The Rain Forest, the Recount and Reality

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It seems hard to believe, in this day and age, that there are places where people live that are so remote, so isolated that those people have never had contact with the outside yano-1world.

But such is exactly the case with a small band, about 100 people, who live in a village in Brazilian Amazon, near the border with Venezuela.

They are the Yanomami…an indigenous people to the region.

These are people who have never seen a telephone, much less heard of a cell phone. They have never seen a television and therefore, have never heard of the Kardashians.

Lucky for them.

The Yano have never eaten food from a can. Never seen sliced bread. Have no idea what a car is. Never seen a computer, locked a door, opened a window or went to a store.

The Yano have spent their entire lives, over thousands of years, cut off from the rest of the world in 100% total isolation.

And yet…

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Trump’s “John Miller” Con…Exposed

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Back in 1991, Donald J. Trump was giving interviews to magazines and newspapers. That miller 1in and of itself, is not surprising. But he was giving those interviews, not as Donald J. Trump…but as Donald Trump’s PR spokesman…John Miller.

In fact, in a court case in 1990, Trump admitted, under oath, that he sometimes posed as John Miller or John Baron…concocted PR representatives for himself.

Add to that, the fact that Trump, as Miller, once gave an interview to People magazine where he said some rather off-the-cuff things regarding Marla Maples and Carla Bruni. The reporter, suspecting that she had, in fact, been talking to Trump himself, played that recorded interview FOR Maples and she IDENTIFIED the voice on the tape AS Donald Trump.

Now, fast forward 25 years, to just a day or two ago, when in a telephone interview on the Today Show, when confronted with the leaked tape of the Miller interview…Trump claimed it WASN’T him and he didn’t even know a thing ABOUT this John Miller thing.

“No, I don’t think it — I don’t know anything about it. You’re telling me about it for the first time and it doesn’t sound like my voice at all. I have many, many people that are trying to imitate my voice and then you can imagine that, and this sounds like one of the scams, one of the many scams — doesn’t sound like me.”

Trump then continued…

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The Fraud Behind the Curtain

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

dd 1It seems that the dumbing down of America, via decades of liberalism through government indoctrination centers otherwise known as public schools as well as asylums of higher indoctrination, also known as colleges and universities is nearly complete.

No greater evidence of this can be seen than in the results of Super Tuesday voting.

Donald Trump, with the highest disapproval ratings in history, continues to win primaries. The question is…why?

Here’s the answer…

Trump voters simply don’t give a damn about the issues and they don’t give a flying rat’s ass about Trump’s complete, total lack of substance or lack of any articulated plan to accomplish any of the myriad of things he says he’s going to do should he become the president.

Trump voters also don’t give a crap regarding the fact that poll, after poll, after poll shows him losing in November to whoever happens to become the liberal/socialist nominee.

To Trump’s Trump-drunk, low information voters…absolutely none of what should matter…matters at all and don’t blame me for calling his voters “low information voters because those are exactly the sort of voters Trump himself is reaching out to in this election.

Here’s what he said…

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Trump – Clinging to Liberalism Like a Dingleberry

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

ass 1With Thursday night’s debate in Houston Texas, Donald Trump made one thing absolutely crystal clear…that he’s a thin-skinned, inflamed egress on the southbound end of a northbound baboon.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio seemed to have taken the advice I set forth earlier in the week, and for the most part, put their petty differences with one another aside and went after Donald Trump to exposed him as the liberal/progressive agenda backing anything but a Conservative candidate that he is.

Throughout the entire debate, Trump steadfastly refuse to provide a single direct answer to a myriad of direct questions and once again, failed to provide a single element of substance to support any single campaign promise he’s made.

Not only that, but mister anti-illegal alien was finally outed, for the world to see, as having hired illegal aliens during the building of Trump Tower and for having had been fined a million dollars by a court for doing so.

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Sour Grapes, False Accusations and Dubious Endorsements

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

vote 1Well NOW, let’s take a few moments here to get a clear picture of the campaign for 2016…a snapshot…a moment in time, frozen so as to really take stock of the current situation.

Shall we?

Dr. Ben Carson is whining, Donald Trump is threatening law suits, Sanders is blubbering that Clinton isn’t enough of a socialist to deserve the liberal/socialist nomination, Clinton is doing her level best to ignore the mountains of evidence that will lead to her indictment, several candidates have dropped out of the race, others that should…haven’t and Jeb Bush’s donors…many of them…want their money back.

I’ve been to a three ring circus before and while this whole thing does bear some resemblance, I believe it comes closer to being a three ring FREAK show.

First of all…Dr. Ben Carson. Before the Ted Cruz campaign sent out an email, reporting exactly what had been delivered via CNN, you were polling in fourth place at 9% of the Iowa vote. WHILE that false report was out there…you were polling at 9% of the Iowa vote and AFTER it had been retracted but while the Cruz camp was still asking your supporters to caucus with Cruz…you FINISHED the night with 9.31% of the vote.

Please explain for everyone exactly how devastating the Cruz camp email was to your final tally.

Then there’s Donald Trump who is threatening to sue anybody he thinks is responsible for his second place finish in Iowa. He claims he’s going to sue Cruz because of the caucus night email. He’s going to sue Cruz for the prior week’s mailer. He’s going to sue Cruz for being born. Hell…I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he threatens to sue Cruz because the rhyming campaign slogan…”Choose Cruz” comes across more positive than the rhyming slogan…”Dump Trump” does.

And now..

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Spokane NAACP President Going Incognegro

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

whi 1Have you seen the creepy-ass cracker in Spokane who is heading up the local chapter of the NAACP? I would just shake my head if it wasn’t par for the liberal course.

First…we had Elizabeth Warren pretending to be an American Indian…a Cherokee I believe it was, when in fact, the closest she has ever come is riding in a JEEP Cherokee.

Then…there’s Bruce Jenner who says HE’S a woman…people are tripping all over themselves to refer to him as SHE and ESPN is giving HIM an award for courage of all things. Look…I can PROVE that HE is not a SHE and I don’t even need a scientific genetic profile to do it…

Were HE…a SHE…than why has HIS speaker fee gone UP by 400% rather than DOWN to 78% of what it used to be before he went out and bought some boobs?

Next up on the down side…

Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and John Boehner ALL say that THEY are…

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Here’s Your Hat…Take a Hike!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

hat 1After Tuesday night’s election results handed the asshat occupying the oval office his ass AND his hat…somebody, some reporter, was bound to ask THE question…and leave it to the New York Times lapdogs to have an inside source there to ask it.

How does the Dictator feel after a second coat of shellac?

According to that reporter…

Obama is “IRRITATED” with the outcome of the election but…“He doesn’t feel repudiated.”

I guarantee you that had the liberals and socialists held the senate, had they held the governorships of several key states including Illinoisistan, the ninny would have claimed vindication so clearly, perhaps more clearly now than ever before, he is delusional…unable to recognize reality…and therefore, unfit to further occupy the office.

“He doesn’t feel repudiated???”

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Nobody Left to Blame Part 2 of 2

plod 1Yesterday, at the end of my article, “Nobody Left to Blame – Part 1 of 2” I said…”With but 2 weeks to go before November 4th, there are only two ways we can lose.”

“Voter fraud perpetrated by liberals or…our own self- implosion.”

Let’s take those one at a time.

First…voter fraud.

Ask a liberal, elected or on the street and they’ll tell you that voter fraud doesn’t exist and when confronted with the proof of it, they STILL claim it doesn’t exist.

There is a reason liberals don’t want voter ID laws as such overbearing laws would force voters to provide a photo ID in order to cast their votes. Oh, the humanity.

ID is required for just about everything from doing business at your bank to buying things like beer and tobacco. Try boarding a plane without a photo ID or buying nail polish at the CVS. You can do neither yet, according to everyone from Obama to the contemptuous Eric Holder, minorities are at a disadvantage where photo ID’s are concerned. They just can’t seem, for unknown and unexplained reasons, obtain a photo ID.


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Midterm 2014 REAL Issues Spotlight – The Border

ISS 1We are now just two short months away from an election which will set the course for the next two years. Midterm elections historically have much lower voter turnout than do general elections and that is exactly why, in this particular election, we need to come out to the polls.

Numbers are everything.

If your chosen candidate didn’t win his or her primary…get over it and vote for whoever is on the ballot with an “R” behind their name. It may be a RINO, an establishment GOP candidate or someone with whom you don’t agree 50% of the time but believe me, we can hold them accountable much more easily than we can a liberal.

Today, in a nutshell, we’ll be looking at yet another of the REAL issues upon which we MUST focus if we have any hope whatsoever of starting to turn this ship around…

The border and our national security.

Right now…not because of any social issue…not because of any particular religious affiliation…we have neither a southern border not national security because of it.

It is directly because of the policies of the current LIBERAL regime and the liberal ideology…

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