Friday Fume

Okay…So I missed writing the Fume last week. I knew you could Fume on for ONE Friday without me.

THIS week, however, is a different egg altogether and as eggs go…LIBERALS AND SOCIALISTS ARE…


No quick hitters this week…We’re diving right in so…HANG ON…

Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

THIS guy just HAS to be an Obama voter and once you read through this, you’ll most likely agree, HE’S ONE SICK PUPPY!!!

Lucky but…SICK!!!

Here’s what happened.

Police in Tampa Florida were called out to the home of one, 57 year old Bernard Marsonek last Tuesday where they were, according TO the police, “GREETED” by a small crowd of this moron’s neighbors.

The cops found Marsonek inside his home and, upon running him through their “BAD BOY’S” DATABASE…They discovered the…um…’excited’ miscreant to be a FELON.

After a little looking about…Tampa police found, in his home…A GUN!!!

Now one would think the 2…Being a FELON in possession of a GUN…would have been enough to slap the cuffs on ol’ Bernie but…

That was NOT what he was arrested for.

Oh no…

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NY Governor Wants to Maintain the Statist Cuomo

New York, it seems, is trying to out Massachusetts…Massachusetts when it comes to being the nation’s right coast mecca for lefties.

San Fran Freak Show has it all sewn up on the left coast much to the dismay of Seattle.

Last week, the liberal/socialist governor of New York who, no doubt, has been feeling the strain of being considered the SECOND most liberal idiot in his state since the arrival of Mayor De Bla, bla bla…Was talking about conservatives when he came right out and said it.

“Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

What’s a matta Coumo???

Is the stink of liberalism, the impending collapse of big government ideology and, the fact that facts keep showing the Tea Party to be right, starting to get to you?

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Friday Fume

Can you believe we made it through another WHOLE week of this socialist crap?

ME EITHER…But we did and we’re thankful for it.

Nancy Pelosi wants to have a “CONVERSATION” on RACE and JUSTICE when she’s at home next week. I’ll bet the mild mannered folk across the bay in OAKLAND ain’t gonna be jiggy wit it though.

The socialists in congress say that the IRS needs an additional $12 BILLION dollars next year because…APPARENTLY…IT’S GONNA COST MORE TO LEAK ALL OUR MEDICAL INFO THAN IT DID TO POST 110,000 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS!!!

And…The thugs, thieves and despots at the United Nations have decided that November 19th, 2013 be…INTERNATIONAL TOILET DAY!!!!!

I say we send em OBAMA for the FIRST CEREMONIAL FLUSHING!!!!!!!

If you can’t tell, it’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

What have we here???

“An analysis of one textbook cannot provide a balanced understanding as to what the students in Brevard Public Schools are learning throughout their academic careers.”

Those are the words of Brevard County Schools spokeswoman, Michelle Irwin, as she defended…DEFENDED a Prentice Hall World History textbook being used by 9th graders that contains…

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Socialism – The Mental Disorder Explained

Socialism is a disease. It’s a mental affliction and it causes those infected with it to lose their minds.

It’s also contagious.

As the disease afflicts liberals, its progressive nature turns them into socialists.

It starts in childhood unless inoculated against and is fostered through the government school system where it becomes an epidemic.

Many, already infected in THEIR youth become carriers, spreading the disorder to others.

Symptoms are visible and include the eating of bean sprouts, the wearing of Birkenstocks even during winter, extremely short hair cuts on women and long hair on men, a constant and improvable belief in global warming,

Perhaps the MOST notable signature symptom of SMD (Socialist Mental Disorder) is the uncontrollable proclivity to blame others for your own ideology’s behavior.

A case study can be made with Ed Schultz.

Just a couple of nights ago, Schultz, host of a barely seen MSNBC propaganda show, made a rather odd statement.

He blames Detroit’s financial demise on…

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Zimmerman’s Best Defense for Self-Defense is The Prosecution

Yesterday, the prosecution in the Zimmerman trial showed the jury a recorded interview with George Zimmernam from the police department about an hour or so after the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

It was astounding for several reasons.

Zimmerman, the man who had called the cops and identified himself in the minutes BEFORE the shooting was giving HIS side of the story. He told the police in that 1st interview that Trayvon Martin was on top of HIM, beating him and HE…ZIMMERMAN…Was calling out for help.

At the time of the interview, Zimmerman was NOT lawyered up and now that THAT interview along with the video of a still UNREPRESENTED George Zimmerman, with bandages on the back of his head, walking a police detective through the scene the next day have been shown to the jury…Zimmerman has given that jury HIS side of the events of the night of February 26th, 2012 and he can NOT be cross examined by the prosecution on either of those statements.

As we continue to watch and to an extent, be distracted by the George Zimmerman case, perhaps we should look at it from another angle.

What is happening, day by day in that Florida courtroom, is startling to say the least.

I am not an attorney nor do I claim to play one in the blogosphere but…

Good grief.

One need not BE an attorney to express disbelief at the proceedings.

One by one…The PROSECUTION brings to the witness stand cops, witnesses, experts and the like and…

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Friday Fume

So…This week we’re found that Hillary’s NAME is on the documents DENYING stepped up security in Benghazi…There are those in congress trying to EXEMPT congress from OBAMACARE…And FINALLY…Some in congress are starting to question the 1.6 BILLION ROUNDS OF AMMO purchased by the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND INSECURITY!!!

All of that just scratches the surface of this week’s socialist bottom of the barrel behavior.

Take heart my friends and fellow Patriots…Because today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, if THIS isn’t the height of HYPOCRISY…I don’t know what is.

Our friends at WSAV channel 3 in Florida tell us that the Marion County School Board, after a 3 year BAN…

Have now brought PADDLING back as a form of punishment for their students!!!

Don’t get me wrong…

Some of those little indoctrinated brats NEED it. Hell…TASE em for all I care but…Here’s what I find…HYPOCRITICAL…

Chew your Pop Tart into the shape of a gun…YOU’RE SUSPENDED!!!

Bring a spork with your lunch…YOU’RE OUTTA HERE!!!


But there it is…Hanging on the wall in the principal’s office and…If you get caught doing something like, oh…I don’t know…PRAYING…

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Friday Fume

The Mayans had NOTHING on the DICTATOR when it comes to the end of the world predictions huh?

The SKY is falling, we won’t be able to land PLANES…The cops won’t be there after you need them, teachers won’t be able to indoctrinate your kids…

Joe Biden says “Buy a SHOTGUN…BUY A SHOTGUN!!!” Just take it out on the balcony, like he has instructed HIS WIFE to do and FIRE A COUPLE OF ROUNDS INTO THE AIR!!!

Ummm…Not only would you then be OUT OF AMMO and have to RELOAD while the BAD GUYS ARE COMING FOR YOU but…


In case you haven’t noticed…YOU’RE not safe…YOUR FAMILY is not safe…EVEN YOUR PETS AREN’T SAFE from the MORONS running amok in this country but…

Before we all go screaming into the night we could use a laugh couldn’t we?

It’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Oh My GOD!!!!!!

From the “Lucky He Wasn’t NEUTERED in The Act” Files…..

ILLEGAL ALIEN, Tomas Bautista, a 40 YEAR OLD…Has Been ARRESTED in Broward County for…

Oh geez…

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Defining Fundamental Transformation

Let me see if I have all this straight.

Over an 16 month time span, there were 234 terrorist attacks in Libya…48 in Benghazi…2 attempts on the life of the British Ambassador,…The British and the Red Cross pull OUT of Benghazi…OUR Consulate in Benghazi was attacked twice…Our security people in Libya sent a dozen or so pleas for MORE security and WARNED of the growing threat from terrorist factions linked to al Qaeda…Our Ambassador sent messages to the State Department warning of those threats and alerting those in charge to the fact that the LIBYANS there to protect us were casing the joint and…

Nobody did a damn thing about ANY of it other than to DECREASE security in Benghazi.

We have 4 Americans killed in Benghazi due to a terrorist attack and while it was watched live in real-time at out State Department and in the white house situation room…Nobody was sent to help…any who were in a position to help were ordered to stand down, those who defied those orders were either killed in Benghazi or removed from their commands and…

Nobody but NOBODY is responsible.

Do I have that about right???

It’s now been nearly 2 weeks since Hurricane Sandy slammed the east coast and just a couple of days shy of 2 weeks since the Emperor graced New Jersey with his presence.

While mingling with the serfs, the Emperor heap praise upon FEMA and the FEMA director for the fine job they were doing but…

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Weekend Edition: Allen West – No Surrender

The election is over.

It’s done and the winners have been announced.


It’s not over. Not yet. Not in the state of Florida. There, the election continues but, not in the way it most certainly should.

It’s disgraceful.

Congressman Allen West waits.

In fact, Congressman West demanded a recount after it was announced that he had lost his bid for reelection. The margin of his loss was greater than the number which would trigger an automatic recount and a West Palm Beach Florida Judge, David Crow, denied a motion from West’s attorneys to impound ballots and voting machines from CD 18 and West’s “apparent” narrow loss to Patrick Murphy.

Why a motion to impound the voting machines and ballots?

The answer is both simple and staggering.

There are thousands of votes yet to be counted in Florida’s Congressional District 18. That’s Congressman West’s district.

8,000 or so votes yet to count.

Those uncounted votes belong to a very important group of voters.

Those are absentee ballots, cast by our military and they sit, in boxes, not being counted.

This is beyond disgusting. This is beyond absurd.

It’s a travesty of the process upon which this country was founded.

The travesty goes even deeper though.

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Holder Perpetrating Voter Fraud in Florida

“We have an obligation to make sure the voter rolls are accurate and we are going to continue forward and do everything that we can legally do to make sure than ineligible voters cannot vote. We are firmly committed to doing the right thing and preventing ineligible voters from being able to cast a ballot. We are not going to give up our efforts to make sure the voter rolls are accurate.”

That is the message from the Florida Attorney General’s office regarding Eric Holders desperate demand that the state cease and desist in purging voter rolls of illegal aliens  who are registered to vote illegally.

Florida has had quite enough and one can see fit to they are not alone in that sentiment.

Where exactly does this leave Holder? In a not so enviable position really.

Section 5 is the basis for his argument but, it’s a long shot at this point. Section 5 protects minorities from illegal practices regarding voting in several southern states where, admittedly in the past, such things took place. Voter intimidation, refusal to register minorities etc.

Now, due to Section 5, those states must okay any change in voter law with the nation’s Department of Justice.

Holder is really, really reaching to use Section 5 in this way. Really reaching.

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