Tomorrow, a storm will strike in Georgia. It could well be a storm of epic proportions. It will be a political storm from which a Constitutional crisis could well arise.
It will take place in a Georgia courtroom.
Obama’s eligibility to serve as President is on the line.
It’s been a long and hard road for Dr. Orly Taitz and the Liberty Legal Foundation, which will represent the plaintiffs in court tomorrow, what they have been working toward may well create the perfect storm.
Make no mistake, while the outcome of this case is at the state level, and while it will not, if successful by the plaintiffs, remove Obama from office, it could set the stage for that ultimate showdown.
This case, brought forth in Georgia, will decide, before appeals, whether or not Obama is qualified, by virtue of the constitution, to appear on Georgia’s ballot in 2012.
This IS huge.
There are other such cases being formulated and one, in the state of California, which is pending.
The case against Obama’s eligibility hinges on the definition of “Natural Born Citizen” and the constitution clearly states one must BE a Natural Born Citizen in order to serve as president.
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