Weekend Edition: Obama – Absolutely Corrupt Pt 1

Socialists…We told ya so.

Years ago, we told you that the government was spying on you but only while Bush was in office, did you give a damn.

We told you it was expanding under this Dictator named Obama.

You told us we were bat crap crazy. You told us we were conspiracy theorists with no basis for our warnings.

You told us we were just paranoid.

You were dead wrong.

We told ya so.

YOU bought into the bullcrap being blathered by a manure spreader.

WE didn’t buy it for a second.

We told ya so.

I’ll take it a step beyond too.

If you’re STILL shilling for this lying, corrupt snake oil salesman, Obama, YOU are as guilty of lying as HE is and equally lacking in integrity, ethics and morals and every bit as un American as is the ideology professed by the reprobate  in office and his many minions.

Make no mistake, the ideology of a pit of vipers is very dangerous indeed.

Just remember…We told ya so…

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Weekend Edition: IRS – Obamacare and the “Scandal”

As the IRS “scandal” continues to unfold, there are some things that have not widely been brought to light and among them is the direct recipe for tyranny.

I’ll get to that shortly.

First though…

As I noted last week, there is a direct tie between the IRS and Obamacare and now we know it’s even more dire than we thought.

The woman in charge of the Cincinnati IRS office while all the targeting of Conservative groups and individuals was going on was, Sarah Hall Ingram, who served as commissioner of the office responsible for tax-exempt organizations between 2009 and 2012….


That is simply beyond coincidence BUT…NONE of the targeting was…Partisan.

We also now know that IRS Exempt Organizations Division director Lois G. Lerner, the woman who issued the IRS apology for targeting Conservative groups and individuals is married to, Michael R. Miles, a partner at the law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan.

So what?

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IRS CORRUPTION – Targeting Conservatives

Allow me to point out the merely obvious.

The IRS is corrupt.

It’s not breaking news but, late last week, we got irrefutable proof of it.

The IRS, as early as 2011, was TARGETING CONSERVATIVE groups. Any group with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in its name was a TARGET for audits and worse by the IRS.

Not only that, but this WASN’T just some low-level pencil pusher who would now be up for a desk shuffling promotion. Oh no…There were those VERY high up in the 501c# office AT the IRS who were FULLY AWARE of what was happening and did NOTHING to stop it.

Naturally, those in IRS ivory towers DENIED early accusations and, now, we know they were lying.

That, also, is not breaking news.

Under this administration, which become more and more glaringly illegal by the day if not by the minute, the IRS was acting in a PARTISAN manner and LYING about their knowledge OF it.


Here’s where we get to what nobody else is talking about.

Guess which govern-mentallly unstable organization is or will be in charge of making sure that OBAMACARE is TAXED to the fullest extent?

That’s right boys and girls…

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Resigned? Fired? – They’re STILL on the Payroll

In a corrupt government, one can expect slime at every turn.

The Benghazi 4 have now been given the finger once again by the State Department 4.

Those reported to have resigned or been fired have NOT and now, according to the New York Post, will be KEEPING their State Department jobs.

Assistant Secretary of State Eric Boswell, who “resigned” in the wake of a State Department internal investigative report has, in fact, ONLY resigned an “appointed” position and is STILL on the State Department payroll.

Boswell is simply moving to a different desk.

The other 3, including Charlene Lamb, were NOT fired…THEY are on “administrative leave” and ARE expected to be back at work in the State Department shortly although, probably at different posts.



We have a Secretary of State who “suffers a concussion” but never goes to a hospital, never has a CT scan and is well enough to work from home but far, FAR to “concussed” to appear at a congressional hearing and now, 4 who we were told, were FINISHED at the Department of State who, in fact, are FAR FROM finished there.

If that’s not enough…We have the soon to be nominated John Kerry to fill the Secretary of State position.

John Kerry…

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