Hours ago, we became aware of a letter sent from Obama attorney Michael Jablonski to the Georgia Secretary of State. In that letter, Jablonski made it clear than neither he, nor his client, Obama, would appear in a Georgia court tomorrow morning.

The case regarding Obama’s eligibility and his inclusion on the Georgia 2012 presidential ballot is ON.

This evening, the Georgia Secretary of State, the Hon. Brian P Kemp issues the following letter in response to Jablonski!!!

This means it’s game ON for tomorrow morning at 9am EST in Georgia.

Eligibility, Obama and the Coming Crisis

Tomorrow, a storm will strike in Georgia. It could well be a storm of epic proportions. It will be a political storm from which a Constitutional crisis could well arise.

It will take place in a Georgia courtroom.

Obama’s eligibility to serve as President is on the line.

It’s been a long and hard road for Dr. Orly Taitz and the Liberty Legal Foundation, which will represent the plaintiffs in court tomorrow, what they have been working toward may well create the perfect storm.

Make no mistake, while the outcome of this case is at the state level, and while it will not, if successful by the plaintiffs, remove Obama from office, it could set the stage for that ultimate showdown.

This case, brought forth in Georgia, will decide, before appeals, whether or not Obama is qualified, by virtue of the constitution, to appear on Georgia’s ballot in 2012.

This IS huge.

There are other such cases being formulated and one, in the state of California, which is pending.

The case against Obama’s eligibility hinges on the definition of “Natural Born Citizen” and the constitution clearly states one must BE a Natural Born Citizen in order to serve as president.

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Obama’s Willful Violation of the Constitution

Yesterday, we, at The National Patriot, asked YOU, our readers and the American people to take action. We asked this in the wake of Obama’s “recess” appointments.

These appointments took place while the Senate remained in Pro Forma session.

Obama’s actions are in contempt of Congress.

Obama’s actions are a willful violation of the United States Constitution.

Obama’s actions are a direct violation of his oath of office.

We thought it would be interesting to see what some Congressional members are saying about Obama’s actions in regard to the “recess” appointments.

“Once again we’re seeing presidential overreach. This is not what our founding fathers had in mind for this great nation.”   

Congressman Allen West


“The president put his own political future and the radical views of his far-left base ahead of constitutional government. The president will have to answer to the American people for this power grab.”

Sen. Orin Hatch


“I think the president wanted to pick a really big fight, and he has surely chosen one. This is a direct affront to the American people and the constitutional system of government that we have.”

Sen. Mike Lee


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Is 2012 Shaping Up to be the Year of NObama?

While 2008 was clearly the year of Obama, 2012 may well go down in history as the year of NObama. Not only are his polling numbers sliding lower day by day with less than a year to go before election day but in March of 2012, the Supreme Court will hear the case against Obamacare.

Now we have word that also in 2012, the Supreme Court will hear the case Obama’s DOJ has brought against Arizona (and other states) regarding illegal immigration.

Obama has, for the last 3 years, tried to make a living off these two issues and now it looks as if things might not go his way in the highest court of the land.

With Obamacare, it is the individual mandate portion of his bill which is at issue and the Commerce Clause which could well, and should doom it. Never before has the Commerce Clause been used so broadly as to force American citizens to buy a good or service. It is doubtful that the Supreme Court will grant to the government such powers as it would clearly open the doors for any administration to follow suit regarding any good or service they so choose.

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“Occupiers” Inhabiting a Failing Agenda

“Whose Park?…OUR Park!”

That was the chant starting around midnight in Zuccotti Park in New York as NYPD officers started clearing out the protesters. “YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS!” was another chant being belted out through a chorus of Occu-Pie-Holes.

Zuccotti Park is being clear out, at least for a few hours to clean up and remove the filth from 2 months of squatters. It’s become a health hazard, the people who live around the park are sick of it and businesses in the area have had enough. Mayor Bloomberg issued the order to clear the park and about 400 police officers started the process around midnight.

Once the park is cleaned, protesters WILL be allowed to return but they will NOT be allowed to bring their tents, tarps, shanty town kitchens or sleeping bags and winter is forthcoming. It is folly to believe the “Occupiers” are cut from the same cloth which wrapped the frozen feet of Washington’s men at Valley Forge as those men were fighting for ideals while the “Occupiers” are clinging to ideology.

That “Whose Park…OUR Park” chant couldn’t be more wrong.

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100 or So Muslim Students Need to Take a Hike


The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights says yes…Really. They ARE indeed investigating a possible violation of human rights regarding Muslim students.


John Banzhaf, an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School says yes…Really…As he has filed an official complaint on behalf of those Muslim students.



Muslim students at Catholic University are suing claiming their human rights have been violated because when they pray they are surrounded by…gasp…images of Christ, priests, saints and other Catholic imagery.

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Jesse Jackson Jr. Trys to Mask Socialist Agenda!!

Leave it to liberals to attempt yet another trial balloon aimed at bringing socialism to our nation. It was just a couple of weeks ago that the liberal North Carolina Governor floated the idea of suspending congressional elections for a couple of years.

That was met with great disdain by Patriots and she then tried to back away from her statement by claiming it to be hyperbole and sarcasm.

Now, Jesse Jackson Jr. the congressman from Illinois, has floated ANOTHER lame liberal trial balloon.

J.J. Jr. says that the GOVERNMENT should HIRE all 15 million unemployed workers at a cost of $600 BILLION dollars!!

According to J.J. Jr., “It could be a five-year program. For another $104 billion, we bail out all of the states. For another $100 billion, we bail out all of the cities.”

Now he’s up to $804 BILLION.

Oh…But WAIT…There’s MORE!!!…

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Where government was supposed to occur

Ok, this is just a short entry.  Just enough to get some thoughts going, hopefully.

Our forefathers were brilliant.  They didn’t always get along, but they were brilliant.  They didn’t always get it right, but they saw that the articles of Confederation were too weak to be effective, and created the Constitution.  They knew that wasn’t perfect, but created a way to amend the Constitution.  In that regard, it can be seen as a living document, meaning having a means of change to adapt to what society wants over time.  It is NOT a living document in the sense that it can be reinterpreted over time and twisted to fit whatever agenda is being pursued without going through the appropriate formal amendment process.

Our forefathers knew that true government does NOT start at the top and filter down.  It was meant to be a local level event.  All the hammering out of legislation, true management, was to occur at the local level.  I am talking city level.  Concerns that could not be worked out were brought to the county level.  If those concerns could not be addressed at the county level, they were brought to the state level.  If the state could not work it out, they were brought to the national level.  The whole idea was to work things out at a local level, leaving the national government to work on things of national importance.  Those things were the items listed in Article 1, Section 8.

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Hello again folks, Shadow here!  And I want to talk to you about something that is guaranteed to make liberals wet their pants out of fear and a country boy to wet his pants out of excitement!  YES, I am talking about GUNS!!!  Or rather, my experiences and observations throughout my lifetime.  Don’t worry, it won’t take too long!

My first contact with a firearm was when I was about 12.  I was in Pennsylvania with my parents visiting some friends of theirs.  Those folks were loaded and had quite the collection of weapons of various calibers.  We had a “boys outing” with my brother, my stepfather and his friend we went to go visit.  That outing consisted of shooting stuff out in the middle of nowhere.  That was when I got the chance to fire my first 22 cal rifle.  Honestly, I don’t know how well I shot, but it was an interesting experience from the perspective of a boy who was always taught that guns were bad.  Yes, I grew up in the northeast, and you know how draconian some of those states can be.  Anyway, the day I shot the rifle was the day that I realized a gun doesn’t make someone bad, and that guns themselves have no capacity for evil.

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Conversations with Nutters

Ok, I am the new dog on the block, but I have known the contributors to this blog for some time now.  With much arm twisting, they FINALLY got me to come along and contribute my words to this great blog.  I do not pretend to be an expert in anything, though I am versed on a lot.  I may not come across to eloquently at times, but I promise I will answer your questions.  I welcome constructive criticism but negativity is not tolerated.  I do not subscribe to any political ideology except that of the Constitution, battered and bruised as she may be.  I have given my time to this country doing many things I can’t talk about, ever.  I held my hand up nearly 20 years ago and swore:  I, Shadow Patriot, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

I will piss you off.  I will make you laugh.  I will give you something to think about.  I may even make you like me.  But what I won’t ever do is candy coat anything.  I call it like I see it…I always have.

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