A New House of Cards

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

As we get near the 2018 midterm elections, with an eye on 2020, the democratic party thinks they have it all figured out. They’re busy, even as you read this, laying the groundwork for their new and improved political platform.

Given the direction they’re going, they must believe they’ve finally unlocked the key to their 2016 presidential defeat.

The liberals just weren’t…

Liberal enough.

In light of that epiphany, the left side of the political aisle has decided to slide even further to the left, because…apparently…the socialists weren’t socialist enough to win in 2016, and by becoming more socialist than Castro, they think they’ve got a shot at it this November, and in 2020.

To highlight the plunge over the abyss of socialism that they now believe will raise them to new heights…

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True Colors and Seething Hatred

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

President Trump’s first State of the Union Address was, to put it mildly, amazing. To hear that sort of respect for the members of our military, both past and present…to hear that sort of respect for our country, and for our allies, and that sort of hard line approach to our nation’s enemies… It was refreshing.

I was, after the 8 years of the Obama regime, hoping, perhaps with expectations set too high, for a positive, straight forward, and powerful message from our President, and to be quite frank about it…I was shocked by how far my expectations were exceeded.

Congressional liberals, on the other hand were…even for them…shockingly, repugnant.

There were plenty of great take-aways from that Address, but what, I believe, will stick with me the longest, was the loathsome behavior of liberals in that chamber.

When President Trump spoke of the respect our flag deserves…

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The Craziest Democrat Strategy Yet

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to Neil Sroka, a liberal activist and spokesmouth for “Democracy for America,” which sounds suspiciously like “Organizing for America,” the 2018 strategy for his party’s midterm success should include the impeachment of President Trump.

Here’s exactly what he said…

“Democrats should run on an inclusive, populist agenda of free college and paid family leave, but shouldn’t shy away from supporting impeachment.”

Oh…please make that the foremost plank in the liberal/socialist party strategy.


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Lessons Learned from Liberals in 2017

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

History is a funny thing isn’t it?

It has often been said that those who fail to learn the lessons of history, are doomed to repeat it, and that much is certainly true.

President Ronald Reagan once said, “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

That too is very true.

So…now that 2017 is history, and because liberals are liberals, perhaps it’s time to have a look at just what lessons we learned from those who “know so much that isn’t so.”

To begin our history lesson…

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Why Liberals Really Hate Tax Cuts

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Armageddon is defined as…”the last and completely destructive battle.”

In other words…Armageddon is the end of everything, including life.

So…according to perennial moonbat, Nancy Pelosi, regarding the GOP tax bill “It is the end of the world. The debate on health care is life/death. This is Armageddon.”

I couldn’t find even a single liberal on the record disagreeing with her, so one can reasonably suppose that before the passing of that GOP tax bill just before Christmas, liberals as a whole believed that should it pass…the entire world would come to an end.


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North Korea’s Fate is in Kim Jong-un’s Hands

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The question being bandied about on social media, as well as the mainstream media over the past few days is simple…should a preemptive strike be launched against North Korea?

Given the complexity of the issue itself, perhaps the question is, in fact, too simple.

In a recent Facebook comment to that very question, John Hawkins, the owner of Right Wing News, answered that simple question in what one would assume was a well thought out way by stating that, “Not unless we were very sure a nuclear attack was coming. Reason being…A conventional strike would lead to Seoul being leveled almost no matter what we do. A nuclear strike is a terrible post WW2 precedent to set, rains fallout on South Korea and China and could alarm China enough (are they nuking us or North Korea) to cause them to launch nukes. Our best options would be sanctions, blockades and working with China (which Trump is having some success doing) to get the Norks to get rid of their program.”

As I said, one would assume that to be a well thought out response, but assumptions are often, and in this case, most definitely wrong…and let me count the ways…

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Obama’s Dry Hump 2017 World Tour

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Lou Dobbs, in a recently published piece, has rightfully pointed out that Barack Hussein Obama…that would be private citizen Barack Hussein Obama, has been shadowing President Trump around the world…meeting with the same world leaders as President Trump.

Obviously, Obama is worried that his 8 long years of trying to make America as destitute as the rest of the world is in danger of being erased as Trump has set forth to Make America Great Again.

If it wasn’t so sad…it would be funny…okay…it is funny.

Let’s have a look at the travel itinerary shall we?

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Wind Energy…Nothing But a Hot Air Scam

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, soon after recovering from the spectacle of Kathy Griffin’s televised pity party, in which she, a woman who is so white she is nearly transparent played the race card in an absurd attempt to garner sympathy because she claims she is being bullied by President Trump…

I was treated to the obtuse rantings and ravings of a nearly frothing at the mouth John Kerry regarding President Trump’s decision to leave the Paris Climate debacle.

Before I get into what’s really behind the liberal meltdown over the President’s rightful move on the climate thing…allow me to address Kerry’s absolute nonsense.

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Viva La France, Viva Le Pen

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Europe’s grand experiment, it seems, is ending. Their dabbling with, if not going hammer down toward abject socialism is coming apart at the strained seams, and with Brexit accelerating, those hell-bent on the destruction of European culture are as much on the brink of collapse, as is the European Union.

But before I delve into that, allow me a moment to pose a few simple questions to those who have been trying to send the once grand and varied cultures of Europe into an abyss from which there would be no escape…

What exactly, in the hell, have you been thinking?

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ObamaCare Repeal…the Big Picture Explained

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots

Remember, “you have to pass the bill, to find out what’s in the bill.” That was the liberal standard before any Republicans could be given a glimpse of ObamaCare, and exactly why not a single Republican in either the House or in the Senate voted in favor of it.

It was also the very reason why some liberals…because they had already seen what was in Obamacare…had to be ‘bribed’ by the Obama regime to vote in favor of it…a bit of history that has been all but forgotten in the ObamaCare saga.

Once all 2,777 pages of the bill were passed without a single Republican vote in 2010, ObamaCare became the law and was then bolstered down the road by Chief Justice John Roberts, who was willing to alter the language of the ACA bill to make it the law of the land. But the real question was what were the objectives to ObamaCare? Was it to cover each and every American and provide affordable health care, or was it something else entirely?

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