Baltimore and Their Crap-Happy Looters

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

str 1Well, it’s about damn time.

With irrefutable evidence staring them in the face…maybe black America is starting to wake the hell up.

After all, statistics show that in 2013, there were 2491 black people murdered in the United States and that 2.245 OF those murders were at the hands of other BLACK people and while that stat simply shows murders…here’s something a little more poignant…in 2014…cops killed 414 white people but only 233 BLACK people and yet BLACK people, who comprise just 13% of the U.S. population, are responsible for 42% of all cop killings.

Yesterday, the streets of cities across our nation FILLED with protest marches…BLACK people…PROTESTING black on black violence.

In Atlanta…New York…Detroit…Dallas…Los Angeles…from sea to shining sea…BLACK people took a stand…a long awaited stand…a much NEEDED stand against black perpetrated violence.

Jesse was on the streets of Chicago leading the protests…Al was in Atlanta leading the way and Barack, from a golf course somewhere added HIS voice to the rising chorus of black leaders decrying black violence.


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Weekend Edition: Can We PLEASE Focus???

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

tnp eagleI have to tell you that there are just some things I don’t give a rat’s ass about. Not in the least…not at all…because in the grand scheme of things and with the world in the shape it’s in right now…certain things just don’t really matter.

For instance…

I don’t give a crap who wore what to the Oscars. For that matter, I don’t give a crap who DIDN’T wear what to the Oscars and if you think there is some overwhelming reason to continue to post and share photos of Neil Patrick Harris in his tighty-whiteys…you are sadly mistaken.

I don’t care who sang what during halftime and I don’t care how Madonna’s dancers were dressed at a Brit Awards show. When people launch into that line of ‘THE WORLD IS ENDING…ILLUMINATI…SIGNS OF THE APOCOLYPSE AND THE DEVIL’S MUSIC’ crap…it makes reasonable people think you’re on the verge of organizing a book burning party on an overpass to prove that you are somehow more virtuous than the rest of humanity.

I don’t care who’s sleeping with whom or who is getting married to whom. If you don’t think that people of the same sex should sleep with each other or get married to one another than by all means…don’t sleep with or marry someone with the same parts as your own.

Problem solved.

Colorado and Washington made it legal to smoke pot for fun. Okay…since I don’t smoke pot or live in Washington or Colorado…why should I care. They both voted on it at the state level…it passed in both states…big deal.


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SOTU – More of the Same Ol’ Socialist Song and Dance

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

coll 1In his State of the Disunion speech, Obama laid out his plan to further wreck the economy while trying to make us all believe that because of his policies, roundly slammed in the midterm election, our economy is so bright we have to wear shades.

Obama’s plan is to further the fundamental transformation of America into a socialist state and whatt he is promoting is abysmal and decidedly un-American.

Obama wants 7 days of paid sick leave for every employee. That SOUNDS reasonable until one gets to the reality faced by business owners who have to pay it. What any savvy business owner will do is simply make an adjustment in their pay scale. 7 days of paid sick leave adjusts to the equivalent of 7 days less pay per employee because business owners, at least those who intend on staying in business, won’t eat it…they will adjust FOR it and the workers will pay the price…not the business owners.

Obama wants to expand overtime.

Again…savvy business owners, should such a mandate be presented, will cut pay to compensate and once again, the workers lose.

Obama AGAIN went on the warpath for a hike in the minimum wage and again, until one recognizes the truth, it sounds good but…when the minimum wage gets hiked, it results in LOWER pay because business owners cut workers hours and hire fewer workers to keep their bottom line even.

Don’t think so?

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Dear Congress…GROW A SET ALREADY!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

balls 1Dear 114th Congress,

Today is your first day on the job as our new congress.


We the People…you know, from the words of our founders and framers, have HIRED you to do the work OF We the People and we have a simple request…call it a job description if you will…and it is this…


After six years of the Obama regime…enough is enough.

Our nation is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC not a BANANA REPUBLIC and it’s time that you…the people we hired…do something to restore the vision of those who declared our independence FROM a king and stop Obama in his tracks.

Let’s start with Obamacare shall we?

It’s nothing but a socialist’s wet dream. Defund it and eliminate it.

It was based on lies and deceit and relied on the stupidity of those who voted for it to pass into law and we all know who voted for it don’t we?

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Ferguson – Full of Crap-Flinging Monkeys

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

snark 1According to reports after Monday’s meeting of racists and race baiters at the Whitey House…

“Obama made a forceful pledge on Monday to use his last two years in office to address the “simmering distrust” between police and minority communities as he requested $263 million for the federal response to the civil rights upheaval triggered in Ferguson, Missouri.”

Well, FINALLY…a plan to throw taxpayer money at a completely fabricated issue. THAT’S just what we need and, dare I say, for a quarter of a billion dollars, no doubt borrowed from China, Obama should be able to take this from a “simmering distrust” to a FULL BOIL of seething hatred.

The local issue of Ferguson became the subject of a cabinet meeting on Monday and sitting in with the ilk of the regime were…Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League…Janet Murguía, president and CEO of the National Council of La (ILLEGAL aliens) Raza and…Al Sharpton – race baiter emeritus.

Yep…problem solved huh?



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Ferguson – Eyes Open, Case Closed

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

eyes 1Yesterday, in The National Patriot, I laid out the politically direct truth regarding the criminal aftermath of the Ferguson Grand Jury decision and exactly who is responsible for it.

Today, I will go a step further to provide the direct compare and contrast Obama doesn’t want you to read.

As I stated at the end of yesterday’s article, “Mike Brown’s 7 Steps to 6 Feet Under,” all of the events that have transpired between the seating of the Grand Jury and the criminal aftermath of their decision have been orchestrated by the liberal machine and the wizard behind the curtain, pulling the levers and spinning the dials as well as the flow of information and propaganda is none other than Barack Hussein Obama.”

And, as I have stated for years, “If you really want to know what liberals are up to, pay attention to what they accuse Conservatives of doing.”

Take a seat and hold onto something well anchored Obama…you’re not going to like what’s coming next because…it’s the truth.

Let’s go back to 2009 and 2010…

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Mike Brown – 7 Steps to 6 Feet Under

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

6 feet 1Let’s get something straight, without all the politically correct crap masking the truth. It’s time to be brutally politically DIRECT and honest about what is going on in the wake of the Ferguson decision.

Mike Brown was nothing special.

He was a ground level street thug. Nothing more.

Mike Brown was not a child. He was 18 years old and that makes him an adult.

Mike Brown was not some wilting violet either. He was not innocent nor was he, by any stretch, a good boy when he WAS a boy. He had a juvenile rap sheet. He had been in trouble before…no felony convictions that we know of but, he had, without doubt, been in trouble with the law AS a child and that mentality is something he carried with him into adulthood.

Mike Brown, it seems, came from a family of thugs so it’s not hard to see where his learned behavior came from…

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Ferguson Rioters are NOT in the Zone

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

zone 1Since I’ve seen nobody else bring this up…I will.

Have you noticed? Something’s missing in Ferguson. While the situation in Ferguson is different…something is most definitely…missing.

There are…”protesters”… in Ferguson.

Many of the…”protesters”…in Ferguson are armed. Gun shops have been selling out of ammo and weapons there and we’ve seen videos of armed protesters so we KNOW that many of the…”protesters”…in Ferguson are armed to the teeth.

So far…it appears the same as it was before…before what?

I’ll get to that shortly.

In Ferguson…day after day, night after night since August 9th, the…”protesters” have been in the street…up and down the street…all OVER the street. Hell, in those early days, they were burning and looting businesses…causing mayhem and destruction and to be crystal clear…they are threatening the same now whenever the decision from the Grand Jury is delivered. Whatever that decision is.

What’s missing? Something is  missing but what?

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Nobody Left to Blame Part 2 of 2

plod 1Yesterday, at the end of my article, “Nobody Left to Blame – Part 1 of 2” I said…”With but 2 weeks to go before November 4th, there are only two ways we can lose.”

“Voter fraud perpetrated by liberals or…our own self- implosion.”

Let’s take those one at a time.

First…voter fraud.

Ask a liberal, elected or on the street and they’ll tell you that voter fraud doesn’t exist and when confronted with the proof of it, they STILL claim it doesn’t exist.

There is a reason liberals don’t want voter ID laws as such overbearing laws would force voters to provide a photo ID in order to cast their votes. Oh, the humanity.

ID is required for just about everything from doing business at your bank to buying things like beer and tobacco. Try boarding a plane without a photo ID or buying nail polish at the CVS. You can do neither yet, according to everyone from Obama to the contemptuous Eric Holder, minorities are at a disadvantage where photo ID’s are concerned. They just can’t seem, for unknown and unexplained reasons, obtain a photo ID.


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Nobody Left to Blame Part 1 of 2

exit 1Oh, to have been a fly on the wall at 1600 Pennsylvania yesterday.

It had to be somewhere between pissed and panic mode after what transpired Sunday in Maryland and I’m willing to bet there were people hiding under their collective desks trying to dodge the verbal hand grenades, tirades and mayhem.

On Sunday, Obama forewent the golf course to do something he has, by and large, been begged NOT to do.

He campaigned for a liberal.

Most liberals in this midterm election year have kept the Dictator far, FAR away from their campaigns because, like rats off a sinking ship, they knew him to be a pariah.

Sunday…the ship deserted the rat.

The Lt. Governor of Maryland, one Anthony G. Brown, is running for the lead chair in his state and, in a move he’ll most likely wind up regretting, he asked Obama to speak at a rally.

Obama delivered a 25 minute speech but…just 10 or 11 minutes into his sad and sorry rhetoric…the crowd…started leaving.

They got up…they turned on their heels and…

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