Liberal Gun Policies Just Killed 12 More People

In the wake of yesterday’s horrific events in Washington DC, we have learned one thing.

We have learned that liberals haven’t learned one damn thing.

What happened on November 5th, 2009 at Ft. Hood happened again yesterday at the Navy Yard in our Nation’s  Capitol.

Before the shooter was dead and before the smell of gun powder had cleared from Building 197, liberals, those elected, those who sell socialist snake oil via the MSM and celebrities who think they are so important that they MUST open THEIR pie holes were once again, beating the GUN CONTROL war drums.

They need to shut the hell up.

I have a couple of questions to pose to those knot-heads.

WHY do they think Hasan opened fire at Ft. Hood?

WHY do they think that freak opened fire at Sandy Hook?

WHY do they think Aaron Alexis opened fire yesterday at the DC Navy Yard?

I’ll happily tell them why…

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Weekend Edition: The Root Cause of Gun Violence

Liberals, liberal politicians, liberal media and liberal talking heads would like you to believe that a “gun culture” in our country is responsible for gun violence and that, if guns were outlawed, that source of violence would simply disappear.

This is, perhaps, one of the most idiotic beliefs in a boat load of idiotic beliefs held by liberals.

“If guns weren’t sold, gun violence would not be a problem” is what they want you to believe. The GOVERNMENT…Banning guns is their solution to the problem.

At the same time, liberals will go to great lengths to tell you that our prisons are overcrowded because we keep putting drug users, who pose no “real” threat to society, behind bars and we must let them out.

The last time I checked, one cannot buy meth or cocaine, or any number of illegal or, “banned” narcotics in stores .

The drugs being used that send their users to prison have been banned and yet, the users still get them just as those bent on using guns for violence would get then should THEY be banned but liberal logic can’t be bothered with facts or common sense.

Liberals will tell you that should abortions be banned, people will simply get them from unreliable sources in back alleys.

Where, exactly, do they think people will get guns should guns be banned?

Chicago has the strictest gun bans in the nation and their gun murder rate is the HIGHEST in the nation but, liberals will tell you that one city doesn’t mean squat in the grand scheme of things.

I give you…

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NY Starts Burning the Constitution TODAY!!

Well…Apparently I am an “extreme fringe conservative” and I suspect I am not alone. In fact, I KNOW I’m not alone.

I’m in good company.

Our founders and framers started the club so I am far from being a charter Member.

James Madison, “extremist” that HE was penned the Bill of Rights but, what was WRITTEN by Madison, presented to the 1st United States Congress and adopted by the House in 1789 and then ratified by a vote of 2/3 of the states in 1791 was actually endowed us by the Creator.

God then is also an “extreme fringe conservative.”

That is the term now being used by New York Governor Andrew Cumo in referring to those who believe as the founders and framers that the government has no business whatsoever, regulating guns.

Oh…That pesky 2nd Amendment.

STARTING TODAY, TAX DAY or as I like to call it…GOVERNMENT MANDATED ROBBERY DAY…New York will limit the number of bullets in an ammo magazine and reclassify a number of guns as “assault” weapons.

Those who OWN such newly reclassified weapons are now required, by law, to register them.

Uh huh.

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Molesters and Murderers Welcome in Colorado!!


You know who you are.

Those with evil in their hearts, a lack of respect for life, those devoid of conscience and so easily offended by a sideways glance that you believe the glancer’s life should be ended.


The welcome mat is about to be rolled out for YOU!!!!

It seems that the mind-numbed socialists of the Rocky Mountain High as a Kite state are delusional enough to believe a new law or two will stop you.

Yesterday, some nut, “claiming” to be a Republican stated that HE wants these new Colorado gun bans passed and he wants them passed NOW!!!

According to the foothills fool, if the new gun bans are NOT passed…

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Weekend Edition: Gun Appreciation Day

Today is Gun Appreciation Day.

January 19th, 2013.

It’s not making those on the left…Liberals…Socialists…Very happy.



The 2nd Amendment.

These are things greatly demonized by the left.

It’s time to put things in the proper perspective.

Those on the left aren’t going to like this much either.

I don’t care.

How many times have we already heard that the 2nd Amendment no longer applies because our founders never could have seen the advancement of weapons we have today?

The 2nd Amendment is irrelevant those on the left are quick to tell us and, they claim, it should be altered at the very least or, done away with completely.

Why? Because of assault “rifles” and high capacity clips?

Proper perspective…Remember?

At the time the 2nd Amendment was conceived and written…Muskets were the assault weapons of the day. Not many who were hit with a musket ball survived. Not in one piece anyway. It wasn’t terribly accurate and it’s range was limited but, it packed a deadly outcome.

There were less effective weapons. Knives, axes, clubs, pistols…

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Weekend Edition: It’s NOT Less Guns It’s MORE God

I would like to express that my thoughts and prayers, along with those of properly thinking Americans were, from the moment we heard of this tragedy and, continue to be with the children, parents, families and teachers who were affected by this terrible event.

None of us can imagine your pain or fathom your loss.

Words are of little, if any comfort.

The prayers of millions are reaching God and we ask that He hold and keep you close.

Faith is the thread which binds us as one and through faith, we offer support.

Regretfully, there are those who seek another purpose from your tragedy but their words, actions and intentions are as shallow as a contact lens.

If your solution to the evil which manifested itself in a small Connecticut town is to make it harder or impossible for law abiding citizens to own guns…You may well be a liberal but you are most clearly…An idiot.

CNN, Newsweek and The Daily Beast’s David Frum, moments after a school shooting in Newtown CT, flashed a tweet stating:

To this magnanimous horses ass, David Frum, this shooting was political and the fault of a gun or guns. In fact, it was neither and he knows it. For Frum and others of his slimy ilk, this was nothing more than the latest opportunity to attempt the advancement of an ideological agenda.

Frum was not alone.

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