Friday Fume

HOLY CRAP…I thought we would NEVER get to the end of this week.

To say it’s been a banner week for socialist insanity would be a gross understatement wouldn’t it?

The problem is NOT in finding the things which irritate us but in narrowing it down for our week in review with an ATTITUDE!!!

There’s simply no way to mention everything but, I’ll do my level best to hit a few highlights of their lowlights.

Friends and Patriots…Today IS Friday and…

I’m Fuming.

JUST when you think you’ve heard it all…Along comes a WHOLE NEW level of socialist INSANITY!!!

Guess what?


Are you KIDDING ME???

According to socialist agitator HARRY BELEFONTE….

“The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children. Yet, as the great debate emerges on the question of the gun, white America discusses the constitutional issue of ownership, while no one speaks of the consequences of our racial carnage.”



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The Dictator’s State of Tyranny Address

Tomorrow night, ON LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY,the Dictator will deliver his State of Tyranny speech to his American subjects and to a joint session of the congress he fully intends to subvert.

We need to hear from the Great ENSLAVER on the birthday of the GREAT EMANCIPATOR like Lincoln needed to go to the theater.

There will be bowing and scraping, wild applause, cheering, head nodding and all other manner of ring and ass kissing throughout by the collective of elected socialists.

Among those in attendance will be a 4th grade girl from…

Newtown Connecticut.

No…She wasn’t even at the Sandy Hook School BUT…She did write a letter to Nancy Pelosi begging for government control of the people and the scrapping of the 2nd Amendment.

It was Rahm Emanuel who once, so famously said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

“Never let a Crisis go to waste.”

The most important word, as it turns out, in that statement is…”a.”

“Never let A crisis go to waste.”


“Never let ALL crisis go to waste.”

It’s important and, here’s why.

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Yesterday, the Dictator issued a series of 23 Imperial Orders AND ADDITIONAL PROPOSALS including the outright ban of “assault rifles” in what can only be rightfully determined as an outright deconstruction of the Bill of Rights and the 2nd Amendment.

His proposed actions are unconstitutional.

It is also quite likely that he, as a Dictator, is in collusion with several entities including retailers and banks in this objective.

This is THE most egregious act of contempt for the Constitution and the American people I have ever seen a occupant of the oval office enact.

There can be no doubt, by anyone with an IQ of double digit proportions, of the Dictator’s agenda.

He means to disarm America.

Clearly he understands that as he moves “FORWARD” in his quest to “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM” America, God Fearing, Red Blooded Patriots will NOT stand for his SOCIALIST to COMMUNIST shift where GOVERNMENT controls the PEOPLE rather than the system set in place by our founders and framers in which the PEOPLE control the GOVERNMENT.

By disarming the people, this penny-ante Dictator is protecting his OWN hide and cares not a whip regarding the “children” whom he, in a brazen move of political expediency, presented to the public yesterday.

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Friday Fume

Well my friends…Here we are, staring a brand new year square in the face.

What a year it’s been huh?

52 weeks…52 Fridays…

52 FUMES!!!!!

Since we all made it through the Mayan end of the world, ate far too much between Thanksgiving and Christmas and are now facing the fiscal cliff, higher taxes and more government intrusion into our lives and homes…

We have a couple of choices.

We can either let the pressure build up until we explode or…

We can take a few minutes at the end of the week to let off a little steam and laugh at the socialist idiots.

I choose the latter.

It’s Friday Patriots and…

I’m fuming.

New Year’s Eve just won’t be the same in Brasstown North Carolina this year.

For the past 19 years, the folks there have celebrated by…

LOWERING a ‘POSSUM in a cage from the top of a building and then…SETTING IT FREE IN THE WOODS.

Not any more.

PETA sued them for animal cruelty and put an end to the fun.

So…This year…event organizer, Clay Logan, the owner of Clay’s Corner Store,  says they’re working on a plan.

It could well employ…

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Friday Fume

Friends and Patriots…It’s been a very tough week.

The events which have dominated the news have been sad and our prayers continue to be sent to those so tragically effected by last Friday’s horrible events in Newtown Connecticut.

May God be with them all.

I do believe that we all need a smile or two about now.

To that end, and in the days leading up to Christmas and a long weekend for many…We WILL press on.

Today IS Friday my friends so let’s DO THIS!!!

I’m FUMING!!!!!

Well, well, well…Let’s see which celebrity wins this weeks, “SUCKING SCUM FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SOCIALIST POND” award.

Oh look…LAST week’s winner…HAIRLESS BELAFONTE…is congratulating THIS week’s winner…


You know Marg (no “e”)…From “CSI – DUMBASS”…Well, SHE was responding to a tweet from the “author” Joyce Carol (no “e”) Oats  who had stated, “If sizable numbers of NRA members become gun-victims themselves, maybe hope for legislation of firearms.”

Marg (no “e”) then tweeted…”@JoyceCarolOates One can only hope, but sadly I don’t think anything would change.”

This is what happens when you live in a world of make-believe. You can make up any crap you want and then…believe it.

Marg (no “e”) have you ever noticed that the show on which YOU star…IS BASED ON VIOLENCE and a GREAT DEAL OF IT…IS GUN VIOLENCE???

Here are a few FACTS for Marg (no “e”) Helgenberger…

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Reality vs Made For Reality TV Administration

With this Imperial administration’s tight ties to Hollywood, It’s no wonder that the happenings in Washington now seem more like a reality show schedule.

What’s missing from the line-up is NEWS but, most socialists regard the  Daily Show as their primary source of hard hitting investigative news.

With this in mind, let’s break out the TV Guide and see what’s on for YOUR viewing pleasure!!!

This week…On CSI Benghazi…

The senate is holding a “hearing” today regarding who knew what and when did they know it regarding the terrorist attack in Benghazi which ended in  the deaths of 4 Americans.

Hillary Clinton who KNOW who knew what and when they knew it…

WASN’T there but not for lack of an…”Invitation.”

Hillary couldn’t be bothered because she already had pressing plans.

Drinking wine down under.

The Head of the CIA who knows full well who gave the “Stand Down orders won’t be there either because…HE was having an affair and resigned.

What a miracle of timing THAT is huh?

General Ham and Rear Admiral Gaouette  who ALSO know from whom the “Stand Down” orders emanated won’t be there.

They have been relieved of duty because THEY didn’t want to FOLLOW those orders.

Tough break.

The Secretary of Defense. Yes…Leon Panetta. HE’LL be there…right?


He’s going to be in Australia too because, apparently, Hillary needs a designated driver or something.

Obama, one suspects, is hiding under his desk as he will not be available either.

So basically, nobody of consequence will be answering questions from senators.

Business as usual…Move along…Nothing to see here.

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Obama Voters and Libya – Here’s the Question…

According to Fox News, the ONLY news source covering the Benghazi attack as it SHOULD be covered, Lt. Col. Tony Schafer’s contacts have told him something, disturbing.

VERY disturbing.

From Ltc. Schafer, via his contacts…Obama was IN the White House Situation Room…WATCHING…In REAL-TIME…as the attack on our Consulate in Benghazi took place.


THIS may well be one of THE most important statements regarding Benghazi we have heard to date…

Ltc. Schafer: “I hate to say this, according to my sources, yes, (Obama)was one of those in the White House situation room in real-time watching this. And the question becomes, ‘What did the President do or not do in the moments he saw this unveiling?’ He — only he — could issue a directive to Secretary of Defense Panetta to do something.”

Let that sink in for a moment.

“He — only he — could issue a directive to Secretary of Defense Panetta to do something.”

You do, of course realize what the other side of that coin is…

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Romney Wins Tonight’s Debate by Showing Up

Tonight…The final debate.

Foreign policy.

How exactly will Obama defend his foreign policy?

We’re talking about a foreign policy which has garnered him the endorsements of Vladimir Putin…Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro.

Well, he killed bin Laden.

Killing bin Laden is NOT a foreign policy. It’s a military strategic strike…Unless of course Obama intends to drop the whole Seal Team Six thing and assert tonight that the raid was carried out by a bunch of pencil pushing diplomats who took the al Qaeda leader down with political correctness.

Of course, we know better don’t we?

Diplomatic political correctness doesn’t take out our enemies…Political correctness only gets OUR people killed.

No matter…Obama WILL try to make the case that killing bin Laden and other assorted terrorists IS a strong foreign policy and reason enough to reelect him.

No matter that he’s snubbed Prime Minister Netanyahu…Suggested TO Netanyahu that Israel return to their pre 1967 borders and that he’s told Sarkosy he doesn’t think much of dealing with the Prime Minister…

He killed bin Laden.

Obama’s foreign policy of appeasement has been a real success…

In Egypt, Obama started his world apology tour back in 2009 and invited the Muslim Brotherhood to be his special guests at the Cairo speech. Obama, back at the beginning of the Arab Spring, when the homicide bombers were starting to bloom…ummm…boom…and the smell of gunpowder filled the air, said Mubarak must go and, go he did. Obama said his special guests from the Cairo speech should have a seat at the table in forming a new Egyptian government. They did.

Obama said the Brotherhood would NOT run for office. They did anyway and NOW, the Muslim Brotherhood CONTROLS Egypt AND they want to shred the Israel/Egypt peace accord.

Well DONE…..

But…He killed bin Laden.


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Dropping the Question of Mass Destruction

As we speed toward the November 6th election and even faster toward the next presidential debate, I believe there is but a single question which Mitt Romney could pose that would virtually bring the Obama campaign, not to mention his Canadian made bus…To a screeching halt.

Romney would need to preface the single simple question with a statement and that could be done either in his next opening or closing statement. I would suggest that should Romney win the coin toss he should choose to go first.

Now before I reveal that statement and simple question, we should take a quick look back at the last 4 years.

During Obama’s time in office, he has yet to pass a budget and even though his party controlled both the house and the senate for the 1st two years, Obama has steadfastly blamed republicans for the lack of a budget.

When it comes to the deficit, we have racked up more than a trillion dollars per year during the Obama administration and, Obama has blamed republicans for that too. Well…Republicans and George W. Bush.

During Obama’s 4 years in office, our National Debt has increased by more than 5 trillion dollars. Who’s to blame? George W. Bush because, as Obama has blathered over and over again…Things were worse than he thought when he took office.

For the first time in our history, our credit rating has been downgraded…twice…so who might be held to blame by the Obama team?


George W. Bush…Republicans…Republicans…George W. Bush and on and on it goes.


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Weekend Edition: Lies Upon Lies to Cover-Up Blood on His Hands

Obama told us on September 13th: “Glen and Tyrone had each served America as Navy SEALs for many years, before continuing their service providing security for our diplomats in Libya. They died as they lived their lives — defending their fellow Americans, and advancing the values that all of us hold dear.

Susan Rice, our U.N. Ambassador told us on September 16th: “Well, first of all, we had a substantial security presence with our personnel…with our personnel and the consulate in Benghazi. Tragically, two of the four Americans who were killed were there providing security. That was their function. And indeed, there were many other colleagues who were doing the same with them.”

Both were speaking of the Navy Seals who were murdered in the Benghazi terrorist attack on September 11th, Woods and Doherty.

On September 20th we were told by administration officials: “The two former SEALS, Tyrone Woods, 41, and Glen Doherty, 42, were not employed by the State Department diplomatic security office and instead were what is known as personal service contractors who had other duties related to security. They stepped into action, however, when Stevens became separated from the small security detail normally assigned to protect him when he traveled from the more fortified embassy in Tripoli to Benghazi.”

Then, on September 23rd, we learned that: “Woods and Doherty were killed in the firefight at the annex, according to official reports.”

That annex, some 2 miles away from the Consulate where Ambassador Stevens and State Dept. Official Sean Smith were murdered…WAS ATTACKED IN A SECOND WAVE OF THE TERRORIST ATTACK A COUPLE OF HOURS AFTER THE INITIAL ATTACK.

So…We have gone from…The Navy Seals were a part of Ambassador Stevens’ security detail to…They stepped in to protect Ambassador Stevens when he became separated from his small security detail to…The Navy Seals, Woods and Doherty, we killed at an annex miles away and in a separate wave OF the initial attack.


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