act from March 2nd, 1867…NO TAX LAW CAN BE ADJUDICATED UNTIL AFTER IT TAKES EFFECT and in the case of Obamacare, the Supreme Court should NOT have ruled on it in whole…AS A TAX LAW…until after 2018 but that would require yet ANOTHER round in 2 years at the High Court.

Now then, what neither he nor any of the Supreme Court could do, considering the nature of the action by which it was BROUGHT to the Highest Court, was adjudicate it upon the MANNER in which it was passed. I suggest that had THAT aspect been the focus of the case, the outcome may well have been QUITE different.

Roberts and the Court found it to be a TAX law and CONSTITUTIONAL because it’s a TAX law.

Oh…Obama TOLD us it WASN’T a tax and that nobody in the middle class would see THEIR taxes go up…”Not one single dime.” But…And I know this will come as a GREAT shock…Obama was lying. He wasn’t misspoken. He wasn’t misquoted. He wasn’t taken out of context. He wasn’t misunderstood or any of the rest of the lame excuses so often used by politicians.

It’s NOT conservative spin, right wing propaganda, parsing of words, misrepresentation by the right, racist, scare tactics or any of the other things the liberal/socialists are want to use as dismissive talking points or labels either.

Obama was flat out, bald faced, down and dirty, through is teeth, without blinking an eye and without a second thought…


And one can EASILY believe he was LYING because HE, and a handful of others, KNEW that the ONLY way to obtain passage of Obamacare, was to proceed Unconstitutionally and WITHOUT a SHRED of ethics nor rules adhered to.

Here is how it went down and WHY it SHOULD be regarded as UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

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From WHERE did the Obamacare TAX Come…EXACTLY??

Well…He tried, didn’t he?

The EMPEROR tried and tried and TRIED to convince us all that Obamacare was NOT a tax.

He said it and said it.

The EMPEROR told us it wasn’t a tax and he told us and TOLD us that under Obamacare…NOBODY would be taxed a SINGLE DIME.

The EMPEROR started telling us that the day he started the process and he KEPT telling us that it was not a tax right up to the very day his Solicitor General made the argument before the Supreme Court that…oh yes…It WAS a tax.

Then, last Thursday, in their ruling, The Supreme Court and the deciding Justice who wrote the opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts, made sure that we all knew, once and for all, that…

Obamacare IS a TAX and the only reason it is Constitutional is BECAUSE it’s a TAX.

So much for the high fives in the oval office.


“DOH…IT’S A TAX!!!!!”

According to the tweet of DNC Executive Director, Patrick Gaspard…

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Calling Allen West…It’s Time for Real Leadership

It’s time for a change. A leadership change. Yes, I know there are still 10 months to go before the election of 2012 but seriously…Do we have any time to waste? Can we afford to just ride it out?


We must act and act now.

We have a true leadership vacuum and we need to make things right.

I am NOT talking about Obama or the White House here – though there is a pronounced lack of leadership there, too.

I’m talking about something more immediate.

John Boehner must be replaced and soon.

Very soon.

After the House Members went their way just days before Christmas, John Boehner initiated a conference call to inform the Members that the House would approve, unanimously, a 2-month extension of the payroll tax breaks.

2 months?

Really??? How exactly are businesses supposed to plan if they have to do it only 2 months at a time?

How are families supposed to plan on a 2 month system?

How exactly does a 2 month extension boost a sluggish economy or solve any economic issue?

It doesn’t.

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