Is THIS the Writing on the Socialist Wall??

Who didn’t see THIS coming?

There is now some talk about Obama dumping Biden from the 2012 ticket and replacing him with Hillary.

First off, Obama is in trouble and he knows it. His base is fleeing. He needs to add someone who socialists want. Hillary fills the ticket. She ran hard against Obama in ’08 and there seem to be a lot of liberals who would rather have HER in the White House than HIM.

The weirdest part of the scuttlebutt at this point is that Biden and Hillary would swap jobs.

Can you even IMAGINE Joe Biden as Secretary of State? Seriously, at this point, the guy can shoot off his mouth with all sorts of inane and crazy blather – and other than making for some entertaining sound bites, it’s harmless. But as Secretary of State…he would be sticking our national foot in HIS mouth on the WORLD stage and I suspect, that within days of taking the job, Biden would manage to INSULT at least HALF of our allies.

Let’s get back to the VP Hillary thing.

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Rocking the Boat or the Voice of Realism?

Here’s the deal. Straight forward and in plain talk. I have never been accused of being politically correct and that’s not likely to change today.

What I’m about to say will probably set a few darn good conservatives ablaze but…So be it.

It will also send the Ronulans into orbit.

As we close in on the Iowa Caucus and other important early state primaries, I am seeing and hearing more and more of the “Only MY candidate can…” and My candidate is the ONLY one who will…”


ANY of the GOP candidates CAN and WILL do this and that. Some may do one thing better or faster than another and another may do something else faster and better but ALL of them have the ABILITY to do…whatever.

One Facebook friend, a solid conservative, responded to a post yesterday with this:

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And the Cain Endorsement Goes TO…

As Herman Cain “suspended” his campaign on Saturday, he promised that soon, he would endorse a candidate and in my article, “CAIN SUSPENDS CAMPAIGN,” I suggested he make that endorsement as soon as possible.

Now, we learn that Mr. Cain will, TODAY, make his endorsement.

It WILL be Newt Gingrich.

This will no doubt please some and anger others, but Newt will receive the Cain Endorsement later this morning.

Here’s the conundrum for some Cain supporters.

Cain has been called the “Ultimate Outsider” and many of his most ardent supporters have clung to him because of his Tea Party stance. Now, Mr. Cain will endorse the man many feel is the “Ultimate Insider” Newt Gingrich.

While polls over the last week have shown that should Cain bow out of the race, most of his support would go to Gingrich with some falling to Romney or Paul, and I speculated that Gingrich would receive the Cain endorsement, it is yet to be seen just how MUCH of Cain’s support will fall to Newt in reality.

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The Cain Train Derailed

Herman Cain will bow out of the 2012 presidential campaign.

That is my opinion and one that I believe will, sooner rather than later, become a reality.

Right now, Cain is engaged in an “Assessment” of his campaign following more allegations of inappropriate behavior. This time, it’s not sexual harassment…This time, it’s an alleged affair that supposedly lasted some 13 years.

My opinion will, no doubt, inflame Cain’s most ardent followers but it’s time to face reality.

At worst, Cain had a 13 year affair with Ginger White and while that is yet to be proven, at least as far as THIS allegation, that would be the worst case scenario. If it proves to be true…IF it proves to be true, it would add an air of validity to other allegations and would be something from which Cain could not resurrect himself.

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Obama Job Approval at 45.4% and That Begs a Question…

Today is November 6th, 2011. One year from today will be November 6th, 2012, and that is “take out the garbage” day in America. On November 6th, 2012, we head to the polls and cast out ballots and if history is any indicator, that will be the day we give Obama notice that he is out of a job.

In our history, no individual has won reelection as President when, one year out from that election, the incumbent has an approval rating of 47% or lower.

Today, according to Real Clear Politics, Obama is at 45. 4% and that seriously makes me scratch my head.

45.4% approve of the job Obama has done up to now.

Who ARE these people??

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Does the GOP Need a Game Changer or a Game Winner?

Am I the only one who thinks, the more we hear from Rick Perry…The LESS we’re GOING to be hearing from Rick Perry? It’s because we’re learning more and more about candidate Perry and we’re learning it from HIM and this guy, every time he speaks, seems to be taking direct aim at his own foot.

Perry’s demise is going to come at the hands of his own policies and chief among them, his stance on illegal aliens.

Perry stands WITH the idea of allowing those in our country, specifically in Texas, to receive in-state tuition breaks and that is a direct salvo fired at a very stout Tea Party tenant. Perry can’t back away from this issue, even though now, I’m sure he would like to. Perry made this a law in Texas – and now, he’s stood firmly behind his policy on the debate stage. He went so far as to state that anyone against such a policy is heartless.

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GOP Deck Shuffled…No More Mr. Nice Guy

Less than 24 hours after the Iowa Straw Poll results were announced, the candidate many considered, Mr. Nice Guy, pulled out of the race – and to be honest, it was not a surprise.

Tim Pawlenty, after a Sunday morning conference call with supporters, called it quits. So, what went wrong?

Pawlenty, the former Minnesota Governor, was by most accounts, a really nice guy but, was he true presidential material? No. Pawlenty had 2 memorable showings in debates once calling Romney’s health care plan ORomneycare and the second, going after Michelle Bachmann harshly. Neither moment would be enough to get him any better than 3rd place in the Iowa Straw Poll nor it seems, be enough to garner further financial support for a long and tough campaigning.

The financial end of it is but one factor in his decision.

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