California Cleanin’

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown)
And the sky is gray (and the sky is gray)
I’ve been for a walk (I’ve been for a walk)
On a winter’s day (on a winter’s day)
I’d be safe and warm (I’d be safe and warm)
If I was in L.A. (if I was in L.A.)California dreamin’ (California dreamin’)
On such a winter’s day  – Michelle and John Phillips, The Momma’s & The Pappa’s

It’s been two weeks since the latest round of L.A. fires started burning and homes, businesses and the LA Gay Men’s Choir are still flaming.

Indeed, there are many questions that require answers like, why were fire hydrants not working, why was the Palisades Reservoir dry for nearly a full year, and why in THE hell…before the fires, were 1 out of every 6 fire trucks in Los Angeles not operational, sitting in some holding yard broken down?

Why was the Mayor of L.A. out of the country when the fires started after she campaigned on the promise that if elected Mayor, she would NOT be making international trips? By the way, her trip to Ghana for an inauguration and cocktail party was either the 5th, or 6th international trip she’s taken as Mayor…on the dime of the L.A. taxpayers.

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Wake Up and Speak Freely

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

DHS has created a Disinformation Governance Board to combat online disinformation. That should scare the ever living crap out of any American who has at a minimum, two working brain cells. It flies in the face of our 1st Amendment which sates in VERY clear language, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

A disinformation governance board directly violates our 1st Amendment as it is specifically designed to abridge the freedom of speech and the press.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that the agency he heads up had created a division that will be monitoring what people post online to seek out lies because, as he put it before a congressional hearing, “The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat.”

Oh really, and what threat IS that exactly?

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Welcome to the New, “New Normal”

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Two years ago last week was the last day we saw “normal” in our country, and the shame of it was, we didn’t realize it then. Over the past two years, NOTHING has been normal but we’ve all been told that we need to embrace the “new normal” whatever the hell that is.

Remember the good o’ days? Back when Fauci used to be everywhere? When we weren’t allowed out of our homes, weren’t allowed to gather for a funeral, or a wedding, and weren’t allowed to go to grandma’s house for a turkey dinner?

Remember when we all had to walk about wearing a face diaper and the aisles in the grocery were one way to cut down on the passing along of COVID?

Remember when you couldn’t get toilet paper because idiots were hoarding it due to a RESPIRATORY illness?

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Collusion Delusion

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The easy thing would have been writing an article last week when the Mueller Report came out. In fact, I could have quoted most of what was unredacted with just a few keystrokes. That would have been the easy thing, but…

It wouldn’t have been anywhere near as fun as waiting.

By giving that report a week to ripen, I was also able to provide just the right amount of time for liberals to come to full boil over it.

To begin with…that report didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know. President Trump did not collude with the Russians, and President Trump did not obstruct justice. We all knew that before the release of the Mueller Report, and I can guarantee you that liberals were fully aware of that fact even before we knew it.

In fact…liberals were all too well aware there was no collusion because…

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Liberal BS and the Farting Cows of Doom

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The liberal agenda is all BS. 100 percent, absolute, undeniable bullcrap…and I believe that I can prove it.

Honestly, I don’t give a happy damn what plank from their agenda you care to bring up…I can show you how liberals have taken both sides of the issue when it suits them…and many times, they take both sides at the same time.

Sure it’s tricky. You have to be accomplished, pathological liars to do it. You have to be the absolute definition of hypocritical to pull it off, and you must, and I mean MUST have no shame…but we’re talking about liberals here so…

It goes without saying that liberals hate President Trump, and they hate Conservatives who support President Trump. Liberals also hate opinions that not fall into line with their own opinions.

Liberals hate religion, law enforcement, guns…people who own guns and large sodas.

The list of things liberals hate is far too long to compile here, but suffice it to say…liberals are indeed a hateful bunch and yet, they portray themselves as…

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A Trifecta of Nuts in the News

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Well, it’s been quite a week.

Imagine if you will, losing the Super Bowl on a Sunday, and then, come Tuesday…magically finding more points than what you actually scored during the big game.

That, essentially, is exactly what liberals are doing in both Florida and in Arizona. They failed to garner enough votes last Tuesday to control the majority in the Senate, and then…magically…last Thursday and Friday…they started “finding” more votes.

I’ll get back to that in a bit, but there was other big news last week…

First…Jeff Sessions “resigned,” at President Trump’s request.

Okay…first of all…

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It’s an Invasion, Not a Caravan

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By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

We’ve always known an October surprise would be coming…a surprise orchestrated by the Democrats who are desperate for something…for anything…to turn the midterms expected “Red Tide” blue. And now lo and behold a walking mass of humanity suddenly appears out of nowhere all in an attempt to force President Trump into a corner…a corner they hope he cannot escape from unscathed…damned forever by the media for whatever he does or does not do.

And that October surprise was an “invasion”…a caravan the media calls it…a caravan that is anything but. Started in Honduras and being joined by mostly young men from El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and now being reported a scattering of Middle Eastern young men too, know that all those walking to our border are anything but refugees. And why…because a “refugee” is defined as, “a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster,” and an “asylum seeker” is someone defined as, “a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another.”

Liberals would have us believe that those who make up the caravan currently heading for the U.S. border are a collection of “refugees” and “asylum seekers,” but that is far from the truth. What is heading our way by the thousands…and with a second wave now being formed…is an “invasion”and there are stark ways to tell the difference. Continue reading

Savor the Moment, But Heed the Warning

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

What transpired over the past two weeks, with regard to the nomination process of a Supreme Court Justice, was vile, beneath contempt and well beyond the pale.

President Donald Trump had nominated a Judge with an impeccable judicial record for the position. Judge Brett Kavanaugh had already passed, without so much as a single red flag, six federal background checks throughout his career.

One of those federal background checks actually allowed him access to our nation’s nuclear codes and you can bet had anything even a little off been discovered in such a deep and complete background check, Kavanaugh would have never held any further federal position, and certainly would never have eventually found himself in a position to become a Supreme Court nominee.

The American Bar Association gave Judge Kavanaugh its absolute highest ranking based on everything from his rulings, decisions, writings and his demeanor.

While there will always be differences in the way liberals and Conservatives…

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The Attempt to Smear Kavanaugh Exposed

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So, Christine Ford, is a professor at Palo Alto University, and a registered democrat who federal campaign finance records show made donations earmarked for Bernie Sanders, the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and been a part of anti-Trump movements,(*!). has come forward as the anonymous source behind the Diane Feinstein letter regarding the supposed sexual misconduct of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

I hardly know where to begin, but I suppose it would be best to take it from the top.

Feinstein claims to have had in her possession, since July, a letter sent to her by this woman, Ford, in which Ford makes the claim that as a teen, Kavanaugh attacked her sexually some 35 years ago.

Feinstein did nothing with that letter until September 12th, just days ahead of a vote by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Kavanaugh, and while that in and of itself is disturbing, more disturbing still is the fact that this woman, Ford, has kept abjectly silent about the alleged attack…for 35 years.

According to Ford, it all happened on a summer day in the 1980s at a Maryland house where teens had gathered.

Which year in the 1980’s?

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Hey Liberals…Neener Neener

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

In the past several articles here in The National Patriot, I have outlined the pitfalls of socialism…not that conservatives aren’t already aware of such things…and not that liberals would read those articles even if they could read.

The overwhelming history of socialism is that, everywhere it has ever been implemented, and every time it has been implemented, it eventually collapses in failure.

Last week, in several primary races leading up to the 2018 midterm elections this November, liberals need look no further than their own candidates to witness such a collapse.

In the weeks and days leading up to several key primaries, liberals sent their socialist collective darlings…Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cynthia Nixon and Bernie Sanders, otherwise known as the Marxist Sisters and the namesake of Weekend at Bernie’s…on an extended road trip to whip up support for their fellow socialist candidates.

It didn’t end well….

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