Weekend Edition: Obama’s American Dream Revealed

Over the last week, at both party’s conventions, there was one common theme.

Well…Sort of common theme.

Let’s say that the title of the theme was the same and leave it at that since that is where similarities ended.

That theme was…”The American Dream.”

Both parties talked about it. Both said they were for it.

It seems however, that they have two very different definitions OF it.

I suggest that to understand the “American Dream,” we need to step back from today’s contentious discourse.

From a literary standpoint, the tear, “American Dream” was made popular in 1931 in a book written by James Truslow Adams but, it’s not the origin of the phrase.

To find its origin as a written or spoken phrase, one must read Ben Franklin’s autobiography.

Clearly though, before something like that can be written, it must be conceived of and it’s quite possible, that concept began with the Pilgrims who longed for a land where they could worship as they saw fit.

America was accessible though far from their homelands, it offered security from their overbearing governments and it was a place from which they could have a new beginning.

It was dangerous. It was uncertain. Why…The trip TO America could kill you. There were no guarantees but there was…opportunity.

Eventually, the government control the Pilgrims had fled caught back up to them and again, rather than charting their own course and their own destiny, those who had sought freedom were again…Subjects.

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Conservative’s War on Women Explained


I’ve been putting a few things together. Connecting the dots, as it were.

You know how I enjoy connecting the dots.

Well, I’m going to do something here I have never done before. I am going to offer my assistance to the liberal/socialists.

Alright now, where to begin.

Okay. In a recent ABC News Poll…The numbers are somewhat startling for Obama. In April, Female voters preferred Obama 57-39%. However…the most RECENT poll shows a VERY different story.

Female voters NOW prefer Romney to Obama by 50% (Romney) to 46% for Obama.

My goodness. What happened???

For months now, angry liberal/socialists have been telling the nation that Republicans are waging a “war on women.” They’ve been painting conservatives as purely EVIL towards women. They say that Romney HATES women and Ryan HATES women.

They’ve said it and said it. From the campaign trail and every liberal/socialist spinning head pundit has said it and said it.

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A Clarion Call to True Patriots

My friends and Fellow Patriots,

It is now official.

We have a Nominee for President and Vice President.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were officially placed in nomination at the Republican National Convention yesterday in Tampa Florida.

No more conjecture. No more grasping at straws or hanging by threads hoping that somehow, someone else would be nominated.

We, as conservatives, have one chance. One chance to start the process of restoration. We have One chance to start the process of rebuilding this nation. We have one chance to begin again.

One chance.

While we applaud those who, over the long and sometimes contentious primary season and through the weeks leading to yesterday’s roll call vote in Tampa, who steadfastly supported various candidates in their efforts, those campaigns did not bear fruit.

For my part, as an early endorser of Newt Gingrich, and as one who, before that, had held out hope of an Allen West candidacy, I put aside my own adherence to a single candidate for the greater needs of this nation.

As a Patriot, a Tea Party Patriot, a student of history and a Reagan Conservative, I know that no single president or single election will finish what must be done to restore this nation to its rightful place as a world leader and economic power.

This election, on November 6th, 2012 is no exception.

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Today’s One and Only Convention Speech

Today, at the Convention, not much is going to happen. They’ll gavel in…Go into recess…And hit the cocktail parties because of the big storm.

All the speaker who were scheduled to orate today from the podium, have had their slots shifted and some, like the Governors of the gulf states, have far more important thing to attend to.

ALL the speeches set for today…ALL of them, ar postponed.

All but one.

I figured that, since the podium was open…

Why not?


Greetings to…well…nobody in particular.

I saw on NBC News a couple of days ago, where Neil Young died. This came as quite a shock to me and, I’m reasonable sure, to Neil Young.

It was Neil Armstrong who passed away but, to NBC…Really…What’s the difference? One was an American Hero who became the first man to walk on the Moon and the other is a guy who horned his way into somebody else’s band.

I’m sure NBC’s coverage of this convention will be filled with the same attention to fact as their announcement of the passing of Neil Young.

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The Weekend Edition: Tea Party Roots and the Convention

This weekend, we stand on the doorstep of the 2012 Republican Convention.

That convention will begin on Monday, come rain or shine…Hurricane or not In Tampa and just like the expected weather, the event itself will be somewhat stormy.

Not every Republican is happy with the event because not every Republican is happy that Mitt Romney will officially become the GOP Nominee.

Various factions of the Tea Party are holding out hope that their choice, somehow, will become the nominee.

Such is the nature of the Tea Party with which I am proud to identify.

In those early months of the Tea Party, liberals tried, in vein, to label us as everything from racists to angry mobs, to ready for the padded rooms at Bellevue.

But, do you remember the first label? The very first one so falsely attributed to the Tea Party?


It was April 15th, 2009. TAX DAY. That’s when Nancy Pelosi stepped to a microphone and stated, “This [tea party] initiative is funded by the high end — we call call it astroturf, it’s not really a grassroots movement. It’s astroturf by some of the wealthiest people in America to keep the focus on tax cuts for the rich instead of for the great middle class. “

Astroturf.  NOT a real grassroots movement.

Some of the wealthiest people in America trying to keep the focus on tax cuts for the rich.

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Friday Fume

Friends and Patriots, I know. I KNOW you’ve had enough and you’ve had enough for a long time now.

I’m with ya.

Every day, we see and hear things from liberal/socialists that light our hair on fire.

That’s why I look forward to the end of the week when I can get it off my chest with a dose of sarcasm which, hopefully, makes ya laugh just a bit.

Ya can’t make this stuff up and if you don’t find a way to laugh at it, you’ll explode.

Get ready folks.

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Oh for GOD’S sake.

Ya buy a chicken sandwich and the liberal/socialists call ya every name in the book. You’re EVIL and a BIGOT and the DEVIL and that’s the NICE stuff.

But…call for KILLING white people and what do ya hear from the liberal/socialists???


Case in point…

Michelle Williams, the Party Chief of Staff for the New BlacKKK Panthers, and the same VOICE OF REASON that issued the DEAD OR ALIVE order against George Zimmerman, says that TAMPA IS UNDER SIEGE BY REPUBLICANS, WHITES, TEA BAGGERS AND CRACKERS!!!!!

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The Battle Hymn of the 2012 Election

Over the weekend, I was struck by the words of Paul Ryan at a rally in Manassas Virginia.

It was how he opened his comments.

What he said has been the clarion call of conservatives since the 2010 midterm election.

As the music played at each rally announcing Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s running mate, I could help but think…

We need an anthem. No…We need a battle song.

What we DON:T need is a rehashed song bent and twisted to meet the need. Any old song will do if that’s the criteria.


What we need is a  song, written by someone who feels the way WE do. A song which expresses OUR clarion call.

We need a song which speaks directly to US, of who WE are and to what WE must do.

It needs to be a song OF the People, BY the People and FOR the people.

That’s why, when I heard Paul Ryan’s opening words in Manassas on Saturday…I knew EXACTLY what our song should be.


If you are not yet familiar with Ava Aston…You should be.

A while back, I found the song that she wrote and it shook me to the core.

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Nitwits, Hair Brains and Socialists…OH MY!!!!

Okay…Let me see if I have this straight.

Hair Brained Harry Reid who has offered such pearls of wisdom as these:

“The tea party will disappear as soon as the economy gets better and the economy is getting better all the time.”

“Until the Republicans get real, we can’t do [spending bills], because [House Republicans] have refused to adhere to the law that guides this country.”

“Last year, Amonix CEO Brian Robertson was tragically killed in a plane crash and unfortunately the company was unable to recover from this difficult time.”

“Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good.”

“This war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything.”

At one point Hair Brained Harry said THIS about John Roberts…

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Cokie Plays the Race Card…GO FISH!!!

In What can only be described as a desperate attempt to brand the 2012 election as racist and/or to keep some hope of racial division alive, yesterday, Cokie Roberts made a bazaar statement on NPR.

“You remember well the Reagan Democrats, those ethnic white voters who had been Democrats for many years, turned out for Ronald Reagan and have been fairly predictable Republicans since then Now, it’s a smaller percentage of the population, of the voting population than it used to be, but white voters are still much more Republican than any other group in the electorate. 

“They went for McCain in 2008 by 55 percent, and I think that, you know, getting those ethnic voters excited is really what Romney has in mind here. It’s more for the folks at home, the descendants of the people that he will be speaking to in Poland.”

So…Cokie is saying that the only reason Romney went to Poland and gave a speech was to excite…”WHITE ETHNIC VOTERS.”


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Obama’s Contempt for Israel Continues

It’s hard to believe that Obama’s support among Jewish voters is not eroding. Of course, the Jewish vote going traditionally to the left has always been something of a point of confusion.

This past weekend, Mitt Romney once again visited Israel and any comparison to Obama’s visit there nearly exactly 4 years ago as a candidate can be quickly dispelled.

In July of 2008, candidate Obama stopped in Israel but the visit was far, far different than Romney’s.

In 2008, Obama told the Israelis that, “I’m here on this trip to reaffirm the special relationship between Israel and the United States and my abiding commitment to Israel’s security and my hope that I can serve as an effective partner, whether as a U.S. senator or as president.”

Obama, at the time, also stated, “A nuclear Iran would pose a grave threat and the world must prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

And, of the Palestinian issue, Obama said, “Israelis desire a secure peace in which both they and the Palestinians can fulfil their legitimate aspirations: a strong secure state of Israel living alongside a viable and peaceful Palestinian state. We must support Palestinian leaders who share this vision.”

So…Over his time in office, how has Obama done regarding these promises?

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