Call it what you will.
The Obama Doctrine.
Agenda 21.
New World Order.
Theater of the Absurd.
The name assigned to it really no longer matters. The actions speak for themselves.
Just 2 days ago, John Kerry signed the U.N. Small Arms Treaty. Yes, he did, He signed it and rather than ink dripping from his pen, it was hypocrisy.
The document signed by Kerry is in direct opposition to a document signed just a week ago by his Dictator boss. THAT document, by executive order, cleared the way for Obama to supply arms to al Qaeda.
Obama gave arms to Mexican drug cartels in Fast and Furious.
He supplied arms to al Qaeda in Libya.
He gifted weapons both large and small to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now, he has absolved himself, as Dictators are always want to do, from any breach of law, so that he can supply weapons to al Qaeda in Syria.
Think about it for a moment…