More Gun Control? Shut The Hell Up!!!

Okay socialists…The topic is gun control.

You want to have that conversation???

Okay we’ll HAVE that conversation.

I’ll start.


As I rather doubt you will take that advice, I’ll continue.

No…We’re NOT giving up our guns OR our 2nd Amendment rights. It’s not gonna happen.

Hollywood socialists…YOU seemed MORE than giddy as YOU tweeted YOUR demands for more and more gun control in the wake of what happened last Friday in a small Connecticut town.


YOU want more gun control???

YOU make BILLIONS of dollars every year off of movies that make GUNS look WAY TOO COOL. The way you hold them sideways…probably couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn doing that but…THAT’S the way all the GANG BANGERS hold THEIR guns today…ISN’T IT???

You Hollywood sorts like to show the bullets in super slow motion. Why? SO PEOPLE CAN OOOO AND AHHH OVER THEM AS THEY HEAD FOR THEIR INTENDED HUMAN TARGETS!!! That’s why.

I’m willing to bet, without guns…Hollywood’s income would have been less than 25% of what it has been, over the history of movies WITH THEM.

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Weekend Edition: It’s NOT Less Guns It’s MORE God

I would like to express that my thoughts and prayers, along with those of properly thinking Americans were, from the moment we heard of this tragedy and, continue to be with the children, parents, families and teachers who were affected by this terrible event.

None of us can imagine your pain or fathom your loss.

Words are of little, if any comfort.

The prayers of millions are reaching God and we ask that He hold and keep you close.

Faith is the thread which binds us as one and through faith, we offer support.

Regretfully, there are those who seek another purpose from your tragedy but their words, actions and intentions are as shallow as a contact lens.

If your solution to the evil which manifested itself in a small Connecticut town is to make it harder or impossible for law abiding citizens to own guns…You may well be a liberal but you are most clearly…An idiot.

CNN, Newsweek and The Daily Beast’s David Frum, moments after a school shooting in Newtown CT, flashed a tweet stating:

To this magnanimous horses ass, David Frum, this shooting was political and the fault of a gun or guns. In fact, it was neither and he knows it. For Frum and others of his slimy ilk, this was nothing more than the latest opportunity to attempt the advancement of an ideological agenda.

Frum was not alone.

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Costas, Belcher and Vapid Hipocrisy

We all knew it was coming didn’t we?

Another high profile murder.

More calls for gun control.

It’s that damned 2nd Amendment isn’t it?

If ONLY there weren’t guns. No guns…no more murders.

That is what socialists WANT you to believe. They are DESPERATE to find a way to make you believe that or, rather, to make just barely enough Americans believe it to wipe out the 2nd Amendment.

So desperate that they will latch onto ANY situation to push their agenda.

Saturday, Jovan Belcher killed his girlfriend and then, drove to the KC Chiefs practice facility, thanked his coaches for all they had done for him and, in front of them, shot and killed himself.

Sunday, during halftime, Bob Costas pushed for gun control.

It was expected…

It was inane…

Costas was so unprepared to make his OWN comments that he had to read from an op-ed written by a former football player.

Have a listen…

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Friday Fume

So…We’re a month and a day away from the election and, just as we promised, liberal/socialists are coming more unhinged by the HOUR.

They are feeling the effects of their grip on power slipping and sliding and they’re going moonbat CRAZY!!!

The toughest part of writing the FUME is not FINDING the lunacy but, NARROWING IT DOWN for publication week by week.

The loony bin’s cup runneth over.

Well, grab onto something bolted down tighter than an American Airline’s seat and HANG ON…Here we go!!!

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

So…In Rahm Emmanuel’s Chicago…They’re now asking for ideas on HOW  TO CUT DOWN ON GUN CRIMES!!!




Isn’t it amazing how liberal/socialists think their plans are spot-on perfect…until they run into…REALITY????

Kinda makes ya wonder when they’re gonna come to the realization that SOCIALISM ITSELF DOESN’T WORK???

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Friday Fume

Well, here we are…At the end of another week and the beginning of our 2nd year at The National Patriot!!!

Liberals really are the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to absolute stupidity…Aren’t they?

Just when you think they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel…You discover that the barrel has a BASEMENT and a MINE SHAFT under THAT!!!

Why they keep thinking they have to give the SHAFT to the rest of us is quite beyond comprehension but…THEY DO PERSIST…

AND SO DO I!!!!!

My friends…It’s Friday and, you guessed it…

I’m fuming.

Oh, for GOD’S sake!!!

Liberal/socialists are having a COW over Chick-Fil-A!!!!!!

Liberal/socialists and some in the gay community have now labeled Chick-Fil-A as…ANTI GAY!!!

As usual…the libs are LEAPING to FALSE conclusions.

Here’s what Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy said when he was questioned about donating money to a group that advocates against redefining marriage:

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On the Brink of the Socialist Abyss

Just one week shy of the proposed signing of a “treaty” with the United Nations which would cede our 2nd Amendment rights to foreign countries like Iran, we had a mass killing in Aurora Colorado.

The rebuke by liberals was easy to predict.

It’s the guns they tell us. It’s the bullets.

We need stricter gun laws. We need gun bans. We need to restrict gun sales.

Oh the list of predictable responses by the liberal/socialists just never ends.

Then, along comes Mayor Bloomberg.

“I don’t understand why police officers across this country don’t stand up, collectively, and say, ‘We’re going to go on strike. We’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe.”

Well, I have something to say to Bloomberg and I’ll say it, wringing every ounce of respect out of myself that he deserves.

Bloomberg…You are a socialist and an absolute idiot!!!!!

The IDEA of having cops go on strike until GUN CONTROL is in effect is as stupid  an idea as I have ever heard.

It’s downright un-American. It’s socialist in nature and it PALES in comparison to what’s about to happen.

I’m going to explain the history of this nation in terms that most people would never consider…

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Brainwashing Youth IS the Liberal/Socialist Way

Liberals are resentful of nearly everything our framers did and stood for, but, in the grand scheme of things, one thing stands out beyond all the rest.

The 2nd Amendment.

Our framers understood the greatest danger to the republic would come from within, and, therefore, they made certain that we, as citizens, have the right to arm ourselves.

Yes, it is so that we might protect our property and our lives; and yes, part of the reason for it back then was the fact that help in any official capacity was, in many cases, at best, hours away if not days. Yes, that is part of it.

The bigger part of it was the founders provision to arm the citizens against their own government.

This is what liberal/socialists are not just resentful of, but fear.

The 2nd Amendment is what really stands between a government take-over and a free republic.

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We Called it and the Liberals Left Has Delivered!

Almost as if on cue. just a few days after writing and posting “Another School Shooting and the Liberal Double Standard,” a story comes across the wires which is so predictable, it’s frightening.

If you haven’t read that article you should before finishing this one.

Have we heard a word, a single word from the liberal left regarding the candlelight vigils and prayer meetings for students of Chardon in the wake of that horrible school shooting earlier this week?


Not even a whisper.

Had these same students held prayers BEFORE the tragic event which has now claimed the lives of 3 students, we would have had liberals, their mouthpieces and the ACLU coming unhinged; but, in response to the shooting, no way.

Let me be clear, they, the liberal left and their mouthpieces, SHOULD keep their yaps shut.

They should also shut up if a school wants to have a prayer at a graduation or if a student prays at the lunch table or if a student athlete Tebows on the sideline.

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Liberals VS the Second Amendment

By Craig Andresen on March 6, 2011

Seemingly, it happens whenever there is a high profile event with dire consequences. It has happened before and it WILL happen again. Someone unhinged goes off and starts shooting. People get hurt, people die. It happens, somewhere, every day but only when it happens in a high profile situation do the liberals/socialists come out step up and proclaim they have the only sensible answer to future acts of madness. Continue reading