Obamacare IS a Fundamental Transformation Tax

Obamacare is THE largest TAX INCREASE, the most deceitfully CONTRIVED and UNSCRUPULOUSLY passed bill in American history!!!

As a law, Chief Justice Roberts was absolutely CORRECT in finding it CONSTITUTIONAL as a TAX law and THAT is as FAR as I believe he could possibly go in his ruling. The Supreme Court had no choice but to hear arguments and adjudicate upon the MERITS of the law itself and in that light, Chief Justice Roberts was 100% correct or…Was he?

Here’s a MAJOR problem though…According to the Anti Injunction Act from March 2nd, 1867…NO TAX LAW CAN BE ADJUDICATED UNTIL AFTER IT TAKES EFFECT and in the case of Obamacare, the Supreme Court should NOT have ruled on it in whole…AS A TAX LAW…until after 2018 but that would require yet ANOTHER round in 2 years at the High Court.

Now then, what neither he nor any of the Supreme Court could do, considering the nature of the action by which it was BROUGHT to the Highest Court, was adjudicate it upon the MANNER in which it was passed. I suggest that had THAT aspect been the focus of the case, the outcome may well have been QUITE different.

Roberts and the Court found it to be a TAX law and CONSTITUTIONAL because it’s a TAX law.

Oh…Obama TOLD us it WASN’T a tax and that nobody in the middle class would see THEIR taxes go up…”Not one single dime.” But…And I know this will come as a GREAT shock…Obama was lying. He wasn’t misspoken. He wasn’t misquoted. He wasn’t taken out of context. He wasn’t misunderstood or any of the rest of the lame excuses so often used by politicians.

It’s NOT conservative spin, right wing propaganda, parsing of words, misrepresentation by the right, racist, scare tactics or any of the other things the liberal/socialists are want to use as dismissive talking points or labels either.

Obama was flat out, bald faced, down and dirty, through is teeth, without blinking an eye and without a second thought…


And one can EASILY believe he was LYING because HE, and a handful of others, KNEW that the ONLY way to obtain passage of Obamacare, was to proceed Unconstitutionally and WITHOUT a SHRED of ethics nor rules adhered to.

Here is how it went down and WHY it SHOULD be regarded as UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

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Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” to Imperial Rule

America is poised to the razor’s edge of an abyss the depths of which have no measure. Make no mistake, this is a fact.

We currently have a “president” who stands at that deadly precipice and orders the nation…”FORWARD.”

If what Obama did last Friday, with his immigration decree doesn’t wake you up, you are forever lost.

Allow me to be as clear and succinct as is humanly possible.

In November, there will be 2 names on the presidential ballot.



That’s it. That’s it no matter who would rather have someone else’s name there instead of Romney. I am one of them as of the field which ran, I would have much preferred Newt Gingrich. No matter what thread of hope onto which I hang, there will be no brokered convention. Newt will not be the nominee.

The exact same is a fact for the followers of Ron Paul. The supporters of Sarah Palin, Allen West, Perry, Cain, Santorum, Pawlenty, Bachmann and on and on.

It is just as true for those who support candidates who have never been heard of by people outside of their circle of friends. John Dummett Jr. comes to mind…A candidate with no name recognition whatsoever outside a small yet determined band of social media advocates.

None will be the nominee to face Obama but Mitt Romney.

That is a fact and those who don’t believe it had better start.

In November, on the presidential ballot will be 2 names. Obama and Romney.

Those who would cast a write in vote for someone other than Romney and then stand their ground and state that they voted for liberty are fools.

That too is a fact.

Every vote NOT cast for Romney in November IS a vote for Obama in that each such vote is a vote not in the Romney tally and THAT allows Obama to gain a crucial step ahead of the only other name on that ballot.

One need look no further back than Ross Perot.

Perot siphoned off enough votes from Bush 41 to keep Bush from defeating Clinton. Perot was just 1…JUST 1… “other candidate and this year, in the most important election since 1860, there are too many “other” candidates to count.

Each “other” candidate…All those different write ins, will garner, maybe, 1 or 2% of the vote IF they’re lucky. 10 “other candidates would split 10%-20% of the vote.

That is exactly the same as spotting Obama, 10%-20% in a race that has THE most dire consequences in HISTORY.

Those who would vote a write in and declare that they voted for liberty might just as well buy the bullets for the firing squad facing them and proudly declaring that they cleaned the rifles for them.

Here it is, straight forward and with no apologies.

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On Immigration, the Emperor Lights Another Match

Today, in yet ANOTHER outrageous IMPERIAL move, Obama and his minion, Janet Napolitano, DECREED that, from this point forward, immigration law will reflect that a segment of those, depending on their age, between 16 and 30 years, who have been in the United States for a period of not less than 5 years, with a few other stipulations, who are here ILLEGALLY will NOT be deported and WILL be given work visas.

All one need do is LOOK at the Constitution to see, CLEARLY, this is an affront to our founding document!!

Section. 2.

Clause 1: The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

Clause 2: He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

Clause 3: The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

Section 2 of Article 2 of the Constitution made the President the Commander in Chief of the Military and gave him the power to make political appointments.
Section. 3.

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

Section 3 of Article 2 of the Constitution mandated that the President report to Congress on the State of the Union.

Section. 4.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Contained within the powers given to the President and the Executive Branch, there is NOTHING permitting what Obama and Napolitano did today.


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EPA Spying on Pooping Cows…Let’s Raise a Stink

Lately, it has come to light that the government, specifically the EPA, is so concerned about cow poop that they are using drones to sniff it out in the skies of the Midwest…Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas.

Many cattle ranchers in the region have recently spotted the drones over their land and are reasonably upset by the practice. To answer a formal letter from U.S. Senator from Nebraska, Mike Johanns, on the subject. the EPA fired of the following message:

“Courts, including the Supreme Court, have found similar types of flights to be legal (for example to take aerial photographs of a chemical manufacturing facility) and EPA would use such flights in appropriate instances to protect people and the environment from violations of the Clean Water Act.”

The EPA is currently trying to hide behind Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution on this matter.

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Obama’s Eligibility…Tyranny in the Making

While the Obama administration fights for all they’re worth, and that ain’t much, to prevent individual states from enacting voter ID laws, and while at the same time more and more allegations of forgery regarding Obama’s own personal records surfaces due to Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case investigation, voter fraud has taken a front seat in Indiana.

Butch Morgan, Pam Brunette, Beverly Shelton and Dustin Blythe, pictured  from left to right, have been formally charged with election fraud.

These were democratic operatives.

They worked for the democratic party in St. Joseph County, Indiana.

They forged names on petitions to place both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the Indiana ballot in 2008.

They split up the job…2 forging names for Obama and the other 2 forging names for Clinton.

It looks now as if between the 4, enough name were forged to place both candidates on that ballot – and what’s even more stunning is the idea that, without their efforts, it now looks as though neither Obama nor Clinton would have made the ballot.

It is unlikely we would know anything about this today were it not for Lucas Burkett. He blew the whistle. From the start, he was in on the scheme. Burkett himself forged signatures and was there, at St. Joseph County Democratic strategy meetings, where the scheme was discussed and agreed upon.

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Obamacare…1 Justice…1 Word…The Tipping Point

Obamacare, the signature legislation of Obama and that which liberal/socialists hold as a triumph, is on the ropes. With 2 days of Supreme Court arguments complete and but 1 day to go, even liberal pundits are scared Obamaless.

Upon the bench, there are 4 liberal Justices…4 Conservative Justices…And 1 swing vote.

It is NOT just Obamacare which hangs in the balance. The future of the republic is at stake. The Constitution is at stake. The intentions of the framers…Also is on the edge of oblivion. The decision, which is expected in June, will either save our Constitution and the intent of the founders that government should be limited, or toss them from the proverbial cliff in favor of socialism.

At the center of this most important decision both figurative and literally, is a single Justice.

Anthony Kennedy. Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Upon HIS shoulders rests the future of the republic.

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Will Obamacare Come Down to Steamboats vs Cows?

We are now less than 2 weeks away from opening arguments in the United States Supreme Court regarding Obamacare. The Court will take up the case starting on March 26th and hear arguments through March 28th.

On March 26th, the arguments will center around something very odd, unless of course, you keep an eye on liberals.

March 26th will be a stall tactic by the Obama administration. They will argue that it’s not applicable for the High Court to even hear the case until AFTER the individual mandate kicks in. That, of course, would be 2014. By then, nearly any vestiges of private healthcare would have been laid waste making a return to private healthcare nearly impossible – and IF possible, extremely costly.

The other and possibly more veiled reason for this stall tactic would be the possibility of a new Supreme Court nomination by a reelected Barack Obama.

Either way you look at it, the delay or stall move is one of desperation on behalf of liberals and the Obama administration.

On March 28th, the arguments are again scheduled to revolve around the expansion of Medicaid and its constitutionality and also around the question of whether or not Obamacare as a whole can stand should the individual mandate be struck from it.

The bulk of the case will be heard on March 27th. On that day, the idea that the government can mandate what We The People buy, as goods or services, will be challenged by the 26 Attorneys General who have filed suit against the Obama administration.

This part of the Obamacare case will directly involve the Commerce Clause.

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Ginsburg’s Vigorous Defense of the Constitution

“I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012.”

Those are the words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, United States Supreme Court Justice. Ginsburg didn’t stop there either.

“You should certainly be aided by all the constitution-writing that has gone one since the end of World War II.”

“I might look at the constitution of South Africa. That was a deliberate attempt to have a fundamental instrument of government that embraced basic human rights, had an independent judiciary.”

Here are a few other words once spoken by Ginsburg which damn well should be noted.

“I, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.  So help me God.”

She has quite a unique way of supporting and defending our Constitution, doesn’t she?

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Obama’s Eligibility, A Constitutional Crisis in the Making

How exactly does one go about constructing a Constitutional crisis?

It can’t be done easily and it takes a concerted effort to contradict the very framework of our nation.

Obama is in the midst of such a creation.

If Georgia Judge, the Hon. Michael Malihi, returns a verdict disallowing Obama’s name from the Georgia ballot, a Constitutional crisis could well be the outcome. The threat of such an event can be no reason to issue a ruling which would avoid it.

In last week’s Georgia hearing, neither Obama nor his attorney were present. Obama was campaigning in Nevada and his attorney, Michael Jablonski, issued to the Georgia Sec. of State the previous day, his intention of non participation.

Regardless of the outcome and the decision of the Judge, an appeal will certainly follow and should the Judge rule against Obama, expect an injunction to be filed preventing the Georgia Sec. of State from taking action to remove Obama from the ballot.

One of the things which is sure to be brought into play by Jablonski is Executive Privilege.

It will be claimed that Obama, as sitting President, has the Executive Privilege to ignore the subpoena of the court.

We believe this will be met with resistance by the legal team for the plaintiffs.

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Obama Eligibility and the Gotcha Liberals

It’s time I suppose to deal with some of the neener neener liberals out there. I know a few and a suspect you do too.

Liberals won’t do their homework or, they’ll only do it up to a point. They will parse out only what backs their position without bothering to mention the whole story.

You and I both know this kind of liberal, don’t we?

These are the Obama Kool Aid drinkers who just can’t bring themselves to the understanding that THEIR guy may well be in trouble and in order to deflect any talk of ineligibility, they try the old and worn…”Well, what about THESE Presidents…HUH?”…tact.

These liberals will lay upon you the names of other Presidents who had one or both parents born off soil so to speak so, let’s have a look shall we?

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