It seems that desperation is setting in at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in a big, BIG way.
The Dictator is doing his level best to distract from one abuse of power by trying to highlight another and another.
Just a couple of days after 3 whistle-blowers shed some light on the truth of Benghazi, Lois Lerner, in a nothing-burger conference answered a planted question regarding possible abuses by the IRS and the targeting “scandal” came to light.
The most transparent administration in history is transparently corrupt.
The only plausible explanation for having the question planted and answered with an apology by Lois Lerner is that Obama must have thought he would be able to distance HIMSELF more from the IRS abuse of power than he could from Benghazi and there are a few direct reasons FOR that tact.
We KNOW that SOMEBODY had to issue the Benghazi “STAND_DOWN” orders and the chain of command there is very short.
Had someone OTHER than Obama issued those orders, somebody’s head would have already rolled through the rose garden long, long ago.
Then there’s the fact that Obama himself, DISAPPEARED from the entire situation room situation on the night OF the attacks. He was there and then, he was gone and, under sworn testimony, we know that he never checked in again.