Friday Fume

fume 1Every Friday, we take a look at the week’s liberal/socialist knot-headed behavior and highlight just a little of their asylum antics here in the Fume. If we can’t find a way to laugh at em…WE’LL ALL BECOME JUST AS MORONIC AS THEY ARE!!!

That said…hold on to something well anchored and put down your beverages because…


It IS Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Well…so far this week…we’ve found Casey Kasem…the SUN’S TWIN BROTHER  and Chis Columbus’ Santa Maria but…WHERE IN THE HELL IS THAT DAMNED AIRPLANE???

In the case of the missing for more than 2 months flight 370…investigators have now come to the near conclusion that the “pings” they were hearing 2 months ago…PROBABLY WEREN’T THE PLANE???


What’s even more puzzling that that is the fact that they’re STILL LOOKING AROUND THE BOTTOM OF THE INDIAN OCEAN for the thing.

Allow me to offer a little advice here and, bear in mind that I am NOT an aviation “Where’s Waldo” expert but…if the pings weren’t coming from the plane’s black boxes and nobody has seen one single “SEAT CUSHION THAT CAN BE USED AS A FLOATATION DEVICE” in more than 2 MONTHS OF SNIFFING ABOUT IN THE OCEAN…there’s a pretty good chance that the airplane…

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Is Benghazi a Made Up Scandal? Skyes the Limit

skyes 1As liberals continue to run scared regarding the truth about the Benghazi attacks, more and more rhetoric from them is flying hither and yawn through social media and their lapdog mainstream media. It’s now to the point that we need to fight back using the facts.

A couple of days ago, I wrote an article,Liberal Benghazi Deniers About to Face the Music that received scorn from the left and I fully expected it would but their counter arguments simply fly in the face of reality.

Wrote Chad Skyes in a comment posted on my article: “First off, I’m 100%, no. I’m 110% positive, that no administration official even knew what had happened in Benghazi for weeks afterwards. The sheer amount of confusion when something like this happens is overwhelming. Even when actual combat units are engaged in a firefight, with all our communications equipment, the information received by higher ups is almost always incorrect and inconsistent. The fog of war is very thick and unless you’ve been there like I have.. your opinions are worthless. “

“What followed politically was your typical PR campaign. It wouldn’t have mattered who was in office, Republicans, Democrats, none of that matters. The PR machine does it’s thing regardless of who is in power. We can point to complacency, mismanagement, lack of funding, lack of security, blow back from our foreign policy. We could go on and on pointing the finger.. the reality is war is hell and people die.. period. “

“Instead of wasting tax payer dollars on this made up scandal, why are we not focusing on the REAL SCANDALS??”

Mr. Skyes is 100%, no…

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Liberal Benghazi Deniers About to Face the Music

SWEAT 1AAAs the house is set to hold a vote regarding the need for a special committee to further investigate Benghazi liberals from Capitol Hill to their pundits microphones are pissed. They mask their anger by directing it at the right side of the aisle and in the direction of those of us who have, since day one, called for such an investigation and justice for those killed some 20 months ago but, at whom are they REALLY angry and why?

First, I suspect they don’t care for the collective reflections they see in their own mirrors and staggering mountain of their own lies has become more than they have the capability to keep straight.

For the past week or so, we have been regaled with their sputtering utterances and faint echoes of Hilary’s “WHAT DIFFERENCE, AT THIS POINT…DOES IT MAKE???”

For instance…on the heels of such nonsense as calling those who stood with Cliven Bundy and chased a wad of heavily armed federal goons from Bunkerville without firing a shot nothing but “domestic terrorists,” ol’ crusty Harry Reid made THIS lame attempt at dismissing a further Benghazi investigation: “Republicans are showing yet again that they have nothing to offer the middle class. Republicans care more about defending billionaires like the Koch brothers and trying to rekindle debunked right-wing conspiracy theories than raising the minimum wage or ensuring women receive equal pay for equal work.”

Reid went on to say, “Republicans of trying to gin up yet another political food fight.”

“Another political food fight???” That’s what the murders of four Americans and this regime’s cover up, with Reid’s ample support is to him???

A political FOOD FIGHT??? It wasn’t some FOOD FIGHT that night in September of 2012 that took place in Benghazi. THAT was a TERRORIST ATTACK set up to silence our Ambassador and keep him from blowing the proverbial whistle!!!

In a herd of political asses from the left side of the aisle…

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A Bridge Too Far or…Revenge of the Turds?

Regardless of WHO was behind it and, regardless of WHY…

The great New Jersey Bridge Scandal of 2013-2014 was meant to do one thing and one thing only.

Ruin Chris Christie.

Let’s get one thing straight…I am not a fan of the RINO. No fan at all and, regardless of what I believe about Christie and his support of things liberal, Muslim and borderline socialistic…His love affair with the GOP and the way the GOP has embraced him and all but bestowed upon him the 2016 nomination…

There is something I do NOT believe and that, is that Chris Christie had any prior knowledge of the closure of lanes on the George Washington Bridge last September and I have even less belief that those closures had one single thing to do with “revenge” over a Mayor who wouldn’t endorse him in his second campaign for the Governorship of New Jersey.

The guy won and won in a landslide.

Chris Christie had no need of the endorsement from the Mayor of Ft. Lee.

None whatsoever.

If one is seeking “revenge” for the lack of a political endorsement…

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Hillary’s “ACCOMPLISHMENTS” To Be Subject of Mini-Series

Well…Won’t this be special?

NBC, in a transparently obvious, desperate attempt to draw attention away from Obama’s “phony” scandals, is already promoting their yet to be shot…4 hour long mini-series on Hillary Rodham Clinton…The soused spouse of the first black president…Horn dog Bill.

For some unknown reason, the Obama propaganda machine believes it will take 4 hours to show a Kool Aid soaked socialist audience all of her “accomplishments” as our Secretary of a Debouched State.

If you remember, when the previously concussed Clinton finally appeared before both the house and senate committees investigating Benghazi, each and every socialist, knowing full well that Hillary would be running for the oval in 2016, paid her astonishing and dripping with ooze praise for…

What was it again…

Oh yes…Logging a MILLION MILES on an airplane.

NOT ONE praised her for what she did while that broom with wings was sitting on the tarmac but…PRAISE THE HEAVENS…She flew it a MILLION MILES!!!

Perhaps Sen. Bob Casey, D-Penn., summed it up best when HE stated: “What I think is a widely-shared sentiment today of gratitude and commendation for your work. We don’t have time to give a full listing of the achievements you deserve credit for.”

And…Those achievements ARE?????

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Bob Mueller and the FBI – Down the Rabbit Hole

Remember when?

It was a month and a couple of days ago. May 16th, 2013.


That was the day that the Dictator stood before the press and answered a few questions.

When did he find out about the IRS targeting Conservatives and Conservatives groups?

“I certainly did not know anything about the IG report before the IG report had been leaked through the press.”

Uh huh.

He had NO IDEA it was going on.

Then, the dictator stated: “We will be putting in new leadership that will be able to make sure that we…hold accountable those who have taken these outrageous actions.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, you should be equally outraged.”


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Weekend Edition: Obama – Absolutely Corrupt Pt 2

“Trust” us.

“TRUST” us…To keep records of all your emails data, your phone data, your every key stroke and your credit card activity and not to read, listen to or divulge ANY of it to anyone says the very man who doesn’t allow his college records or thesis to be seen by a single American.

“TRUST” us.


Not any administration regardless of which party or ideology is in charge.

No way.

TRUST the GOVERNMENT? Especially under THIS administration of malignant corruption whose IRS officials were divulging donor lists of Conservative groups to socialist opposition groups and candidates?

TRUST the very administration that handed weapons to Mexican drug cartels and buried the truth along with the bodies?

TRUST…THIS administration the way Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods trusted this administration?

TRUST this administration will adhere to the Constitution, protect freedom of the press, our 2nd, 4th and 10th Amendment rights?

Not a FREAKIN’ chance.

Let me ask you this…And it’s important.

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Weekend Edition: Obama – Absolutely Corrupt Pt 1

Socialists…We told ya so.

Years ago, we told you that the government was spying on you but only while Bush was in office, did you give a damn.

We told you it was expanding under this Dictator named Obama.

You told us we were bat crap crazy. You told us we were conspiracy theorists with no basis for our warnings.

You told us we were just paranoid.

You were dead wrong.

We told ya so.

YOU bought into the bullcrap being blathered by a manure spreader.

WE didn’t buy it for a second.

We told ya so.

I’ll take it a step beyond too.

If you’re STILL shilling for this lying, corrupt snake oil salesman, Obama, YOU are as guilty of lying as HE is and equally lacking in integrity, ethics and morals and every bit as un American as is the ideology professed by the reprobate  in office and his many minions.

Make no mistake, the ideology of a pit of vipers is very dangerous indeed.

Just remember…We told ya so…

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Obama – Holder…Connect the Kenyan Dots

There may well be more to Eric Holder’s “possible” perjury and the DOJ’s spying on journalists than appears at first blush.

While congressional committees continue to probe the James Rosen situation and Holder’s obvious lying TO the committee…

I am taking another look at the DOJ and their spying on the Associated Press.

Now, we ALL know what the DOJ gave as the reason for the clandestine grab of AP phone records that could well have placed HUNDREDS of press reporters AND many Members of congress in the snoop-happy cross-hairs.

It was the DOJ’s attempt to find out who was leaking classified info TO the press.


Hold on…Not so fast…

I have a question.

If Holder and his goons were trying to find the source of leaks…Why wasn’t he spying on the only possible SOURCES of those leaks?

Obama’s inner circle.


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Contempt PLUS Perjury? DOWN GOES HOLDER!!

I’ve always said, “If you want to know what liberals are up to, just pay attention to what they accuse conservatives of doing.”

Liberals, for years now, have accused conservatives of being an angry, violent mob.

Compare and contrast Tea Party rallies with those of liberals, socialist unions which support liberals and the Occupy movement.

Enter the abuse of power, via the Department of Justice under this corrupt administration relating to Fox News reporter, James Rosen.

In 2010, Eric, “Fast and Furious” Holder’s Department of Justice obtained private emails and phone records of James Rosen. They also obtained the emails and phone records of the PARENTS of James Rosen.

The cover for these actions was to build a case against Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, an accused leaker of classified information but…That’s hardly where it ends.

The Justice Department, in order to obtain the court order FOR those email and phone records from Rosen and his parents, ACCUSED ROSEN OF BEING A CO-CONSPIRATOR IN ESPIONAGE!!!!!

If you want to know what liberals are up to, just pay attention to what they accuse conservatives of doing.


It gets worse.

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