The American Revolution 2.0

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Welcome to the 2nd American Revolution. While liberals scream obscenities from the streets over what President Trump is doing, and while the liberal elite issue talking points memos to their propagandist media instructing them to claim we’re in a “constitutional crisis,” there is actual historical precedence for what DOGE, under the watchful eyes of Elon Musk is doing.

Liberals, of course, don’t want you to know this, and since nobody else is talking about it, I’ll be happy to be the source of leaking to you.

Remember how our 1st American Revolution started? I’m asking rhetorically for those who were educated rather than indoctrinated because the former group knows what was never taught to the latter group, but to be clear, it all started with the Pine Tree Riot in 1772. 50 years prior, the British Crown made it illegal to cut down white pine trees larger than 12 inches in diameter in New Hampshire in order to reserve them for use as Royal Navy masts.

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Trumpenomics – A Disaster in the Making

When it comes to trade, and trade deals, Trump’s low-information following is all about en 1their candidate’s plans. They love his tough talk and his bloviations regarding China and Mexico…about how he intends to “make America great again,” by imposing stiff, 45% tariffs on our trade partners if they don’t straighten out and let us win.

It sure sounds good, unless of course, one looks into the details and has a shred of common sense about them.

What Trump is proposing is economic nationalism. America first and to hell with everybody else. If Mexico and China don’t do exactly what Trump and his low-information followers want, Trump…should he become the president, will stick it to them but good with 45% taxes on any products that either country tries to send to the United States.

But that’s not all…

Trump has also made it quite clear that he would also slam high taxes on American companies that have already located in foreign countries or those who are thinking about doing so thus intimidating them into NOT relocating, or making doing business FROM a foreign country so pricey that they will be FORCED to return home to America.

As I said…sounds good to the low-information crowd but…

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Trump – Clinging to Liberalism Like a Dingleberry

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

ass 1With Thursday night’s debate in Houston Texas, Donald Trump made one thing absolutely crystal clear…that he’s a thin-skinned, inflamed egress on the southbound end of a northbound baboon.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio seemed to have taken the advice I set forth earlier in the week, and for the most part, put their petty differences with one another aside and went after Donald Trump to exposed him as the liberal/progressive agenda backing anything but a Conservative candidate that he is.

Throughout the entire debate, Trump steadfastly refuse to provide a single direct answer to a myriad of direct questions and once again, failed to provide a single element of substance to support any single campaign promise he’s made.

Not only that, but mister anti-illegal alien was finally outed, for the world to see, as having hired illegal aliens during the building of Trump Tower and for having had been fined a million dollars by a court for doing so.

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The TRUTH About Socks, Underwear and Socialism

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

I would like to take a little time to address liberals. Specifically those liberals who are drooling over Bernie Sanders.ber 1

You know who you are.

You are the ones who pee yourselves every time Grumpy mentions free crap. He’s going to give you this for free, that for free, other things for free, EVERYTHING for free. Free healthcare. Free college tuition.

Free childcare…which goes along nicely with his proposals to expand the welfare system by which women can have as many babies as they want, by as many different men as they can roll around with and then have all their child care paid for…for FREE and if those welfare moms want to send their little welfare rug rats off to pre-school…


Yep…a vote for Bernie is a vote for FREE crap for the rest of your life and, if you’re a good little socialist…you’ll get a free pony.

Ol’ Bernie sure is the generous sort, isn’t he?

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Weekend Edition: Can We PLEASE Focus???

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

tnp eagleI have to tell you that there are just some things I don’t give a rat’s ass about. Not in the least…not at all…because in the grand scheme of things and with the world in the shape it’s in right now…certain things just don’t really matter.

For instance…

I don’t give a crap who wore what to the Oscars. For that matter, I don’t give a crap who DIDN’T wear what to the Oscars and if you think there is some overwhelming reason to continue to post and share photos of Neil Patrick Harris in his tighty-whiteys…you are sadly mistaken.

I don’t care who sang what during halftime and I don’t care how Madonna’s dancers were dressed at a Brit Awards show. When people launch into that line of ‘THE WORLD IS ENDING…ILLUMINATI…SIGNS OF THE APOCOLYPSE AND THE DEVIL’S MUSIC’ crap…it makes reasonable people think you’re on the verge of organizing a book burning party on an overpass to prove that you are somehow more virtuous than the rest of humanity.

I don’t care who’s sleeping with whom or who is getting married to whom. If you don’t think that people of the same sex should sleep with each other or get married to one another than by all means…don’t sleep with or marry someone with the same parts as your own.

Problem solved.

Colorado and Washington made it legal to smoke pot for fun. Okay…since I don’t smoke pot or live in Washington or Colorado…why should I care. They both voted on it at the state level…it passed in both states…big deal.


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Common Sense and Politics – Don’t Fart in a Space Suit

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

com 1What this nation needs is some common damn sense.

Enough with the absurd liberal pandering and self-victimization propaganda. We’ve got people in the streets raising hell because the leaders they have chosen to follow SHOULD be in a MENTAL institution but AREN’T.

If you are a liberal…you are following the lead of the mentally disturbed.

Liberal intellectuals (self-proclaimed) are the worst. These are the people who would allow Jeffery Dahmer choose their restaurant for them and then sit around after dinner and slobber on endlessly about how good the finger food was.

There are some on the right that are just as bad.

I’m talking about the HTT Christian right. HTT…Holier Than Thou…who just can’t get themselves far ENOUGH to the right and believe that the ONLY way to save this country is to elect THE most HTT candidate they can find. The trouble is…no two HTT groups can settle on the same HTT candidate and they split the vote twelve ways from Sunday.

Here is their mindset in a nutshell…

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Robin Williams – Yes…He’s Still Dead…



ROBIN WILLIAMS IS STILL DEAD yet despite the fact that he is, indeed, dead and has remained so for nearly 24 hours…

Our national debt has not dropped and remains in the $18 TRILLION dollar neighborhood…

Lois Lerner’s emails have yet to be found…

There has been NO justice for Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty or Tyrone Woods…

All manner of ILLEGAL ALIENS, some carrying infectious diseases are STILL pouring across our border and for that matter…so too are terrorists from barbaric Muslim countries.


Robin Williams remains, at this hour, dead…however…

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“Climate Change” vs “Fundamental Transformation”

Well, there was John Kerry, in Indonesia, the only country, it seems, to whom Obama owes his allegiance via his citizenship, telling them, and us, “In a sense, climate change can now be considered the world’s largest weapon of mass destruction, perhaps even, the world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.”

“The science is unequivocal, and those who refuse to believe it are simply burying their heads in the sand. We don’t have time for a meeting anywhere of the Flat Earth Society.”

John Kerry…THE SECRETARY OF STATE, who is SUPPOSED to be working on the political issues with which we have a world interest…Was trying to steer the conversation directly toward…THE WEATHER!!!

John Kerry is an idiot and that’s what happens when an idiot takes his cue from other idiots.

Meanwhile, Iran continues to defy inspectors on their merry way to building nukes, Syria is still a cluster you-know-what…North Korea is drawing the ire of the United Nations of Thugs, Thieves and Despots for their anything BUT human rights record and…Now, KIEV is going up in flames.

And this insane administration wants to talk about the WEATHER???

How about we talk about what THEY don’t WANT to talk about instead?

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From a Constitutional to Banana Republic

Tuesday evening, the Dictator delivered his State of Future Mandates speech to a 60% ungrateful nation.

Don’t they realize what the remaining 40% who approve of his highness have embraced?

BIG GOVERNMENT is WORKING in their minds.

There are now more people collecting welfare than ever before.

Big government works.

There are more Americans than ever utilizing food stamps.

Big government works.

More and more Americans have applied for and received disability compensation than ever before and, it doesn’t even matter whether or not they actually need it.

Big government works.

More Americans have been thrown off the health insurance plans they had and, would have liked to have kept, than have signed up for the propagandized, “BETTER” and more “AFFORDABLE” Obamacare and, of those who have signed up, the overwhelming majority are those signing up for expanded Medicaid along with those Americans who are older and more in need of healthcare than those who are young, healthy and NECESSARY to carry the financial burden.


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In Spotlight of Truth – Liberals Running From Their Own Shadows

Liberals and socialists in congress are lining up against their Dictator because they know they don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell in the 2014 midterms if they don’t.

They are desperate to be seen as standing AGAINST Obamacare…Now…But they and ONLY they voted FOR Obamacare.

That is a matter of RECORD that cannot be run away from.

Bill Clinton came out and called for changing the law to allow people to keep their previously existing insurance because HE’S trying to provide distance for Hillary’s run in 2016 but…

HE is on record of being Obama’s Obamacare MOUTHPIECE in the 2012 campaign and SHE is on record too.

Here’s Bill as late as September 4th…3 weeks before the roll out of Obamacare:

“We need all hands on deck here. The health of our people, the security and stability of our families and the strength of our economy are all riding on getting health care reform right and doing it well. That means we have to do it together.”

And about 4 weeks AFTER the roll out?

“The computer deal will get fixed up. Don’t worry about that, But our side, we’re not so ideological,” said Clinton. “So, instead of bashing them and screaming about how incompetent they were, most of our people just tried to help people understand the law and make it work and then wait for it to get fixed.”

“There’s a big difference in being an ideologue and being practical, putting people first as opposed to some abstract philosophy first.”

On September 13th, just 2 weeks before the Obamacare roll out, HILLARY Clinton stated:

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