Hey Socialists…The Tea Party Was RIGHT – Ain’t That a Glitch?


Liberals and socialists…The Tea Party was right…100% right…About Obamacare.

We tried to tell you but you wouldn’t listen.

The roll out of Obamacare and its website is a disaster. A complete, unmitigated disaster and regardless of how you try to spin it, YOU own it.

Lock, stock and putrid carcass…YOU own it.

Liberals and socialists…YOU bribed members of your OWN party to pass it.

YOU wouldn’t allow anyone to read it first.

YOU passed Obamacare WITHOUT 1 SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE in the dark of night.

Over the last 3 years…YOU…Liberals and socialists…YOU told lie after lie after lie about Obamacare.

YOU said it would LOWER premiums.

YOU said it wouldn’t cost American taxpayers 1 thin dime.


YOU said we could keep our doctors and…

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Weekend Edition: Budget vs Obamacare – An EPIC Solution

It’s time to set a few things straight.

Republicans do NOT want to shut down the government.

It doesn’t matter how many times Obama, Pelosi, Reid or any of the other elected socialists claim it, nor does it matter how many socialist talking heads parrot the official talking points…Republicans do NOT want to shut down the government.

Those who drone on endlessly, claiming otherwise, are lying.

Here’s a little something else.

The Republicans in congress are NOT arsonists, NOT homicide bombers and NOT taking or holding hostages.

Any of the ilk mentioned above that claim otherwise are lying.

And…It’s NOT the Republicans that are demanding 100% of what they want.

Any socialist claiming otherwise, is lying.

They are lying. Bald-faced lying. Lying through their teeth.


They KNOW they’re lying and they don’t care.

Lying, for socialists, is standard operating procedure…

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The Best Way to Kill Obamacare? IMPLEMENT OBAMACARE!!!

Well, well, well…

So, our Muslim Brotherhood Dictator, Obama, wants to delay the employer mandate part of Obamacare until 2015.

Gee whiz…After the 2010 midterm shellacking the Dictator took, who would have ever guess he wouldn’t want this employment killer put on hold until after the 2014 midterms?

Oh…HE says there are things yet to be worked out and more time is needed for implementation.

Conservative pundits are saying it’s a transparent attempt to delay the first wave of really bad stull until after the midterms.

Socialist pundits are trying to convince us that the employer mandate really isn’t that big a part of the unaffordable healthcare act anyway.

I see more.

I see MUCH more to this than what immediately meets the eye.

I don’t see this as a delay in one part of the largest tax hike in American history…

What I see is far, far more disturbing.

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Haul Hillary In on a Gurney DAMNIT!!!


She didn’t want to testify until her own “internal investigation” was complete.

Hillary wanted her own people to come up with their own facts regarding Benghazi.

“Let us complete our investigation” we were all told. Then, she said, she would have the facts.


Next…She couldn’t testify before a congressional committee because she had…Prior plans.

A wine tasting in Australia.

Oh…But she WILL testify we were all told. They were in the process of completing their “internal investigation.”

After that, Hillary contracted a “stomach virus” which kept her at home.


Then, finally…The “internal investigation” we were all waiting for was finished but, what’s this?

Hillary fell down.

She gave herself a concussion.

She couldn’t testify because she had a concussion but…Don’t worry…She WILL testify we were all told. She will…Just as soon as she’s better.


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