Holder’s Best Friend…BOEHNER???




While Holder attempts to make some sort of “deal” with Issa to avoid contempt charges in a meeting at 5pm eastern today, it has also been reported that Speaker Boehner wants the entire Fast and Furious investigation DROPPED because HE thinks, in an election year, to further the investigation will somehow harm republican chances.

If I could say one thing to Speaker Boehner, it would be…

Mr. Speaker, and I use that term temporarily, to NOT go forward with the Fast and Furious investigation for ANY reason would cause serious and irreparable damage to the system of justice provided by the Constitution and further, it would set a precedent by which those in elected office or appointed to their position BY those in elected office are held to NO standards of the law whatsoever while the people of the nation, NOT elected or appointed are held to the HIGHEST possible standards.

To drop this investigation in whole or in part, as Boehner desires, is an affront to this nation’s citizens.

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An Open Letter to Congress from We The People

Author’s note: The contact information for all Members of Congress can be found by CLICKING HERE. Please email the link to this letter to all Members of YOUR Congressional delegation today!


To:  All Members of Congress

Re: Holder’s Contempt


Dear Member of Congress,


Today, We The People speak with a singular voice as this letter, distributed via social media and our own email lists, is forwarded to each and every Member of Congress.

We understand that, finally, Congress is ready to vote on contempt charges against Eric Holder.

It’s about time.

It has now been more than a year since Holder started obstructing justice and stonewalling Congress and the American people regarding Fast and Furious.

Now, we are led to understand, there is still a way for Holder to escape contempt charges if he simply turns over a few, post February 4th, 2011, documents.

This is outrageous and unacceptable!

As one of We The People, this must NOT be allowed to happen.

The Congressional Committee investigating Fast and Furious has subpoenaed some 80,000 documents, emails and memos from Eric Holder. Holder has only turned over 7,600 of those subpoenaed documents.

We The People demand that the ONLY way for Holder to escape contempt charges is to immediately turn over all documents, emails and memos subpoenaed. ALL OF THEM. All 72,400 subpoenaed but so far withheld documents.

As the vote is set to take place on June 20th, 2012, We The People demand that no Member of Congress accept ANYTHING LESS than the FULL compliance to the subpoenas by that scheduled date.

Should Eric Holder attempt or agree to turn over just SOME of the remainder of what has been subpoenaed, he is stalling for more time. He has already been given more than a year to comply.

Let me ask this question. Were I, as a common citizen, subpoenaed to turn over evidence in an investigation and, for more than a year, I refused to give some 90% of the subpoenaed evidence TO the investigators…What exactly would be MY fate?

If upon then handing over a small handful of more evidence, in the face of contempt charges, but FAR from all I had been ordered to produce…Would I then be “off the hook?”

I believe we both know the answers.

Why then should the Attorney General, appointed as our nation’s top law enforcement officer, be given such latitude? Why should the Attorney General be allowed to essentially tell but 10% of the truth under oath? Why is the Attorney General NOT held accountable to the same standards as We The People?

Eric Holder has, for more than a year, obstructed justice from the top of the Department OF Justice. He has shown open contempt for Congress and the American people and he has perjured himself.

As a Member of Congress, the time is long overdue for you to act and act decisively. Do NOT provide Eric Holder with another chance, another pass and more time to stall this important investigation. People on both sides of our southern border have died because of Fast and Furious and so has agent Brian Terry. The weapons “walked” over that border will be in play for years…Decades…to come and the more than 200 deaths thus far are just the beginning.

Will YOU, as a Member of Congress, take this opportunity to act decisively or will YOU allow further obstruction of justice by striking some sort of “deal” to allow Eric Holder to stall, stonewall, and continue to break the laws by which I, as a common citizen, must abide?

If Eric Holder is NOT held FULLY accountable and allowed to turn over but 10% of the subpoenaed material, a dangerous and unconstitutional precedent will be set in that the nation’s top law enforcement officer will be held to a much lower standard than the common citizen.

If YOU, as a Member of Congress, accept some sort of “DEAL” in this regard, YOU will set that precedent.

Please do NOT respond to me personally. Rather, reply to this letter via The National Patriot at admin@thenationalpatriot.com as the author of this letter which is being sent to all Members of Congress, WILL print it for all to see.

Fed up American Voters with the ID’s to prove it and a focus on accountability, await your response.


We The People

National Patriots All.

Lobotomized Shepherds Tending Their Flocks

They do walk among us. Really, they do.

Stupid people.


Pardon my redundancy.

A couple of days ago, in what can only be seen as a non partisan, clearly not racial, and certainly a prime example of the separation of church and state they liberals so heavily preach in favor of sort of event, Eric Holder spoke to a group of black religious leaders and the Congressional Black Caucus about…

How they could use their pulpits to help reelect Barack Hussein Obama.

So…there he was, the Attorney General of the United States, who is under investigation and possibly facing contempt of congress charges, speaking to black preachers and black caucus members.

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From Fast and Furious to Slow and Curious?

Congressman Issa and the House Committee investigating Eric Holder and the Fast and Furious scandal has given Holder until Memorial Day weekend to cough up the rest of the 80,000 documents, emails and memos regarding their investigation.

Waiting in the wings is a contempt of Congress charge against Holder.

Last week, Utah Congressman, Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the Oversight in Government Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations introduced an amendment to the Justice Department’s appropriations bill to cut dollars from the DOJ budget and another measure which would cut $1 million dollars from the DOJ over its stonewalling and stall tactics regarding Fast and Furious.

Said Chaffitz, “You shouldn’t be using federal taxpayer dollars to lie to Congress.”

The vote on the measures passed, 381-41 and all of the 41 are Democrats.

This, of course means, there are 41 liberals in the House who believe that the DOJ and Eric Holder have every right TO use taxpayer money to lie to Congress.

That is shameful at every level and at every turn.

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Contempt Has a Name – HOLDER

Congressman Darrel Issa, Chairman of the House Committee investigating Fast and Furious, has reportedly prepared and sent to Speaker Boehner, a 48-page charge of contempt against Attorney General Eric Holder.

One of the top Democrats on the House Oversight Committee has slammed Congressman Issa’s move regarding contempt charges against Eric Holder as “an election-year witch hunt against the Obama administration.”

A witch hunt?

One can easily believe such a hunt to be as difficult as finding golf balls on a driving range.

Last week, Issa would not confirm the reported 48-page charge but would not deny it either.

So far, Holder has produced nearly 7,400 pages of documents, emails and memos. The issue is that the committee has requested a handful more than 80,000 pages of them and Holder has been stalling, delaying, sidestepping and dodging those demands.

He has also been warned.

In truth, Holder has been provided more than enough time to come forth with the documents in question and he has failed to do so. Also a fact, is that Obama has continued to back Holder and Holder’s actions.

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Brainwashing Youth IS the Liberal/Socialist Way

Liberals are resentful of nearly everything our framers did and stood for, but, in the grand scheme of things, one thing stands out beyond all the rest.

The 2nd Amendment.

Our framers understood the greatest danger to the republic would come from within, and, therefore, they made certain that we, as citizens, have the right to arm ourselves.

Yes, it is so that we might protect our property and our lives; and yes, part of the reason for it back then was the fact that help in any official capacity was, in many cases, at best, hours away if not days. Yes, that is part of it.

The bigger part of it was the founders provision to arm the citizens against their own government.

This is what liberal/socialists are not just resentful of, but fear.

The 2nd Amendment is what really stands between a government take-over and a free republic.

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The Texas Voter ID Law…How to Beat Libs in 7 Steps

Friends and fellow Patriots!!! The time has arrived. The time is now.


That’s right, you heard me.


What the HELL??? Really??? SERIOUSLY????


It’s time to take a stand for…TEXAS!!!

The only way I can seem to conjure up is to beat them about the head and shoulders with their own egregiously inane game.

Let’s pick a day. How about next Monday?

Next Monday, we, all across this great nation, from sea to shining sea, across the fruited plain, purple mountains….

Here is how we do it.

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Texas Voter ID Law is NOT Racist…Blocking it IS

Tom Perez, the head of the Texas Civil Rights Division, sent a whopping 6-page letter to the Texas Director of Elections stating, “Texas has not ‘sustained its burden’ under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act to show that the new law will not have a discriminatory effect on minority voters.”

According to those who track such things, about 11% of Hispanics in Texas don’t have a valid photo ID, and a law which would require a valid photo ID to vote would be racist.

This is not a great deal different than the reason given for blocking the new South Carolina voter ID law. In South Carolina, it seems that about 20% of black people don’t have a valid photo ID.

Here are a couple of questions which need to be asked:

1)      If 80% to 89% of these folks CAN obtain a valid photo ID, and apparently HAVE…why then can’t the remaining 11% to 20% get THEIR hands on one?

2)      What makes such a law racist?

Let’s take the last question first.

This law, like all the rest which the DOJ claims to be racist, requires ALL who want to vote to present a valid photo ID. That means…white folks, black folks, brown folks…EVERYBODY, regardless of skin color, would have to present a valid photo ID to vote. How is THAT racist? If the law said ONLY Hispanics needed the photo ID or ONLY white people with a photo ID would be allowed to vote…Okay…Racist; but requiring EVERYBODY to have a photo ID is…FAIR.

There are some in Texas who claim that a portion of that 11% of Hispanics who do NOT currently have a valid photo ID live 175 miles (round trip) from where they could obtain such an ID and therefore, it’s a hardship for them to get one.


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Eric Holder’s Selective Application of the Law

Eric Holder, our nation’s Attorney General, is a racist. Plain and simple, no two ways around it, a racist.

Oh, we’ve suspected as much for some time.

When the New Black Panthers, caught on video, were intimidating voters in Pittsburgh and Holder did nothing…we suspected he was a racist, but, in all fairness, we had nothing from which to make a direct comparison. There were no WHITE people standing out front of a polling place intimidating voters for Holder to either ignore or throw the book at…so, we could only suspect his racism.

That has now CHANGED and we DO have direct comparisons.

Eric Holder is a racist.

Our direct comparison comes to us in the form of Voter ID Laws.

Holder, racist that he is, is shutting down state’s voter ID laws.

This week, he shut down South Carolina’s new Voter ID law and he’s looking at several other states new Voter ID laws as well. Holder is shutting them down because, he claims, these new laws unfairly discriminate against minorities and old people.

He had to toss in “old people” in an attempt to mask his racism.

It’s not working.

According to the racist Eric Holder, old people and minorities don’t have access to photo ID’s or at least, not the same access that white people have and therefore, any law requiring a photo ID to vote, is discrimination.

Here’s the problem with Holder, the racist’s claim.

According to his, and various other liberal’s own numbers, which will surely change as this story unfolds, 25% of minorities don’t have a photo ID.


Oh the humanity!!!

Liberals, and the racist Holder, seem to think that’s a lot…a WHOLE lot.

Now correct me if I’m wrong but…Using THEIR numbers…doesn’t that mean that…75% of minorities DO have a photo ID?


Why, that’s 3 times more than…a WHOLE lot…isn’t it???

That 75% of minorities CAN and HAVE obtained photo ID’s tells ME that the other 25% COULD if they wanted to. I contend that IF one has the ability to vote, one also has the ability to get a photo ID. To have the ABILITY to vote meaning they can fog a mirror and they are in this country LEGALLY.

Oh yes, the direct comparison…

People need to show a photo ID for lots of things, don’t they?

Photo ID’s are required when you go to the bank, when you try to board an airplane, when you pick up items from the pharmacy, when a credit or debit card is used, when you are contacted by police…the list is nearly endless.

Has Eric Holder gone after any of those entities which require a photo ID?

ANY of them???


He’s ONLY going after STATES who are passing new VOTER ID LAWS…isn’t he?

White people, who apparently have no problem whatsoever getting a photo ID, must, because of Eric Holder’s ignoring of the situation, SHOW those photo ID’s EVERYWHERE but minorities…because 25% can’t seem to obtain a photo ID…should NOT be required to have them for a singular purpose…voting.

Let me tell you something…Were I black…I’d be OUTRAGED at Holder right about now.


If minorities are indeed being disenfranchised from voting because they don’t have a photo ID, are they not also being disenfranchised from all the other businesses and entities which require the presentation of said photo ID???

Of course, we know this is all BS and Holder is FULL of it.

The only people who will be disenfranchised by voter ID laws are dead people, those who claim to be someone they’re not and illegal aliens.

Illegal aliens were never “Franchised” to begin with so, how can they possibly become DISenfranchised?

Dead people are “Previously franchised” but, sadly, no longer franchised due to having their voting privileges cancelled by a much higher power.

Those who claim to be someone they’re not ARE franchised – but ONLY as THEMSELVES and NOBODY is franchised to vote more than once in a given election.

Oddly enough, those who claim to be someone they’re not, illegal aliens and the “Previously Franchised” nearly always vote for liberals and THAT is exactly why Holder is SO adamant about protecting THEIR voting rights!!!

Here’s a little something Holder probably doesn’t want you to know.

If he gets HIS way, you won’t need a photo ID to VOTE for a president but, if you want to get into the White House where a president lives…YOU HAVE TO SHOW A PHOTO ID!!!

What we have in this administration, in Eric Holder and in liberals in general, is a political ideology bent on encouraging fraud and illegal activity in an effort to curry votes.  How else can his insistence that voter ID laws are racially motivated while ignoring all other requirements to show photo ID be explained?

If ACORN and their ilk weren’t bent on registering dead voters, the Dallas Cowboys and illegal aliens, individual states might not be passing voter ID laws now. If people didn’t break the law to get into our country and then go driving about without a care in the world, their vehicles would not be impounded.

The 14th Amendment states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

I suggest Holder, and this administration, by striking down voter ID laws are in violation of the 14th Amendment.

Holder is saying that requiring a photo ID be shown to vote but saying NOTHING regarding photo ID’s being required for score of other things and THAT is not EQUAL protection. The ONLY people being “protected” by Holder, regarding photo ID voter laws are those who would perpetrate fraud.

Let me state that again.

The ONLY people being “protected” by Holder, regarding photo ID voter laws are those who would perpetrate fraud.

Since when, precisely, has it become the mission of the United States Attorney General, to protect those who would commit fraud?

The voter ID laws are just PART of it.

I also submit that by blocking states from establishing their own laws to prevent illegal immigration, such as Arizona’s SB1070, Holder and this administration is ALSO in violation of the 14th Amendment as their actions are meant to protect those who are breaking the law at the expense of those who are law abiding citizens.

Whether we are talking about the voter ID laws or the federal blocking of laws like SB1070, we are in fact talking about UNEQUAL protection under the law.

If, as Holder contends, it is unconstitutional to require a photo ID to be allowed to vote then it should ALSO be considered for a bank to require a photo ID or an airline, or a store or the white house. It should also be considered unconstitutional for law enforcement to ask for a photo ID if it is unconstitutional for a photo ID to be required at the voting booth.

I contend it is Holder and his selective application of law which is unconstitutional and any Attorney General who applies the law in a selective manner is not fit to hold the office and should therefore, immediately, be removed.

The FACTS regarding the supposed 25% of minorities who do not currently have a valid photo ID are clear. They CAN, if they are legal to vote, obtain one AND they have 11 months in which to do so. If they CHOOSE not to, then they should not be allowed to vote AS PER THEIR CHOICE.

I also believe that a system of ID be implemented for those voting via absentee ballot. With the technology available today, a simple finger print on a prescribed place on the absentee ballot checked against a voter registration card would suffice.

All steps to PREVENT possible voter fraud rather than any step to enable it should be employed.

Holder and this administration continue to take steps to ENABLE voter fraud by challenging or blocking voter ID laws.

Voting for those who would lead our towns, cities, states and nation must…MUST be protected against fraud or the possibility of it if we are to remain free. ANY action by ANY level of government to protect those who would commit such fraud is, in fact, promoting such fraud and therefore, an infringement of our very freedoms.

The enactment of voter ID laws does NOT disenfranchise anyone but blocking those laws DOES.

Now, either Holder is actively encouraging fraud, or he’s a racist.

How else can his actions possibly be explained???

Holder Cries Wolf…No Wolf in Sight

Okay. I’m sick of it. Completely. I’ve been sick of it for some time but now, I am OFFICIALLY sick of it. Any rational person should be sick, OFFICIALLY sick of it too.

I’m talking about the playing, by liberals, of the RACE CARD.

SICK of it.

I’ll tell you something else too. BLACK people, regardless of party affiliation should be sick of it too.

Over the weekend, Eric Holder told the NY Times, “This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him, both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we’re both African-American.

He was of course, talking about the investigation into Fast and Furious.

He did exactly what liberals do. He played the race card. And like the vast majority of the time liberals play the race card, Holder played it where it clearly does NOT belong.

That is why I, most rational people AND black people, regardless of party affiliation, SHOULD be sick of it.

OFFICIALLY sick of it.

Does racism in America still exist?

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