As the polls start to shift, the liberal LOONS are getting twitchier by the minute!!!
They’re seeing their grip on power slip faster t than their GRIP ON SANITY!!!
In desperation, they are grasping the thinnest of threads as they dangle over the abyss and knowing they are about to take the plunge…they seem more and more bent on trying to take us all with them!!!
But guess what?
We’ve GOT all our marbles and we believe in our values…AMERICAN VALUES and unlike the liberal lemmings…WE WILL NOT GO WILLINGLY OVER THE CLIFF!!!
My friends and fellow Patriots…Today is Friday and…
I’m fuming.
For GOD’s sake…
The Freedom From Religion Foundation dipsticks are at it again.
This time, all the way from Wisconsin, they are trying to force an investigation into a GEORGIA high school because the football coach ALLOWED LOCAL CHURCHES TO PREPARE PRE-GAME MEALS FOR THE TEAM!!!
HEAVEN forbid…