The Wall: Dollars and Common Sense

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to David Cicilline, a liberal congressman from Rhode Island, President Trump’s proposed border wall, “is a colossal waste for money.”

That said…it’s been the better part of 35 years since I took junior high algebra, and to be honest, it was not my best subject. I didn’t see the need for it. In fact, my algebra teacher once asked me, in front of the entire class, why I had such a hard time grasping algebra.

My response was simple…

I told her that I used NUMBERS for MATH…and LETTERS for SPELLING. While that snarky line drew scorn from my algebra teacher, it elicited everything from snickers to full-on laughs from my classmates but that’s not the point…

The point is…one doesn’t have to jump through mathematical hoops, flaming or otherwise, to get to the heart of the abject stupidity of Cicilline’s statement. In fact, all one has to do is apply…not common core…but common sense to it.

Okay…let’s get after this…

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Crap We Learned in 2018

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay…its 2019…a new year full of new possibilities and new opportunities, and it’s time to look back at some of the crap we learned in 2018.

While liberals continue to pee themselves over Hillary’s loss in 2016, and spew their socialist collective hatred at President Trump, and at Conservatives…desperately trying to take both down…we Conservatives continue to wallow about in all the winning our country is experiencing.

The real difference between liberals and Conservatives as we begin a new year, is nothing new…as Conservatives, we love our country…liberals don’t…and while we actually learn from things related to last year…liberals just never seem to get a grip on reality.

So…here we go…crap we learned last year…

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Obamacare is Dead

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Late last Friday, a ruling from U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, a federal judge in Texas appointed by President George W. Bush, found that Obamacare is unconstitutional after last year’s tax bill eliminated the penalty for not having coverage.

Shortly after the ruling came down, President Trump issued a tweet applauding it, and stated, “Obamacare has been struck down as an UNCONSTITUTIONAL disaster! Now Congress must pass a STRONG law that provides GREAT healthcare and protects pre-existing conditions.”

Yes, they do…and…no they won’t…but before I get into why congress won’t do what needs to be done, allow me to provide a bit of a refresher course on how we got to this point…

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It’s an Invasion, Not a Caravan

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By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

We’ve always known an October surprise would be coming…a surprise orchestrated by the Democrats who are desperate for something…for anything…to turn the midterms expected “Red Tide” blue. And now lo and behold a walking mass of humanity suddenly appears out of nowhere all in an attempt to force President Trump into a corner…a corner they hope he cannot escape from unscathed…damned forever by the media for whatever he does or does not do.

And that October surprise was an “invasion”…a caravan the media calls it…a caravan that is anything but. Started in Honduras and being joined by mostly young men from El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and now being reported a scattering of Middle Eastern young men too, know that all those walking to our border are anything but refugees. And why…because a “refugee” is defined as, “a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster,” and an “asylum seeker” is someone defined as, “a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another.”

Liberals would have us believe that those who make up the caravan currently heading for the U.S. border are a collection of “refugees” and “asylum seekers,” but that is far from the truth. What is heading our way by the thousands…and with a second wave now being formed…is an “invasion”and there are stark ways to tell the difference. Continue reading

Kabuki at the Kavanaugh Hearing

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“We welcome you to the confirmation hearing of…”

That is as far as Chairman Chuck Grassley got in opening the Senate hearing for the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh before liberals Kamala Harris and Cory Booker started the disruptions aimed at delaying, or shutting down the hearings.

Grassley didn’t even get Kavanaugh’s name out of his mouth before liberals began to open their collective pie holes. It was an orchestrated attempt to stop what they have no hope of stopping, and a ploy for media coverage of which the liberal mainstream media is always happy to supply.

According to Harris, and then liberal Cory Booker, the Senate Committee did not have access to some 42,000 documents regarding Kavanaugh’s history until the night before the hearings opened, and they demanded that the hearings be shut down because they hadn’t had the time to go through those documents.

To be clear…

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Deep State’s Global Agenda…Part One

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Before I get into the heart of this article, some background on Deep State is necessary. My Right Side Patriots partner and friend, Diane Sori did a great job regarding that background in her recent op-ed, “On Deep State…An Essay in Truth” which you can read by clicking the link.

Recently I saw in a social media posting a question regarding why liberals are so intent on socialism. It seems to be a reasonable question given their hatred of capitalism and their deep desire to institute socialism.

Over The years I have written many times about socialism, the liberal bent towards socialism, and the fact that socialism fails every time it is implemented.

Allow me to give you a couple of famous quotes that have a direct bearing on the question at hand…why are liberals so hell bent on socialism?

Margaret Thatcher once said, “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

In fact…

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Circus Cannons, Guatermelons and the Law

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

How anyone can be 6 feet, 8 inches tall and exist without a spine is quite beyond my comprehension, but somehow James Comey is still walking upright, so one can suppose it is possible.]

Late last week, the backboneless coward Comey traveled to Ireland and let loose his truest feelings regarding the United States when he told a crowd that upon entering the Emerald Isle, he and his wife wanted to tell customs that they were from Canada, because…and I’ll quote the giant invertebrate here…

“My wife and I were joking, not really joking; we wanted to tell the people on the customs line coming here that we were Canadian. And we were joking but it’s funny because it reveals a truth: I’m ashamed.”

Naturally, Comey was talking about the policy of separating illegal alien kids from their illegal alien parents at our southern border, and he added…

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Reparations…The New Welfare

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…nobody alive today in the United States has ever been a slave in the United States…and nobody alive in the United States today has ever own slaves in the United States.

That is just a cold, hard fact…but it’s not stopping the descendants of slaves from seeking reparations from the descendants of former slave owners.

Here’s something else I’ve said before…

If your ancestors were slaves, and you think that you deserve reparations…dig up the some old pre-Civil War democrats…dig through their pockets and whatever loose change you can find…is yours…but don’t come around demanding that I pay you for what my ancestors might have done to your ancestors.

That said…

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A New House of Cards

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

As we get near the 2018 midterm elections, with an eye on 2020, the democratic party thinks they have it all figured out. They’re busy, even as you read this, laying the groundwork for their new and improved political platform.

Given the direction they’re going, they must believe they’ve finally unlocked the key to their 2016 presidential defeat.

The liberals just weren’t…

Liberal enough.

In light of that epiphany, the left side of the political aisle has decided to slide even further to the left, because…apparently…the socialists weren’t socialist enough to win in 2016, and by becoming more socialist than Castro, they think they’ve got a shot at it this November, and in 2020.

To highlight the plunge over the abyss of socialism that they now believe will raise them to new heights…

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A Caravan of Broken Liberal Dreams

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Over the past week or so, a “caravan” of “immigrants” has been making its way from Central America, through Mexico, towards the United States, which has brought about a twitterstorm from President Donald Trump, as one might well expect.

Before I get into the nuts and bolts of it…let me first explain who is unabashedly behind this thing.

It just happens to be some group that calls itself, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, or, in English…People Without Borders. That, of course begs the question…just what in the hell does this group believe in aside from no borders?


Here’s their mission statement…

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