Standing on the Right Principles More Important than Ever

Yesterday, I wrote the inauguration speech I believe we must hear and inserted Mitt Romney’s name into it. The reaction was pretty much exactly what I expected and, over the last several months, predicted.

I have been referred to as a Nazi, a turncoat and a piece of shit. I have been accused of abandoning my principles, becoming a RINO, buying into the media bullshit and goose stepping.

This is because I, back on October 21st, endorsed Newt Gingrich and have, since that time, promoted his candidacy.

Let me make this really, really clear. Newt Gingrich is my personal choice and who I personally believe would be the best choice in 2012.

I am also a realist.

Doing the math, the chance of Newt winning the nomination is nearly impossible. He is simply too far behind at this point in the delegate count, he’s out of money, he has reduced his staff and he has all but conceded saying he will stay in until the end to garner as many delegates as possible to have some sway in the convention agenda. This doesn’t mean I don’t WANT him to win…It just means I can’t see a clear path to that end through the math of it all.

So…By writing an inauguration address for Mitt Romney have I abandoned my principles? Am I a turncoat? A Nazi or any of the other things I have now been accused of?

Allow me to provide some insight into MY principles.

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