Dear Congress…GROW A SET ALREADY!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

balls 1Dear 114th Congress,

Today is your first day on the job as our new congress.


We the People…you know, from the words of our founders and framers, have HIRED you to do the work OF We the People and we have a simple request…call it a job description if you will…and it is this…


After six years of the Obama regime…enough is enough.

Our nation is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC not a BANANA REPUBLIC and it’s time that you…the people we hired…do something to restore the vision of those who declared our independence FROM a king and stop Obama in his tracks.

Let’s start with Obamacare shall we?

It’s nothing but a socialist’s wet dream. Defund it and eliminate it.

It was based on lies and deceit and relied on the stupidity of those who voted for it to pass into law and we all know who voted for it don’t we?

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Water the Tree of Liberty or Hang Them From It

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

fein 1Any and all future attacks by the religion of peace, Islam, and its 7th century barbarians against any and all Americans can now be laid directly at the feet of 21st century traitors masquerading as democrats.

Diane Feinstein and the liberal enemies of America comprising the Senate Intelligence Committee have released…to our enemies…a detailed 500 page summary of a 6,300 page report that will accomplish nothing but inflaming jihad against the American military and the American people and outlined in that report all the measures used to extract information from enemies captured on the battlefield.

Make no mistake…this is treason.

This incomprehensible and reprehensible move has and will aid our nation’s enemies. It will motivate our enemies and it will lead to events from the size of the attacks in Benghazi to the scope of the attacks on the World Trade Center Towers.

In my opinion, each and every member of that committee who sanctioned and supported the making of this report and then sanctioned and supported its release yesterday should have been immediately arrested and sent to GITMO as enemies of America in a time of war.

Theirs is a high crime and punishable by death according to our Constitution.

They are not innocent nor have they taken the moral high ground and…

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Obamacare + Amnesty = Grab Your Ankles

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

ankles 1Obamacare…meet amnesty.

Amnesty…meet Obamacare.

Americans…bend over and grab your ankles.

The two most atrocious signatures of the Obama regime are about to collide and the scene of the accident is not going to be pretty. To be clear, the Lame Ducktator would rather have you all focused on fabricated racism than this and that is exactly why I am about to expose it.

To fully understand this nightmare, we have to first delve into Obamacare.

Senator Tom Harkin, a liberal from Iowa and one of the co-authors OF Obamacare is about to be sent home for good. He lost his seat to Joni Ernst last month and make no mistake, Obamacare looms large in the decision of Iowa’s voters.

According to Harkin and regarding Obamacare…“We blew it. What we did is we muddled through and we got a system that is complex, convoluted, needs probably some corrections and still rewards the insurance companies extensively.”

Remember what one of the architects and close Obama advisers of and on Obamacare, John Gruber had to say about Obamacare: “It was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. “

Now, connect the dots…

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Ferguson – Too Much PC…Not Enough Ranch Dressing

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on     

ranch 1We have always said that political correctness will get people killed and that political correctness will obscure the truth…and obscuring the truth is something RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS will NEVER do. And our newest case in point…the ‘ground zero’ known as Ferguson Missouri. Taking the old saying ‘boys will be boys’ to a heightened new level, the bussed-in, bought and paid for agitators prove that while you can take the boy out of the ghetto most times you CANNOT take the ghetto out of the boy.

Ferguson is on fire and that fire is now spreading into major cities from coast to coast. Feeding upon the frenzy of those who will loot, steal, and riot at the drop of a hat, the newest excuse de-jour is that their actions are based upon the fact that they simply did NOT like that a now proven innocent police officer will NOT be charged in the justifiable shooting death of one of their own…a thug solely responsible for his own demise.

Burning to the ground black owned businesses along with businesses that employed blacks is the epitome of stupidity, because they are destroying the economic life-blood of their own community. The profound ingenuity of the ‘marauding morons’ can be seen in their targets during the early hours of the rioting. These ‘geniuses’ burned to the ground Ferguson’s O’Reilly Auto Parts store and the Auto Zone…now one has to wonder wherever will they find parts to repair the ‘rides’ they carjacked after the verdict was announced.


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By Craig G. Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

v 1It’s election day in America.

Today, we determine the direction of our nation. Will we continue down the socialist path to ruin or will we begin to steer the ship of state back to a more Constitutional Republic as our founders and framers envisioned?

The choice is ours to make.

To be clear, for Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Party Faithful and Teapublicans…this midterm election is ours to win or…to lose.

By voting a straight Republican ticket…by setting our personal, emotional connections to the various social issues aside along with our individual beliefs in faith and voting the straight Republican ticket on our ballots without write-in votes or third party votes…we will WIN this election.

We will WIN the senate and we will KEEP the house.


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From Craig Andresen and Diane Sori

RSP urg recastAs many of the readers of this blog know, Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor and I are partners on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS, our radio show on CPR Worldwide Media  and a few months ago, between our two blogs and our show, we exposed the truth regarding Benghazi.

Since then, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS and CPR have been targeted by the Obama regime. Repeated attempts have been made to knock of off the air with cyber attacks coming from the east coast to the west coast…the middle of a farm field in Kansas and even from a point 420 miles due west of the coast of Spain in the Atlantic Ocean.

The CEO of CPR has had his tires slashed and his vehicle further vandalized and a note left on it warning our CEO, Michael Collins-Windsor to “stop the investigative reports or next time it won’t just be your tires getting slashed.”

The surveillance tapes from that event were taken from local law enforcement by two FBI agents days later.

The owner of the company that licenses CPR for the ability to legally play music had two FBI agents show up at his HOME at 8:30pm on a Saturday ordering HIM to PULL THE STREAMING LICENSE in an attempt to close CPR down. He was reportedly threatened, told to shut the ‘F’ up and do what he was told or he would lose his business.

That, by the way, was NOT the only time he was told by the FBI to shut CPR down.

It was at that point that both Diane and I were labeled by that particular duo of being “potential threats to national security.”

Two FBI agents then showed up at Collins-Windsor’s bank demanding his records but were turned away as they did NOT have any court order to take those records.

Two men showed up one day at Collins-Windsor’s office where they took photos of the building.

Are you starting to get the picture here?

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Liberals Becoming Mentally Unhinged Over Benghazi Truth

whine 1

It truly is amazing what happens to liberals when all their hard work at lying goes up in smoke. They simply curl up in a fetal position for a collective crap, roll about in it and start whining about the smell.

Benghazi…or in the case of Nancy Pelosi…BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI!!! Liberals have taken many different stances on Benghazi such as it not being a terrorist attack but a You Tube video that caused it but that was quickly proved to be a lie. They tried calling what happened to Ambassador Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith “bumps in the road,” but they didn’t get away with it. Then they tried to brush it aside as it was…”not optimal.”

Really? The terrorist attack brought about by the terrorists this regime armed, the weapons running to more terrorists in Syria, the intentional removal of OUR security team in Benghazi…replacing OUR people with the very TERRORIST organization that perpetrated the attacks resulting in the murders of 4 Americans was…”NOT OPTIMAL???”

Liberals moved on to asking “WHAT DIFFERENCE…AT THIS POINT…DOES IT MAKE???”

That from the “smartest woman in the world” who, I believe, was complicit in committing treason, missed the 3:00am (Benghazi time) phone call, claims she didn’t have time to read her emails or memos, whiffed on the Russian reset button, accepted a wink and a smile from a North Korean uncle killer…was unable to testify when called because…SHE FALL DOWN, GO BOOM and can’t recognize a terrorist organization when one is staring her in the face.

On the up side…she flew a million miles.

But…Liberals are becoming mentally unhinged over Benghazi and Trey Gowdy’s search for the truth because all their lies and cover ups are crumbling before their eyes. Remember when Obama said THIS???

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Obama Regime Tries to SILENCE Show and Station

FREE 1Less than one week ago, Rory Cooper, Director of Communications for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor stated that congress WOULD investigate ANY attempts…bureaucratic attempts…by the Obama administration to “try and intimidate and silence their critics using the bureaucratic mechanisms of the federal government.”

The statement was prompted by reports that the FEC (Federal Elections Commission) had plans to put the pressure on some of the big boys…Matt Drudge and Sean Hannity…but if this regime is going to do it to THOSE guys, they need to test the system first. They need to see how far they can go and maybe, just maybe, the whole FEC thing was a rouse to get people to look in the wrong direction. Another shiny ball dangled by this regime to distract from the real objective.

Even so…they needed a test subject. Get everybody looking out for the big names and while they do…go after the small names. Why? Because there are thousands of bloggers and Conservative talk internet radio hosts out there who command grass roots audiences.

Rory Cooper said that attempts to intimidate critics of this administration are…“gross and abusive violation of their power and the public trust,” and that, “Congress will continue to investigate these abuses.”

Well Congressman Cantor…Here ya go…

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Benghazi: The Truth Exposed…Parts 1, 2 and 3


Benghazi: The Truth Exposed – Part 1

By Craig Andresen on April 7, 2014 at 9:06 pm

TRUTH 1For the next two days, My Right Side Patriot’s radio partner, Diane Sori and I have combined our efforts to bring you the latest and most stunning coverage of the Benghazi cover up you will read anywhere.

Today, we have written separate articles with mine outlining what transpired before the attacks and Diane’s, regarding what transpired DURING those attacks.

If you think you already know the whole story…You don’t and, what you DON’T know is likely to light your hair on fire.

On January 15th, 2014, the Senate Select Committee on intelligence review of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi was released to the public.

Naturally, you read that report.

You didn’t?

Well, surely you heard all the details of it on the news.

You heard that the Benghazi attacks could have been prevented. That’s what you heard on the news. In fact, that’s about ALL you heard on the news because, mainstream media and, in this case, even Fox news didn’t give the report the coverage they should have.

There’s a lot more, a WHOLE lot more in that report than, “It could have been prevented.”

For instance…

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As you know, Diane Sori from and I have a radio show, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS, on the CPR Worldwide Media Network airing every Wednesday from 2-4pm EST and Saturday’s from 11-1 EST and we don’t hold back. We tell the truth and we do so openly.

Our first show, on February 26th, 2014 was hacked and knocked off the air.

We did not back down and returned the very next week and have been broadcasting ever since through multiple attempts to hack and attack our show and the station as well.

Late last night, Saturday May 10th, CPR was taken OFF THE AIR by the licensing company and, this morning, the CEO of CPR Worldwide Media Network found the following email in his inbox:


“With regret, we are closing your coverage effective today due to a complaint of a possible violation of United States National Security. Contact me asap Monday morning and we can discuss this further. You will not be able to access your account here, but you can reach me by emailing me at this address and or calling my office.”

“Please remove all banners/logos and/or text indentifying you as a StreamLicensing affiliate. StreamLicensing is a registered United States Federal Trademark of StreamLicensing LLC and may only be displayed by our active affiliates.”

“Once and if this matter is resolved, I will gladly reactivate your account.”

“Sincerely,” and was then signed by the licensing agent.

It seems we have struck a nerve within the federal government…

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