The Latest in Liberal Lunacy

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Ever feel that all the world is a dog, and you’re the fire hydrant?

That’s the way the democrat party, liberals, socialists and their voters must feel today, and those warm, moist feelings aren’t happy tears being cried by rainbow-farting unicorns.

Oh, the past couple of weeks have been banner weeks for the democrat party as they have carefully taken aim at their own feet and let loose with both barrels. They couldn’t have done more damage to themselves with a Bic lighter on the Hindenburg, or with a can opener on the Titanic. Team Trump should be working 24/7 just putting together campaign videos featuring the democrat party’s circular firing squad.

Honestly, I have never seen a political party implode like this before, and it is pretty damned entertaining. If it wasn’t for self-inflicted bad luck, the democrats wouldn’t have any luck at all.

Let’s just take the last couple of weeks as an example…

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Bernie Sanders – Common Core to His Communist Core

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The implosion, and imminent demise of Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential race is epic, but it has now gone beyond funny gaffes and nonsense to outright scary.

While he’s long been the butt of jokes for saying the wrong things at inappropriate times, and rightly so, Biden’s mental state now seems to be descending rapidly into what could be dementia, or some form of it.

For years, he’s had a great deal of trouble remembering where he is at any given time, and just a little more than a week ago, on the day of the New Hampshire primary at a final campaign stop, he actually thought he was in Nevada.

But just a couple of days ago, what I believe to be the true nature of whatever it is that Biden is suffering from became so glaringly clear that even his dwindling numbers of supporters were left wondering about their candidate’s mental state.

Biden was in South Carolina campaigning, giving a speech when he said, and I quote…

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Politburo Rising

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Up is down, left is right, right is wrong, and lies equal the truth. That is the liberal view of the world around them, and while it seems like something new, it isn’t.

The decidedly backwards mindset of today’s liberals has nearly always been their calling card, and when they have historically been outed as being on the wrong side of any given issue, they ultimately accuse Republicans of the wrong they, themselves commit.

We all know that it was Hillary and the democrats who were engaged in collusion with the Russians leading up to the 2016 election, and Uranium One is proof positive of that. It was Hillary and the democrats who conspired with Russian agents to manufacture the Steele dossier which would then be used in an attempt to frame first candidate, and later President Trump.

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Don’t Take Rudy’s Word For It…Take Obama’s!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

rudy 1“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.”

“He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

“What country has left so many young men and women dead abroad to save other countries without taking land? This is not the colonial empire that somehow he has in his hand. I’ve never felt that from him. I felt that from [George] W. [Bush]. I felt that from [Bill] Clinton. I felt that from every American president, including ones I disagreed with, including [Jimmy] Carter. I don’t feel that from President Obama.”

Rudy Giuliani was spot on with those comments last week. Spot on and the reaction from liberals was 100% expected.

Josh Earnest, Whitehouse town liar and spokesweasel said: “I can tell you that it’s sad to see when somebody who has attained a certain level of public stature, and even admiration, tarnishes that legacy so thoroughly. And the truth is, I don’t take any joy, or vindication, or satisfaction from that. I think, really, the only thing that I feel is sorry for Rudy Giuliani today.”

Al not-so-Sharpton said: “Rudy, first of all, needs a hug,”

“The best thing that can happen to the Democrat that succeeds President Obama is for Rudy Giuliani to keep running his mouth.”

Sharpton continued…

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Weekend Edition: Obama’s SOTU?? STFU!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

sn 1Ok.

I was going to try my damnedest NOT to go all ‘snark-fest’ on Obama’s SOTU. I even wrote a very serious review of all the jobs killing tax crap in it last week but seriously…who am I kidding?

That speech had a “KICK ME” sign on its back that could be seen from SPACE!!!

Snark cannon locked and loaded…




First…the Keystone XL Pipeline. The Dictator doesn’t want it and said he will veto any bill authorizing it.

Why? Because we don’t WANT oil from our FRIENDS in Canada. WE only want to get oil from countries THAT WANT TO KILL US!!! Makes all the sense in the world and we certainly don’t need the 42,000 jobs a pipeline like that would create do we? NOOOOOOOOO…

And liberals…don’t regale me with all that crap that I’m making that number up either because I’M not the one who came UP with it…

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Friday Fume

fume 1In a week that just defies common sense and DEFINES liberal nonsense…We find THIS little gem.


According to Yale University…an asylum of higher indoctrination… ‘Robots Helping Kids,’ will ultimately “deploy” robots into homes and schools to teach English as a second language, and encourage kids to exercise.

Says nerd Brian Scassellati of the asylum, “What we want to do is move these robots out of the laboratory and into schools and homes and clinics, places where we can directly help children on a day-to-day basis. Just like a good personal trainer, we want the robots to be able to guide the child toward a behavior that we desire.”

So…it takes a village to raise a child huh? Now it’s gonna take ROBOTS to raise a VILLAGE of IDIOTS but that’s exactly what liberals want, and as if dumbing down kids wasn’t bad enough…NOW they’re going to start turning out MIND-NUMBED CHILDREN by letting MIND-NUMBED ROBOTS TEACH THEM HOW TO BEHAVE!!!

Patriots and friends…It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

When it comes to border security…do you think that maybe…JUST MAYBE…the Obama regime has their priorities a little SCREWED UP???

Just MAYBE???

While tens of THOUSANDS of ILLEGAL ALIEN minors…INCLUDING GANG MEMBERS…pour across our southern border and get everything from FREE TRANSPORTATION to states and cities from sea to shining sea to A FREE EDUCATION without so much as a second glance…

A troop of two dozen BOY SCOUTS from IOWA had a somewhat DIFFERENT experience last week as they traveled from Canada into ALASKA!!!

That’s when one of the Scouts took a photo of the border station upon which…

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Weekend Edition: Operation Resignation Desperation

tnp eagleFriday was a banner day for rodents leaping from Obama’s sinking ship of state.

The USS Obama, a dingy carrying an ass, is now swirling a little higher in the toilet bowl as first, Eric Shinseki, the head turd in the VA punchbowl resigned, only to be immediately replaced by his deputy and Assistant Director of deadly misdeeds, Sloan Gibson.

Let me tell you something…as the fraudulent and fatal scandal at the VA is systemic, and as Sloan Gibson has been Shinseki’s right hand for all of three months. That is the depth of his experience…3 months but IN those three months…did Gibson ever blow the whistle?

Our veterans are just as screwed now as they were on Thursday. Nothing has changed.

Then there was the bald-faced liar, Obama’s version of Baghdad Bob…Jay Carney who decided to “step down” and get off the Tidy Bowl Man’s yacht before it disappears altogether.

Carney, who has become the laughingstock of the press corps over the past 5 plus years. Carney who has hemmed and hawed, stuttered and stammered his way through daily press briefings, trying to tap dance his way around the truth with all the agility of a one legged, spasmatic weasel… to the point where even Pinocchio doesn’t take him seriously anymore…has called it quits.

Carney’s future memoirs are no doubt, destined for the bargain bin in the fiction section on Amazon.

By the way, Jay carney’s family was recently featured in a Washingtonian magazine spread complete with a photo from their own family kitchen in which can be seen two wonderful examples of communist propaganda art lurking on the back wall.

Perhaps Vladimir Putin is hiring?

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Common Core is Nothing But Ideological Paste

core 1aCommon Core is a fool’s curriculum but it IS necessary for the liberal ideology to of complete government control of the people to become the accepted method of governance.

Let me explain.

Too many years ago, when I was a public school student, 2+2 equaled 4. Everybody knew it and if you happened to write down 5 as your answer you were docked for it. If you stood your ground and argued the point long enough and without reservation, there was a good chance you would find yourself taking the same math class over next year while all your friends moved on.

Today, thanks to Common Core, you can proudly say that 2+2 equals 5 and get a plaque and a pat on the head if you simply explain WHY you think the answer is 5. Nobody will criticize you, nobody will dock your grade and along you go to the next level of common core math.

At this point in a rather nutshell sort of way, it should be noted that during those early years of my public school education…we sent a man to the moon and returned him safely to the earth and while it was Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins who made the trip…they were sent there by people who knew damn well that 2+2 equaled 4…NOT 5 and were considered to be at the top of their class.

Common core math is but a singular example but know that Common Core encompasses the entire curriculum from math to social studies, history to science and everything in between. It is meant to change the way children think thus, changing the way future ADULTS think and make them all part of the collective and while some states are dumping it, far too many are not.

Remember…“It takes a village to raise a child.”

What we are watching as it happens in our country today is…

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“Public Lands” are the Product of Government Extortion

land 1As I stated in yesterday’s article, ‘A Government Against the People,’ taking this country back will not be an easy task nor one that can be accomplished in one election or with one president.

That is because, the problem, in this particular case, land grabs BY the federal government, is not a new issue. It’s one that has been decades in the making and one which will require at least a decade to unravel.

Federal government land grabs, such as the microcosm we saw at the Bundy Ranch, have been perpetrated upon the people by administrations from both sides of the aisle and, at the root of the problem, is that dirty word…”extortion.”

When the mob or, today’s neighborhood gangs threaten business owners into paying protection money in order not to be robbed BY the mob or neighborhood gangs…it’s extortion and what the federal government has been doing for far too long amounts to the exact same thing.

Here’s how it works…

The federal government “gifts” to the states, and for the purpose of this scenario, we’ll use the western states as the primary example as that is where the overwhelming vast majority of federal land grabs have taken place…”gifts” the states with federal dollars for such as roads, bridges, levies and other infrastructure projects.

In return for the federal government’s acts of kindness and “protection” from having to fund repairs on their own, the feds then “ask” for and have received over the years, more and more access to the land OF those western states.

The federal government then bamboozles the people of those states by calling those lands…

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Weekend Edition: The State of the 4th Estate

If you think that the FCC’s backing down and running away with their tails tucked hastily between their collective legs regarding the proposed Government-Goons-in-the-newsrooms-of-America debacle is the end of it…

Think again.

It’s nothing more than the tip of the tyranny iceberg.

Yes, you probably heard about the idea of sending goons to monitor newsrooms under the guise of some sort of study and, you most likely were up in arms about it given the 1st Amendment’s guarantee of “Freedom of the Press” but, there may well be things you didn’t realize.

1st, is the notion that all of this was to somehow procure a “study” regarding minorities and the balance of news coverage.


This was the precursor to a government-forced or mandated idea of racial balance both IN the newsrooms and delivered BY them.

Either news and media organizations were going to be forced to hire minorities whose primary job qualifications were going to be the color of their skin or…

This was going to bring about a government-ordered SELL OFF of some media groups directly TO minority ownership regardless of the private market, fair selling prices or interest in those companies BY minority groups.

Government mandated pandering to a known liberal voting bloc under the guise of racial equality.

2nd…There is no way in hell this is really over.

Yes, the FCC backed down. They blinked and pulled their plans to snoop and SUSPENDED this unlawful study but…Consider this…

If this was really over…It would have CANCELLED the “study” and…

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