No Fly No Buy? 100% Unconstitutional

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

It comes as no surprise at all, that in the aftermath of the Orlando Islamic terrorist nf 1attack…all liberals can talk about is taking guns away from law abiding citizens or making it hard, if not impossible in some cases, to even purchase a gun.

THAT, say the liberals, is the best way to defeat terrorism.

Ted Cruz had a slightly different perspective on the situation…

“You don’t defeat terrorism by taking away our guns. You defeat terrorism by using our guns,” – Ted Cruz.

All the liberals need, is an inch in order to take ten thousand miles and they are using the Islamic terrorism murders of 49 innocent civilians to push their insipid agenda.

Here’s how they intend to start…

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Weekend Edition: Rand Paul – Old School, New Era

Last Wednesday, we witnessed a rare moment.

The fact that it was a rare moment is, in and of itself, disgusting for it SHOULD be the most common of moments as to go without notice.

The moment was as uncommon as common sense.

For just short of 13 hours a Senator from Kentucky stood on the floor and asked a simple question.

13 hours.

He wanted to know whether or not the president…ANY president, had the authority to kill an American citizen, on American soil, that was an unarmed noncombatant who was not, at the time of his or her droning, actively engaged in an ongoing act of terror or violence.

Last Wednesday was not the first time the senator had asked the question. In fact, he had asked and asked the question both verbally and in writing.

In a nutshell, the answers he received were, “We have no intention of doing that” and, “We have never done that before.”

To those who provided those responses, thank you for answering questions not asked.

The senator from Kentucky did not ask whether or not this had been done before.

The senator from Kentucky did not ask if there was any intent to do it in the future.

The senator from Kentucky simply wanted to know if the president believes he has the AUTHORITY to do it.

There are only two options when it comes to the answer.

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The Droning of the Constitution and American Citizens

There will be no trial. No due process.

No jury, no attorneys and no questions asked.

The “fundamental transformation” of America continues as Obama has vested in himself, the role of Judge, Jury and Executioner in Chief.

Today, the Dictator will “allow” Members of Congress a peek at HIS drone strategy because, John Brennan will go through his CIA confirmation hearing today as well. It’s an attempt to placate and he won’t be held to it.

The droning of al Awlaki was a trial balloon.

Now, according to a 16 page “leaked” memo, the president of the United States has the authority to kill those he believes to be an al Qaeda leader or affiliate leader in a foreign country.

“…the condition that an operation leader present an “imminent” threat of violent attack against the United States does not require the United States to have clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future. Given the nature of, for example, the terrorist attacks on September 11, in which civilian airliners were hijacked to strike the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, this definition of imminence, which would require the United States to refrain from action until preparations for an attack are concluded, would not allow the United States sufficient time to defend itself.”

According to the above excerpt from the memo, an “imminent” threat does not even have to mean…Imminent.

Given that, does an al Qaeda “leader” mean a leader?

And what, exactly, is an “affiliate” officially?

The problem is, any…ANY president will hold the power of defining “imminent” and “leader” and “affiliate” as well as judging the intent, proximity and anything else including when to push the button to drone the offending party out of existence.

Obama and his henchman, Holder, have taken it upon themselves, sans consent of congress, to invest such immense and easily corrupted power in Obama but, don’t call him a Dictator.

The HELL I won’t.

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