There is now some talk about Obama dumping Biden from the 2012 ticket and replacing him with Hillary.
First off, Obama is in trouble and he knows it. His base is fleeing. He needs to add someone who socialists want. Hillary fills the ticket. She ran hard against Obama in ’08 and there seem to be a lot of liberals who would rather have HER in the White House than HIM.
The weirdest part of the scuttlebutt at this point is that Biden and Hillary would swap jobs.
Can you even IMAGINE Joe Biden as Secretary of State? Seriously, at this point, the guy can shoot off his mouth with all sorts of inane and crazy blather – and other than making for some entertaining sound bites, it’s harmless. But as Secretary of State…he would be sticking our national foot in HIS mouth on the WORLD stage and I suspect, that within days of taking the job, Biden would manage to INSULT at least HALF of our allies.
Let’s get back to the VP Hillary thing.