Unconstitutional Fiscal Cliff Deals for Socialist Dummies

How will the new UNCONSTITUTIONAL fiscal cliff tax deal effect our economy?

I’ll get back to that but first…

Let me count the ways.

First of all, the new legislation sets the standard for “rich” at $400k for an individual or $450k for a family rather than the $250k originally desired by the Emperor.

This will leave some small business in the NON rich category but not ALL small businesses.

Those small businesses which exceed the “rich” limit will have some options available to them. They can simply put the breaks on any planned growth of their business which will be the case for those approaching the limit or, they can downsize if they are just barely OVER the limit.

What will be the MOST likely scenario will be businesses raising the cost of goods or services to compensate for their increased tax bill.

THAT, of course means, those who BUY those goods or services will have THEIR taxes raised by proxy.

Then there is the fact that EVERYBODY…not just the “rich” will see a tax increase.

That’s right…Part of the new fiscal cliff tax deal is that everybody…EVERYBODY will see their PAYROLL taxes go UP which means EVERYBODY will have LESS take home pay.

Nice huh?

All that talk from the Emperor during his campaign about making sure that the middle class would NOT have their taxes raised?

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Unions Choose FORCE Over Choice

Yesterday, with their panties in a wad, socialists gathered in Michigan to pitch a hissy-fit.

Yesterday, socialist teachers in Michigan ditched their students to join in the hissy-fit.

Yesterday, union socialist thugs with THEIR knickers in a knot, tried and tried to bully Michigan law makers into NOT doing what they were elected to do.

Well, guess what socialists?

Elections have consequences.

You lost.

Get over it.

Isn’t that what THEY’VE been telling US for the last 4 weeks?

Michigan, yesterday, became the 24th “Right to Work” state and that’s bad news for unions in the very state where unions began.

Pardon me while I wipe away the tears.

So, what does it all mean?

Well…Unions in Michigan are losing their iron workers grip on power.

What Michigan did was pass a bill making it perfectly legal for workers in Michigan to think for themselves.

Oh the humanity…

Workers will now have the ability, in Michigan, to decide for themselves whether or not they belong to a union.


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Socialism – Building a Culture of Stupidity

Don’t we wish we could put today’s socialists into a time machine and send them 25 years into the future? Maybe 50 years?

Let them see what their policies will bring.


The bad news is that there are no time machines.

The good news is that we don’t need one.

For the last 40 or 50 years, our schools have been pumping out liberal morons brainwashed with the propaganda of socialism. Not everybody is easily stupefied but, those early least common denominators have now reproduced, passing along their collective ideas of collectivism and their children are now having children.

Those who were brainwashed by the first wave are now teachers themselves and the entitlement generations are starting to pile up.

And so, the teachers, via their union socialist thugs, are being fed a never ending buffet of class warfare pap which, no doubt, they are regurgitating into the already socialist soaked heads of today’s youth.

I’m going to give this to you in a nutshell and…

Since socialists are NUTS…

This SHOULD hit them where they live.

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Weekend Edition: Obama Plan a Bridge to Socialism

As the “fiscal” cliff looms, there is another, perhaps more disastrous cliff of which congressional conservatives should be vary.

In Obama’s “plan” presented last week by tax cheat Timmy Geithner, are some just crazy ideas.

Obama, who ran on raising taxes by $800 billion dollars is NOW demanding $1.6 TRILLION in tax hikes.

If soaking the so-called rich, those who make $250,000.00 or more, many of them small business owners, was going to cause higher unemployment and a stalled economy, what then will soaking them for twice that amount do?

Faced with that sort of government theft, small business owners will NOT expand, will NOT invest, will NOT hire and WILL lay off employees to offset their losses.

In many, MANY cases, small businesses will ALSO raise their prices to consumers thus causing their customers to cut back on THEIR spending.

Combine the two and unemployment rises while the GDP falls.

Basically, the Obama “plan” calls for massive tax hikes and then leaves the spending cuts…dangling.

Obama says, give me the tax hikes NOW and we’ll talk about spending cuts…later…maybe.

Also included in his “plan” is another $50 billion dollar STIMULUS.

Why? Are there more green energy companies that have yet to go bankrupt?

Obama is acting like he has a mandate from 99% of the people to hike taxes in the 1% but, that simply is NOT true. He was “reelected” by a smaller margin than in his 2008 original election and, nearly half the people voted to send him packing.

In fact, the whole “tax the rich” and blow off the spending cuts “plan” only has the support of 11% of the people according to recent polls.

Gallop places the number of people who want “major cuts” to government SPENDING at 92% although, in Obama’s plan, we’ll discuss spending cuts sometime down the road…maybe.

NOT included in Obama’s goofy “plan” are any measures to stabilize Medicare or Social Security.



Zip, zilch zero.

Oddly, according to Gallop polls, 88% of the people WANT Obama to do something to save Medicare and Social Security.

It seems to me that 88% IS a mandate…92% IS a mandate but…11% is NOT.

So, let’s recap…

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Putting it All on theTable

We are now a week and a day from the election.

What does Obama have left?


He’s running on empty.

The choice could not be more clear.

Mitt Romney is a man of character.

Obama, a man who’s only campaign rhetoric now is character assassination. Last week, his Chicago thugs recruited Gloria Allred to try and embroil Romney is something related to his testimony in a decade old divorce and child custody case.

A judge look at the “evidence” and told Allred to pound sand.

Mitt Romney has an economic plan to grow the national economy, cut taxes without cutting revenue, put us on a path toward energy independence, focus education on students, teachers and schools instead of the teacher’s unions, create jobs by allowing private industry to flourish and crack down on trading partners who gip the system by manipulating their currency.

Obama has the exact same plan he had 4 years ago which has doubled the deficit and added 6 trillion bucks to the debt, seen 23 million people still looking for work, increased welfare and food stamps to historic levels and led to the most anemic GDP in history.

Mitt Romney understands that peace must be gained through strength, that we must stand with our allies and against our enemies and adversaries, that there can be no daylight between our great nation and the great nation of Israel and that terrorism IS terrorism and we must stay on the offensive against it.

Obama thinks a foreign policy of appeasement and apology combined with his own personal arrogance is the right path.

Mitt Romney has spent 25 years in the private sector growing and managing businesses.

Obama has never run a lemonade stand.

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Liberals: Victims of Their Own Victimization


We all know that liberals love victims but, it goes much deeper than that doesn’t it?

Liberals NEED victims and where they can’t FIND them, they’re more than happy to CREATE them.

Were it not for victims, liberals would cease to exist. They’d dry up and they’d blow away. There would be no further need for them.

This has been their Mode of Operation for DECADES.

It’s no different today that it’s ever been.

Class warfare.

Those in the middle class are now the victims of the upper class. Just ask a liberal.

It’s those vicious greedy evil people who HAVE money but aren’t paying their “fair share” of the taxes that are the problem. Right? They have to cough up more, and more, and more…Don’t they?

Never mind that those making $250,000.00 every year or more are already paying 64% of ALL the taxes while accounting for only 29% of the people…THEY’RE not paying THEIR “fair share” are they?

Therefore, if you fall below that magic $250,000.00 income number…YOU…ACCORDING TO LIBERALS…ARE A VICTIM!!!

Illegal aliens.

Those who break the law by entering our country illegally are victims.

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Conservative’s War on Women Explained


I’ve been putting a few things together. Connecting the dots, as it were.

You know how I enjoy connecting the dots.

Well, I’m going to do something here I have never done before. I am going to offer my assistance to the liberal/socialists.

Alright now, where to begin.

Okay. In a recent ABC News Poll…The numbers are somewhat startling for Obama. In April, Female voters preferred Obama 57-39%. However…the most RECENT poll shows a VERY different story.

Female voters NOW prefer Romney to Obama by 50% (Romney) to 46% for Obama.

My goodness. What happened???

For months now, angry liberal/socialists have been telling the nation that Republicans are waging a “war on women.” They’ve been painting conservatives as purely EVIL towards women. They say that Romney HATES women and Ryan HATES women.

They’ve said it and said it. From the campaign trail and every liberal/socialist spinning head pundit has said it and said it.

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Urine Luck

While many of us persist to focus on the plankton–the incidental consequences–of issue after issue, we tend to ignore the provenance of waters which run deep. Okay, so maybe I’m not making much sense to you so far, but allow me a moment of your time to expound on a document I circulated a few weeks ago regarding the constitutionality of drug-testing welfare recipients. Although the points to counter my argument were compelling, sometimes poignant, it seems that a substantial amount of the counter-pointers live within ideologically fraught parameters. To a degree, the parameters encase a discombobulated “take” which may even, at times, include sub-parameters which cancel each other out. And yet, there they are, coexisting side-by-side with a crooked grin.

Okay, I’m still not making much sense. I understand…

So, I’ll just dive right in.

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Let’s Trade California

By Patty Ewing Robichaud, July 28, 2011

I was born and grew up in the Los Angeles area of Southern California for the most part. There was a time when I believed Los Angeles was the center of the civilized universe with its diversity of people, landscapes (mountains to beaches), laid-back attitude, and temperate weather. Sure, there was smog some days, and the temperature would soar into the 100s every October – but it was tolerable. I didn’t even mind when people said California was the Granola State, full of fruits, nuts, and flakes!

Employment opportunities abounded, aerospace was setting us apart from the rest of the world, entertainment and amusement was always accessible, and everyone had a car. No matter how far you drive in Los Angeles, it seems to take over an hour – whether it is 10 miles or 50 – but you accept that as the price of being mobile!

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