Emails, Servers, Leaks, and Cover-Ups…Part 2

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

pant 1Yesterday, in Part 1 of “Emails, Servers, Leaks, and Cover-Ups,” we outlined the more than suspicious nature of Platte River Networks, the company that has been in charge of Hillary Clinton’s private email accounts and server since 2013. Given how deep the scandal goes, not to mention the cover-up of the entire situation from alpha to omega…it should not be a bit surprising that the Director of Sales and Marketing for Platte River Networks, one David DeCamillis was once accused of 14 counts of fraud while raking in $1.5 million dollars as an executive for $500 million dollar Ponzi scam artist Lou Pearlman. DeCamillis then took the position at Platte River Networks and declared bankruptcy owing some $24 million dollars in debts.

All of this, along with the disclosures we related in Part 1 of this 2 Part report leads one to wonder just what sort of background checks or vetting was done by Hillary Clinton before striking the deal with Platte River Networks. Easy money would say none but…if you were going to violate the espionage Act of 1917 and knew you would have a great deal to hide…would you go with an above-board company or with an outfit like Platte River which is looking none too good right now?

And who do you suppose paid for the wiping of those servers? We suspect it was Arab monies, via donations to and possibly laundered through the Clinton Foundation that picked up that tab.

Let’s now get down to the emails of Hillary’s that we actually know of, who leaked them and why.

Last Tuesday, with a wink and a nod, Hillary finally agreed to turn over her private server to the FBI. Why? Because she had ample time to wipe it completely clean and sanitize whatever was there that forensic analysts would have found.

What was on that private server when the FBI finally got their hands on it?

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Remember When…Obama Was the Biggest Problem?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

remem 1Ummmm…Hello???

Remember Isis? You know…that merry band of 7th century barbarians with 21st century weapons that has been marauding their way across the Middle East and North Africa on their mission to form a caliphate?

Remember them?

How about Iran…the Islamic Republic headed up by the Ayatollah Ass-a-Hola that wants to wipe Israel from the map? You know…where they prance through the streets chanting DEATH TO AMERICA and WITH whom Obama capitulated so the ever-so-peaceful tribe could obtain nuclear weapons?

You DO remember THEM…don’t you?

Al-Qaeda…surely you remember al-Qaeda.

They didn’t REALLY go away the way Obama claimed in 2012 you know. They’re still out there, gaining strength.

Syria…THERE’S a little happy place for you what with their “rebels” armed with American weapons they got from Libyan “rebels” in Hillary Clinton and Obama’s Islamic version of Fast and Furious.

What about Benghazi?

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Emails and Espionage – Hillary’s Troubles Get Even Worse

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

emails 1Last Wednesday, I wrote and published an article here in The National Patriot, “Hillary’s Mess…First Treason and Now Espionage” regarding the further woes of the Hillary Clinton email scandal and put forth that she, Hillary Clinton, has violated the Espionage Act of 1917.

Now, that scandal both deepens and become more egregious.

In my previous article, I reported that “U.S. District Court judge Emmett Sullivan ORDERED 2 of Hillary’s top aides…one being Huma Abedin and the other being Cheryl Mills to attest…under penalty of PERJURY…that they have turned over ALL official government records and documents…including emails…that they had in their possession. Judge Sullivan ALSO ordered the Department of State to “identify any and all servers, accounts, hard drives, or other devices currently in the possession or control of the State Department or otherwise that may contain responsive information,” and that that court order was to have been followed by last Friday, August 7th.

Well…we have now heard from Cheryl Mills and what she has done is beyond contempt, beyond rational and flies directly in the face of Judge Sullivan’s direct order.

Cheryl Mills sent a letter to the Department of State and it has been filed with Judge Sullivan stating that…

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Hillary’s Mess…First Treason and Now, Espionage?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

hil 1In this day and age, laws change quickly…what is law today may not be so tomorrow and what isn’t law today could well become law by tomorrow morning but some laws, on the books for nearly a century, remain as pointed and relevant now as they were then.

Case in point…the Espionage Act of 1917.

In that act, it clearly states that…“gross negligence” as per the handling of any information regarding our national defense is a punishable offense…a crime…and as such, should national defense information be removed from or not stored properly…not stored in its “proper place of custody,” the responsible government official would face a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment.

Hello Hillary Clinton.

While one certainly knows that in 1917, the “proper place of custody” was a file cabinet or a safe and that those who wrote and enacted the Act never in their wildest dreams considered the advent of email…government servers, not one’s private servers located in one’s home in Chappaqua N.Y. are the “proper places of custody” today and in that regard…Hillary Clinton and her use of private email addresses and said servers is in breach of the 1917 Act.

Just a few weeks ago…

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Hillary’s Got a Whosits

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

vag 1So…Here’s the score…

The world is a damned mess. ISIS and various other terrorist ISLAMIC cults of ideology are wreaking havoc in the Middle East trying to build a caliphate and murdering any and all who don’t share their 7th century mindset.

Iran, a terrorist nation is on the verge of building nuclear weapons with which they will first bomb Israel, one of our greatest allies and then, turn on US.

Russia’s Putin, the statist, is expanding his influence in an attempt to rebuild the Russian Empire after Hillary pushed the “reset” button.

North Diarrhea is sending missile parts and technology to Iran.

Nations that don’t like us much are donating to Hillary’s foundation/slush fund.

Our Ambassador, Chris Stevens along with three others…Sean Smith, Glenn Doherty and Tyrone Woods are still dead…Hillary knows why but she isn’t talking and her defining statement on the topic which revolves around their murders and her treason is…”AT THIS POINT…WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE???”

Hillary, who has touted herself as…

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Hillary – Disciplined? Humble?? Responsible??? SERIOUSLY???

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

Over the weekend, the wife of Monica Lewinski’s former boyfriend announced her bid to hill 1become the next Muslim Brotherhood connected, gender neutral, heir apparent to the White House….a move that if successful, would make Bill the SECOND first spouse with a winky in his pants…possibly the third as we’ve never been completely sure of Eleanor Roosevelt.

Hillary Clinton has thrown her pant suit into the ring.

She’s a walking, stumbling, falling down scandal wrapped in deceit and treason.

Hillary was FIRED from the Watergate investigation of RICHARD NIXON for UNETHICAL behavior and LYING. In other words…HER actions were as bad or worse than NIXON’S were.

HILLARY CLINTON engineered the nuclear ‘deal’ with North Diarrhea and we all know how that worked out. She pressed the RESET button with Russia and Putin hasn’t been a problem since has he? Hillary was the overseer of the Benghazi disaster but…”At this point, what difference does it make???” And she says we need to EMPATHIZE with our ENEMIES to gain a better understanding of their positions.

I don’t know about you but I don’t WANT to understand why 7th century barbarians cut off people’s heads or burn them alive and I certainly don’t think showing EMPATHY for their acts in inhuman behavior is going to make things all better.


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