Friday Fume

Well, friends and Patriots…Another week has come and gone.

Malaysia has lost a plane and…


Let’s skip the quick hitters this time and head straight for the knot-headed behavior of the left side of the aisle.

Today is FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.


ALL the other problems in the world have been TAKEN CARE OF and the ONLY thing now holding women back is being called bossy.

According to Facebook’s  COO, Sheryl Sandberg, little girls are somehow scarred for life if they are called…Bossy and women…WOMEN…Just can’t reach their true potential if THEY are called…


WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP but, like flies to manure…LIBERALS are now buzzing around trying to actually BAN the word…BOSSY!!!

According to liberals…being called BOSSY is a form of LABELING and…”BEING LABELED…MATTERS!!!”

Oddly…It hasn’t stopped LIBERALS from labeling those who don’t flock toward SOCIALISM as “ANGRY MOBS, TERRORISTS, HOSTAGE TAKERS, VIOLENT, RACISTS and CERTIFIABLY INSANE!!!”

These idiots claim that, by middle school, little girls are less interested in LEADERSHIP and the REASON they are less interested is because…THEY ARE AFRAID THEY WILL BE CALLED…BOSSY!!!

“BAN BOSSY” is now the liberal cry.

“BAN BOSSY!!!!!!!”

I don’t know about you but…DEMANDING  the word…BOSSY…be banned seems to be pretty…

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Weekend Edition: The State of the 4th Estate

If you think that the FCC’s backing down and running away with their tails tucked hastily between their collective legs regarding the proposed Government-Goons-in-the-newsrooms-of-America debacle is the end of it…

Think again.

It’s nothing more than the tip of the tyranny iceberg.

Yes, you probably heard about the idea of sending goons to monitor newsrooms under the guise of some sort of study and, you most likely were up in arms about it given the 1st Amendment’s guarantee of “Freedom of the Press” but, there may well be things you didn’t realize.

1st, is the notion that all of this was to somehow procure a “study” regarding minorities and the balance of news coverage.


This was the precursor to a government-forced or mandated idea of racial balance both IN the newsrooms and delivered BY them.

Either news and media organizations were going to be forced to hire minorities whose primary job qualifications were going to be the color of their skin or…

This was going to bring about a government-ordered SELL OFF of some media groups directly TO minority ownership regardless of the private market, fair selling prices or interest in those companies BY minority groups.

Government mandated pandering to a known liberal voting bloc under the guise of racial equality.

2nd…There is no way in hell this is really over.

Yes, the FCC backed down. They blinked and pulled their plans to snoop and SUSPENDED this unlawful study but…Consider this…

If this was really over…It would have CANCELLED the “study” and…

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The Dictator’s Diaper is Full of Obamacrap

The Dictator and his regime just keep rolling merrily along, telling their subjects that all is well and Obamacare is the greatest thing since the invention of the banana republic.

They had to bribe members of their own party to pass it…They couldn’t allow anyone, of either party, to READ it before they passed it…The Vice Dictator called it a “BIG F***ING DEAL” and on and on and on.

The Dictator and his minions have often decried the attempts to repeal it.

42 times, they say, those opposed to socialism have tried to repeal the disaster and, every time they try, the Dictator scolds them and his useful idiots parrot the castigations.

It’s “THE LAW OF THE LAND” they keep telling US, the lowly ingrates who just can’t get it through our patriotically thick heads that the GOVERNMENT is far, FAR better suited to mandate TO us that which is better FOR us than WE might decide for ourselves.

“THE LAW OF THE LAND” has just been altered, again, by the Dictator.

No need for congress…

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From a Constitutional to Banana Republic

Tuesday evening, the Dictator delivered his State of Future Mandates speech to a 60% ungrateful nation.

Don’t they realize what the remaining 40% who approve of his highness have embraced?

BIG GOVERNMENT is WORKING in their minds.

There are now more people collecting welfare than ever before.

Big government works.

There are more Americans than ever utilizing food stamps.

Big government works.

More and more Americans have applied for and received disability compensation than ever before and, it doesn’t even matter whether or not they actually need it.

Big government works.

More Americans have been thrown off the health insurance plans they had and, would have liked to have kept, than have signed up for the propagandized, “BETTER” and more “AFFORDABLE” Obamacare and, of those who have signed up, the overwhelming majority are those signing up for expanded Medicaid along with those Americans who are older and more in need of healthcare than those who are young, healthy and NECESSARY to carry the financial burden.


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Friday Fume


Can you even BELIEVE the week we’ve just been through?

It’s been like walking through a FREAK SHOW…

Just one damned thing after another but…The same could well be said of the waiting line to get into a Birkenstocks sale.

Here’s a couple of quick shots for ya…

In his book, “Duty,” Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said, of that sniveling weasel Harry Reid…

 “He also once contacted me to urge that Defense invest in research on irritable bowel syndrome.”

Far be it for me to advise the Secretary of Defense but…Were I Robert Gates…I would have sent Reid a wall mirror and a bill from the Pentagon for $6500 bucks!!!

Next…According to Mike Huckabee…“One term that I’d like to see outlawed from the vernacular of the party is ‘RINO. It stands for Republicans in Name Only, and it’s a pejorative term that questions the authenticity and orthodoxy of someone’s party purity. I’ve been called that myself, even though I fought in the trenches of Republican politics for over two decades. Even so, I would never pretend that I’m Lord over determining who the real Republicans are.”

Ya got that??? From here on out…We don’t call em RINO’s. We call em HUCKABEES!!!!!

And…Some rocket scientist …

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Weekend Edition: Let Liberals OWN Their Demise

Late last Thursday, Obama, once again, altered a law passed by congress, Obamacare,without congressional action.

Once again, he has violated the Constitutional separation of powers.

Once again, congress, notably, Republicans in the house, where all tax laws and the changes to them must originate, have done nothing regarding this unconstitutional action.

In most cases, I would be calling for heads to roll but, not in this case.

The Tea Party, Conservatives. Republicans and the RINOS are absolutely correct in keeping their mouths shut.

The reason is as plain as the noses above their muffled mouths.

Obamacare is a law that was passed ONLY by the democrats.

Not one single Republican voted FOR it and some Democrats had to LITERALLY be BRIBED to pass it.

By the dictatorial rule of then house Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, a DEMOCRAT, nobody was allowed to READ the Obamacare bill before they PASSED it and when it arrived in the senate…Obamacare passed by only 1…DEMOCRAT…vote.

Republicans have made the Democrats OWN Obamacare from the start because Republicans KNEW this to be a bad, unsustainable law and…

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Obama’s Desperate Lie: “Obamacare is Working”

“The bottom line is, this law is working and will work into the future.”

Those were the words of Barack Hussein Obama, a pathological and compulsive liar on the first day of his 21 Days of Obamacare tour just 2 days ago.

“The bottom line is, this law is working and will work into the future.”

Keep that quote in mind…Not that I’m about to allow you to forget it.

6.2 MILLION Americans have had their existing insurance plans cancelled…SO FAR…because of Obamacare and this horse’s ass has the unmitigated GALL to stand before the American people and tell them…Tell THEM…that:

“The bottom line is, this law is working and will work into the future.”

There is no security…NONE…written into the Obamacare website system and YOU are MANDATED to turn all of YOUR private personal information including your social security number, your email address, your phone number, your tax information, your employment information, your income information and so very much more over TO that website and there is the liar in chief telling you that: “The bottom line is, this law is working and will work into the future.”


“The bottom line is, this law is working and will work into the future.”

We now know that 1/3 of those who THINK they have “enrolled in Obamacare HAVEN’T because, the system has garbled or lost ALL THAT PRIVATE, PERSONAL information before it ever made it to the insurance carriers and yet, the swine stands at the podium and states…

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Obamacare – Make No Mistake…The WORLD is Watching

Fallout from Obama’s man-made disaster, Obamacare, is not limited to those Americans being cancelled by their insurance carriers.

The fallout is not limited to the economy.

It’s not limited to the white house or the liberal/socialist party or agenda either.

There is fallout that nobody is talking about and the ramifications of it are dire.

Dire to national security and dire to international security as well.

And, to be certain, the fallout is not just from Obamacare as Obamacare is nothing more than a microcosm of the real problem.

The problem is trust.

Obama doesn’t have it. His polls are falling by the day as more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that he is unworthy of trust but the polls don’t show the whole story.

For 5 long years, Obama and his administration have been plagued by what HE has called…”PHONY SCANDALS” and while you can fool some of the people SOME of the time, we know that one can’t fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.

Our allies, around the world have been watching.

As the NSA was spying on THEM…

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Obamacare, Lies and Videotape

Whatever lies beneath pond scum is where socialist puppet Harry Reid dwells.

Yesterday…upon the announcement of yet ANOTHER house plan to open the government…

Reid stated, categorically, “It won’t pass the Senate.”

Neither Reid nor Obama nor anyone else in the senate, had even seen the republican proposal. It had not even been voted on in the house.

And yet…There was the Dictator’s useful idiot, Harry Reid…Rushing to a microphone to tell the world that, “It won’t pass the senate.”

Anyone who can still fog a mirror and thinks this “shutdown” and the impending bump up against the debt ceiling is the fault of Republicans, is delusional.

On the left, we have a Dictator who refuses to negotiate, a mob of morons spouting rhetoric, pointing fingers across the aisle and labeling the willing to negotiate, bill and proposal passing Republicans as everything from “arsonists, terrorists, hostage takers, ransom demanding homicide vest wearing radicals” while Reid continues to be the only one not allowing the Republican proposals to come to a vote.

Yesterday, without so much as laying socialist eyeball on the latest proposal from the house…without knowing one single thing about it…Reid said, “It won’t pass the senate.”

Without even seeing the proposal, Nancy Pelosi stated it was, “wasting the public’s time.”

Without seeing the latest Republican proposal, white house mouthpiece, Amy Brundage, called it, “A partisan attempt to appease a small group of Tea Party Republicans who forced the government shutdown in the first place.” 

And Harry Reid…WITHOUT EVEN SEEING THE REPUBLICAN PROPOSAL ,STATED THAT IT IS NOTHING BUT…”Extremist Republicans in the House of Representatives are attempting to torpedo the Senate’s bipartisan progress with a bill that can’t pass the Senate … and won’t pass the Senate.”

Remind me once again, exactly, who is responsible for 17% of the government being closed?

Oh yes…

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