On Private Militias and Their Future

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!!           By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori/ Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio.com

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”the all-important Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.


Recently, so-called “private militias” have become a hot-button issue of contention for those who simply do not understand the true nature of militias and why they are desperately needed in these trying political times. And while “private militias” existed long before the framing of our Constitution as well as their having played an important part in our nation’s founding, this article is not about the history of American militias per se as their history can be easily “googled,” but it is about why “private militias” are today not only gaining in numbers both start-up and membership wise, but why they can and must be accepted as robust defensive adjuncts to help aid our country’s state defense forces…forces more commonly known as SDF, state military, state guards, state militias, or state military reserves…and why it has become so imperative to address the numerous other rolls “private militias” can play in today’s America.

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When Push Comes to Inevitable Shove

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The British came and now the Israeli’s are coming, and they are coming after Rudy puz 1Giuliani hand delivered a personal letter from President Trump to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

And there is more to this than first meets the eye as key Israeli leaders and politicians will be descending upon Washington D.C. to forge new ties with the (thankfully) Trump administration, and doing so in the short span of the next few weeks and months.

The first to meet with President Trump and his administration will be Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was personally invited by Trump to visit the White House during their phone call after Trump won the election. And while a definitive date has not yet been finalized, Netanyahu is expected to fly into Washington the first week of February to meet not only with President Trump, but also with Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and numerous Congressional leaders.

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On Foreign Policy…It’s Cruz 23 – Trump 0

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

fp 1Donald Trump completely lacks any foreign policy substance…a fact that has become alarmingly apparent during debates as well as on the campaign trail.

If you go to Trump’s website, he has no foreign policy listed. None whatsoever. Nothing.

I have asked many of Trump’s blind followers to explain any detail of Trump’s foreign policy.

They won’t because they can’t. He hasn’t told them what to say to those who ask, and until Trump issues some talking points to be spread like propaganda by his followers, there is absolutely nothing, regarding his foreign policy, to tell.

Last Thursday, on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Trump himself was asked about foreign policy and specifically, he was asked who was advising him on foreign policy…a valid question considering his bone crushingly stupid remarks pertaining to Israel and the Palestinians. The Palestinisna, by the way, are run by an Islamic terrorist band of 7th century barbarians called Hamas and represented, at a government level, by the Palestinian Authority who also represents the Muslim Brotherhood…another Islamic terrorist faction.

Trump’s response to the question was priceless…

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Oh, The Hypocrisy of it All

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

According to Donald Trump, “I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot people ancou 1d I wouldn’t lose voters.”

Is he the only one who could do such a thing and not lose any of his support?


Any penny-ante, tin-pot dictator in any 3rd world, one horse rogue nation could do it. Lil Kim in North Korea could do it. There was a time when Saddam and Gaddafi could have done it. Lenin and Stalin and Hitler did do it.

Forget 3rd world, one horse rogue nations…hell, Obama could get away with it just to name another dictator and that is exactly what’s wrong in this country. Electing a president has become a side show rather than a concerted effort to choose who would actually be the best for the job.

After Trump made his latest, ‘out of touch with reality’ statement on Saturday afternoon…his Trump-drunk followers started making excuses…”it was taken out of context,” and “he didn’t mean anything by it.” “Lighten up, he’s joking.”


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In His Own Words

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

tt 1As Donald Trump continues to lead in the polls and as we are now but two weeks from the Iowa caucus…the first votes to be cast in our nation in 2016…I felt it was high-time we take a look at WHY Trump is so popular in some conservative circles.

What IS it that the Trumpers are so giddy about?

Trumpers, in their more than self-righteous way, will line up to tell you if you just ask and, I have asked.

Here is what I have been told…

Donald Trump will not be beholding to big corporations.

Are they SURE of this? I mean, Trump has a very long history of making deals with big corporations to finance his projects from hotels and casinos to golf courses and shopping centers and let’s face a certain fact that is being completely ignored by the Trumpers…that being that Donald Trump IS a big corporation.

Trump can’t be bought.

Trumpers will tell you at the drop of a hat that Trump can’t be bought like other politicians. That he, because of his wealth, is above all that but, again there is something which Trumpers routinely, religiously ignore. Trump is the guy that BUYS politicians and their political favors.

In fact, during the very first Republican debate, Donald Trump not only admitted to buying politicians and political favors…

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Israel – Fighting Mad, Fighting Back, Fighting to Win

hamas 1Hamas’ charter, Article 7, calls directly for the killing of all Jews on a global scale and, in Article 15, the Hamas charter directly calls for the destruction of Israel.

Both the United States and the European Union recognize Hamas as a terror organization.

Last month, in June of 2014, Hamas and the ‘Palestinian’ Authority entered into a “unity agreement” meaning that the Palestinian Authority is now the defacto “government’ of the terrorist organization, Hamas.

The “unity agreement” was carefully crafted to barely meet certain requirements that will ensure continued financial support from…the United States and among those requirements are that the PA continue to recognize the state of Israel, renounce violence and honor past agreements with Israel.

As those criteria are diametrically opposed to the charter of Hamas…the “promises” briefly outlined above…are not worth the toilet paper upon which they have been written.

Need proof?

Hamas has launched more than 1700 rockets into Israel from Gaza and the West Bank.

Hamas has NOT altered their charter ONE BIT to remove the calls for the murder of Jews or the destruction of Israel…

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Zimmerman’s Best Defense for Self-Defense is The Prosecution

Yesterday, the prosecution in the Zimmerman trial showed the jury a recorded interview with George Zimmernam from the police department about an hour or so after the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

It was astounding for several reasons.

Zimmerman, the man who had called the cops and identified himself in the minutes BEFORE the shooting was giving HIS side of the story. He told the police in that 1st interview that Trayvon Martin was on top of HIM, beating him and HE…ZIMMERMAN…Was calling out for help.

At the time of the interview, Zimmerman was NOT lawyered up and now that THAT interview along with the video of a still UNREPRESENTED George Zimmerman, with bandages on the back of his head, walking a police detective through the scene the next day have been shown to the jury…Zimmerman has given that jury HIS side of the events of the night of February 26th, 2012 and he can NOT be cross examined by the prosecution on either of those statements.

As we continue to watch and to an extent, be distracted by the George Zimmerman case, perhaps we should look at it from another angle.

What is happening, day by day in that Florida courtroom, is startling to say the least.

I am not an attorney nor do I claim to play one in the blogosphere but…

Good grief.

One need not BE an attorney to express disbelief at the proceedings.

One by one…The PROSECUTION brings to the witness stand cops, witnesses, experts and the like and…

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We are just a few days away from the end of the world as Obama knows it.

Sequestration is like giving the government growth machine a vasectomy…NOT a full castration.

To be quite honest, I was far more scared of the end of the Mayan calendar than I am of sequestration and for good reason.

What we’re talking about here is NOT the massive cuts and mayhem projected by the Dictator but a 2% slowing of the GROWTH of government this fiscal year or…roughly over the next 6 months.

That’s 2% of a projected $1.3 TRILLION DOLLAR SPENDING SPREE which means, at the end of this fiscal year, our big government spenders will STILL have spent more THIS year than last year.

This is, naturally, the truth the Dictator would rather you NOT know.

HE, and his faithless minions would much rather have you TERRIFIED of what will happen after this Friday’s deadline and he’s going to do everything he can to send you that message.

Sequester is NOT the doom and gloom, mass extermination event this Dictator is wailing and gnashing his teeth over and if your IQ is anywhere near double digits, it should cause you no alarm.

However…That said…

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Weekend Edition: 2nd Amendment Crusade (Pt 2)

Neither Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein nor any of the rest of the socialist ilk in Washington give a damn about your safety or the safety of your children.

In yesterday’s Weekend Edition, we pointed out what we’re up against as Patriots when it comes to the assault on the 2nd Amendment.

That assault didn’t start yesterday or 4 years ago.

It began with the introduction of socialism into the highest levels of our government and Woodrow Wilson. Over the decades, socialism has progressed, grown and now, it is not just knocking at the door, it’s trying to kick the door down.

I believe, at the heart of it all, IS the assault on the 2nd Amendment.

Why the 2nd?

Of the 27 Amendments to our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the 2nd is the growling, snarling dog patrolling the perimeter fence.

Socialists want to pull the dog’s teeth thus, infringing on your God Given right to protect your liberty.

Of all the Amendments spelled out in the Bill of Rights, the 2nd is the ONLY one to include the words, “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”

Our founders and framers well knew the danger to the republic should the amendment which protects all others, be infringed.

The poorest states in America are all run by liberals.

The poorest cities are all run by liberals.

Every high crime city in America is under the control of liberals.

Think about that.

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Weekend Edition: 2nd Amendment Crusade (Pt. 1)

Just a couple of days ago, Melody Valentin…A n elementary school student, found in her pocket a folded and torn piece of paper…A square with the bottom quarter torn away.

She threw it in the trash and another young student, obviously a victim of indoctrination, programmed to be scared to death and to inform on offenders, then notified the government, in this case, a teacher, the nearest figure of authority.

“He yelled at me and said I shouldn’t have brought the gun to school and I kept telling him it was a paper gun but he wouldn’t listen.”

The teacher yelled at Melody, telling her that the cops should be called and that she should be arrested.

He searched her in front of her classmates.

Melody’s classmates started calling her a murderer.

Little Melody Valentin was suspended and the incident will now be a part of her permanent record thus reinforcing to her classmates that even possessing a folded and torn piece of paper which may or may not simply LOOK like a gun is something for which they will be punished and possibly arrested.

Where did this indoctrination of today’s youth and affront to common sense take place?

Why…In the very birthplace of freedom…Philadelphia…of course.

This was NOT last week’s ONLY such event.

Last week, a 5 year old girl from Mouth Carmel, PA  was interrogated for more than three hours, forced into psychological testing and then suspended by school officials.


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