Amnesty for Millions – Tyranny for ALL

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

TYRANT 1In light of the despot’s announcement last night, that 5 million criminal aliens are to be allowed to stay in our nation, on our soil when he signs a unilateral order to that effect today in flagrant violation of laws passed by congress and without FIRST securing our borders…

In the face of the repudiation of his agenda and policies so handed down by the vote of the people on November 4th, 2014…only a scant 17 days ago…

And in the face of what the despot himself has so often told his subjects…We the People…that he does not have the legal authority to proceed on the matter of immigration reform without said consent of the congress…at least 22 times since 2008 and if you would like the list you can read it in its entirety by clicking here…

I thought it a damn good time to send the tyrant a reminder of exactly what our founders and framers had in mind.

Trust me when I say…THEY…saw HIM…coming…

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Amnesty – A Dictator’s Criminal Enterprise

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

AMN 1We now have Uber Gruber on tape, not once, not twice but THREE times questioning the mental acuity of liberal/socialist voters…both the street variety and elected ilk, regarding Obamacare and one now has to wonder if the Lame Ducktator is also counting on liberal/socialist voter stupidity to sell his latest turd to the gullible.


Just as these willfully knot-headed smarter-then-their-voter-base elitists have changed the name of “global warming” to “climate change” counting on liberals and socialists to be too stupid to realize all they’re talking about is THE WEATHER…they have also decided to call ILLEGAL ALIENS…”undocumented workers” and AMNESTY…”immigration reform.”

What should we expect from regressives who call THEMSELVES…”PROgressives?”


After the red tide rolled in on election night and blue became the decided MINORITY in both houses of our governmental body, the Lame Ducktator has had to ramp up his efforts regarding the rewarding of ILLEGALS for the breaking of our laws.

Yesterday, Obama’s insipid 10 point plan to bolster his voting base of stupid sheeple was made public and the rush by both elected and anointed lame brains to support the Executive Orders was amusing…amusing if one such as a Conservative, smart enough to employ the liberal bullcrap decoder ring came along to translate.

Please allow me…

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By Craig G. Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

v 1It’s election day in America.

Today, we determine the direction of our nation. Will we continue down the socialist path to ruin or will we begin to steer the ship of state back to a more Constitutional Republic as our founders and framers envisioned?

The choice is ours to make.

To be clear, for Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Party Faithful and Teapublicans…this midterm election is ours to win or…to lose.

By voting a straight Republican ticket…by setting our personal, emotional connections to the various social issues aside along with our individual beliefs in faith and voting the straight Republican ticket on our ballots without write-in votes or third party votes…we will WIN this election.

We will WIN the senate and we will KEEP the house.


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Real Conservatives…Real Issues

A Conversation Between Craig and Diane

REAL 1By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori (RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS)

Craig: I think it’s time we have a conversation about the election coming up on November 4th. I’m seeing a lot of stuff in social media that has nothing to do with the election and it’s starting to concern me that people are getting apathetic and won’t go out to vote.

Diane: Yeah Craig, I know what you mean…apathy just like in 2012…and we all know how that turned out now don’t we.

Craig: It seems a lot different now in 2014 than in the last midterm in 2010. In 2010 everybody on our side was on the same page, we showed up at the polls in record  numbers for a midterm, and we voted on the politics and policies of Obamacare.

Diane: ObamaCare…the anything but healthcare we were promised…lie after lie being shoved down our throats by those who didn’t even bother to read it before they voted on it.

Craig: It seems to me that we only have a couple of weeks left to get our side motivated and focused on the real issues. If we can do that we can turn this midterm into the 2010 midterm part 2.

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Midterm 2014 REAL Issues Spotlight – The Border

ISS 1We are now just two short months away from an election which will set the course for the next two years. Midterm elections historically have much lower voter turnout than do general elections and that is exactly why, in this particular election, we need to come out to the polls.

Numbers are everything.

If your chosen candidate didn’t win his or her primary…get over it and vote for whoever is on the ballot with an “R” behind their name. It may be a RINO, an establishment GOP candidate or someone with whom you don’t agree 50% of the time but believe me, we can hold them accountable much more easily than we can a liberal.

Today, in a nutshell, we’ll be looking at yet another of the REAL issues upon which we MUST focus if we have any hope whatsoever of starting to turn this ship around…

The border and our national security.

Right now…not because of any social issue…not because of any particular religious affiliation…we have neither a southern border not national security because of it.

It is directly because of the policies of the current LIBERAL regime and the liberal ideology…

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Rick Perry Indicted for Having Integrity

fart 1Everything is bigger in Texas…even the brain farts.

Honestly, I don’t quite know how else to explain what is happening in Texas with the indictment of Governor Rick Perry.

It’s nothing short of a MASSIVE liberal brain fart.

They have indicted Perry for what? A VETO? He vetoed a bill which would have funded the Texas ethics watchdog, the Public Integrity Unit under the “leadership” of one Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg.

According to the Travis County Texas grand jury, Perry ABUSED his power as the Governor by first THREATENING to use his veto to defund the unit and then…by actually DOING what he SAID he would do.

Here’s the crux of it all…

Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg, a liberal elected official was in charge of the INTEGRITY unit when she got pulled over for…DRIVING DRUNK last year. That’s right…the very person who was in charge of making sure that the INTEGRITY of Texas politics was up to par was driving drunk. She got arrested and tossed into the drunk tank to dry out where she, Rosemary Lehmberg, got belligerent with the local law enforcement folks.

She pitched quite the fit because, it seems, Lehmberg didn’t seem to think SHE should be treated just like every OTHER drunk on the road.

SHE, in what little was left of her mind, figured SHE was SPECIAL. Well, here…see for yourself…

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Conservatives, Let’s Get Our PRIORITIES Straight

solve 1Well, thank GOD that all our LITTLE insignificant problems as a nation have been resolved. Honestly, they were getting a bit annoying.

You know, thinks like our soaring national debt…all $18 TRILLION dollars of it and rising. Pesky really. But apparently, that’s been fixed so there is NOTHING more to worry about in that regard and may I just add…it’s about damn time.

GAS prices must be on THEIR way down which also means that nobody will have to worry this coming winter about the cost to heat their homes as the cost of electricity must also be dropping.

How’s your 401k doing?

Last week’s nose dive doesn’t mean a thing. Just because the Fed may stop artificially propping up the stock market and driving inflation up but…no worries.

Aren’t you glad that Obamacare finally got fixed? Admit it…YOU getting tired of seeing the same old doctor and having the same old insurance you’ve had for years? I know I was but now…BOY oh BOY…we have new and improved GOVERNMENT mandated health insurance to take the place of that old crap we USED to have and I, as a guy, am just GIDDY that for the first time in my life…MY visit to the gynecologist will finally be covered…after I pay my whopping deductible that is but hey…I’m resting better NOW than I did BEFORE Obamacare and I’m willing to bet YOU are too.

Darn good thing we don’t have any problems down on the southern border huh? Could you IMAGINE what things would be like if it STILL wasn’t secure down there? Why…ILLEGAL ALIENS might still be thinking they could waltz into our country any old time they liked but…not today.

We SOLVED that nuisance problem didn’t we?

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Friday Fume

fume 1It’s never a matter of what to write for the Fume…quite the opposite in fact.

The HARD part is narrowing it DOWN but if we can’t find a way to laugh at liberal insanity…we’ll all go screaming into the night.

It’s been a rough week folks so, let’s dive right in…

It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

So, this is interesting…and telling.

Members of our military are reporting that they were told not to eat or drink…in front of Muslims…during the month of Ramadan.


Apparently, Ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong is the month of FASTING for TERRORIST BARBARIANS and according to Bridge Commander Col. Kevin Glasz, while THEY observe fasting…WE must observe…POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!!!

According to an email from Glasz to the troops…“This is a period of great personal restraint and commitment in addition to renewed focus on worship. I’d like to encourage you to learn just a little more about this religion, but more importantly, I’m asking you to be considerate and do not consume food or drink in front of our Muslim colleagues; it is a simple, yet respectful action.”

Let me try to put this in terms this BRASS ASS might understand…

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This is What Happens When Judges READ the Bill

ka 1One of the key selling points employed by Obamacare snake oil salesmen was SUBSIDIES!!!


To liberals, that meant something for nothing.

To those with a working brain cell…it meant $1 TRILLION DOLLARS of AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY as part of THE largest tax increase in American history.

Yesterday, 2 federal courts offered up two opposite opinions on that spoon full of sugar-coated crap in the Kool Aid pitcher.

Let’s take the second opinion first.

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, hearing a case challenging the subsidies related to those who somehow managed to sign up for socialism on that malfunctioning Obamacare federal website and THEY found that the subsidies were A-ok and upheld the federal government’s ability to give your tax dollars to the something for nothing crowd.

Now…the first court decision from yesterday…

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled 2-1 that those subsidies, to be paid to the something for nothings who signed up on the federal site are null and void.

Oh my, what are we gonna do NOW?

Well, according to the lone dissenter from the DC Court of appeals…“This case is about Appellants’ not-so-veiled attempt to gut the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (‘ACA’).”


Not so fast there Judge Panties-in-a Wad…

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We the People vs They the Politicians

rino 1Welcome to the new normal?

If this be normal, I want no part of it.

We are now but three and a half months from an election that could at best, start to turn the ship around toward calmer waters but it seems some, both elected by the right as well as those who elect the right are bound and determined to scuttle our last chance to slow the decline of what used to be the greatest nation on earth.

What we have today is one party hell bent on defending the dismantling of our nation and the other, content to sit on their hands while it happens.

Shame on the GOP for staunchly backing those who would do nothing in the face of tyranny. Boehner, Ryan, McConnell, Graham, McCain, Rand Paul, King and the list from the right side of the aisle goes on….gutless, spineless wonders all….too comfortable in their cushy seats of power to take a stand…lacking the balls to speak out except against those who adhere to their oaths.

Welcome to the new normal?

Up is down, wrong is right. The more absurd the policy the more vigorously it will be defended by the Kool Aid slurping liberals and the more common sense the solution to the problem, the more it will be decried by the left.

From our stagnant and declining economy to our rapidly rising national debt…from Obama’s betrayal of our Constitution to his treasonous activities abroad…the race is on to see who claims the precious, the ring and all that goes with it first. Will the caliphate solidify before the invaders take America or will it be the other way around?

Obama doesn’t give a damn which means he’s either so mentally disturbed that he now lacks the ability to recognize any iota of reality or…

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