Debate 1 – Here We Go!!!

Domestic Policy.

That’s the topic of tonight’s first debate between the contenders for the presidency.

Domestic Policy.

Obama will be spinning faster than the centrifuges in Iran. He’s tried NOT to talk about Domestic Policy as the economy continues to drag itself along, barely alive.

For weeks. If not months, Obama has preferred to talk about his FOREIGN policy because…he felt that was a much shinier ball than his domestic policy.

That all changed 3 weeks ago.


Now he’s pulled the cover-up covers up over his head.

4 Americans dead. A terrorist attack. Failed attempts to divert, as liberals are want to do, the attention to a stupid You Tube Video.

He dodged and ducked, did the View and Letterman…spoke at the U.N. and ran away from even having lunch there not to mention his snubbing of Netanyahu.

He hung with Beyonce and Jay-Z…did a radio show…Pimp with a Limp…The morning after the terrorist attack, he flew to Vegas for a fund raiser.

The foreign policy ain’t got that sparkle anymore does it?

So…Domestic Policy…

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Friday Fume

Ya know, there FUMING and then there’s ABSOLUTELY LIVID.

Tomorrow, in the “Weekend Edition,” I’ll tackle the livid part of things but, for now, we should just be thankful that we’ve survived another week.

While the whole world seems to be going to hell in a hand bag in the Middle East and the planet’s despots were spewing forth at the United Nations…

I’ve done my level best to keep an eye on some of the OTHER liberal/socialist adverse behavior too.

It’s really amazing just what liberals will do when they think nobody’s watching.

Well, guess what?


Friends and Patriots…It’s Friday and…

I’m Fuming.

From the, “What the HELL Were They Thinking” department…

The New Oxford High School marching band…THE HOME OF THE COLONIALS…in Pennsylvania…


They ditched their RED, WHITE AND BLUE team colors for the drab grey and green of the SOVIET UNION and carried HAMMERS AND SICKLES!!!!!

According to Comrade Rebecca Harbaugh…the District Superintendent…the halftime show was…“not an endorsement of communism at all.”

Well, of course it wasn’t…Who, outside of people with a brain would have thought such a thing???

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With God Off the Platform, Michelle Anoints Saint Barack

It was fate.

Maybe Karma.

That it happened was not at all surprising but, WHEN it happened…THAT was astounding.

With near pinpoint accuracy, just as Debbie What’s-Her-Name-Schultz brought down the gavel to open the Liberal/Socialist Convention and Entitlement Fest…

The Debt Clock, the one featured SO prominently at the Republican Convention but, oddly nowhere to be seen at THIS week’s convention…

Clicked over $16 TRILLION DOLLARS.

Without question, both parties have had a hand in that debt.

Without question, Obama ripped George W. Bush for adding just over $4 trillion to it during his 8 years in office.

Without question, in less than HALF that amount of time, Obama had added $5,3 TRILLION to it.

Without question, Obama said he would cut it in half by the end of his first term.

Yesterday, when asked how he would grade himself on the economy, Obama answered, “Incomplete.”


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Romney’s MUST Give Speech

It’s time for Mitt Romney to start telling it like it is. Like it really is. It’s high time he took off the nice guy gloves and started laying it on the line with respect to our economy.

What follows is the speech he needs to start delivering.


My name is Mitt Romney and I’m running for President.

Next month, our party will hold a convention and, I expect to receive the Republican nomination at that convention but, there are some things you need to know and waiting until after the convention might be too late.

My opponent, Obama, is running about telling stories. He’s on the attack. Okay. We, my staff and I, expected that. I would hazard to guess that some of you expected it too.

His plan is to attack…ME. Early in our republican primary race, his campaign issued the order…”Kill Romney.”

Now, I’m not just speaking to those in my own party when I ask this question: Is that what a president, immersed in the worst economy we’ve seen in many, many decades and a skyrocketing debt should be doing? To those who voted FOR Obama in 2008…Is that what you elected him to do?

Please, correct me if I’m wrong but…Didn’t you elect Obama to change things? Change them for the better? Didn’t you elect him to fix the economy? Didn’t you elect him to cut the debt in half? Didn’t you elect Obama to bring transparency to the government? To mend the divide between parties?

How’s that working out for you?

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The Obama Plan Finally Revealed

The Obama plan for the economy is now clear. It’s a 3 part plan.

1)      Retreat

2)      Lecture

3)      Campaign

That’s it…lock stock and barrel. It’s as easy as 1,2,3…A,B,C…

On Friday, S&P dropped the United States from the AAA rating we’ve held since 1917. We held AAA through the 1ts World War…through the Great Depression…through the 2nd World War…through the malaise of Jimmy Carter. The United States has been able to withstand everything thrown at her…everything until…Obama.

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