Unless We Get it Right…There Will be More Orlandos

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Before the dust had settled, and while Orlando’s survivors were still in operating lan 1rooms…before the bodies had been removed or identified from the Pulse nightclub…Obama ran to the nearest microphone to issue his warped and perverse statements.

Obama spewed the following bits of crap from his pie hole…

He said it was too early to know the “precise motivation” of the shooter.  “We have no definitive assessment on the motivation.”


That it was really our fault, because we haven’t put in place enough gun control laws to have stopped what happened in Orlando. Obama said, of what had transpired in Orlando that it was, “a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or a house of worship, or a movie theater, or a nightclub.”

And then he followed that up with this, regarding the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community and the national attitude toward them…

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On Foreign Policy…It’s Cruz 23 – Trump 0

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

fp 1Donald Trump completely lacks any foreign policy substance…a fact that has become alarmingly apparent during debates as well as on the campaign trail.

If you go to Trump’s website, he has no foreign policy listed. None whatsoever. Nothing.

I have asked many of Trump’s blind followers to explain any detail of Trump’s foreign policy.

They won’t because they can’t. He hasn’t told them what to say to those who ask, and until Trump issues some talking points to be spread like propaganda by his followers, there is absolutely nothing, regarding his foreign policy, to tell.

Last Thursday, on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Trump himself was asked about foreign policy and specifically, he was asked who was advising him on foreign policy…a valid question considering his bone crushingly stupid remarks pertaining to Israel and the Palestinians. The Palestinisna, by the way, are run by an Islamic terrorist band of 7th century barbarians called Hamas and represented, at a government level, by the Palestinian Authority who also represents the Muslim Brotherhood…another Islamic terrorist faction.

Trump’s response to the question was priceless…

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Ending ISIS Starts With REAL Leadership

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

is 1“For more than a year, America has led a coalition of more than 60 countries to cut off ISIL’s financing, disrupt their plots, stop the flow of terrorist fighters, and stamp out their vicious ideology. With nearly 10,000 air strikes, we are taking out their leadership, their oil, their training camps, and their weapons. We are training, arming, and supporting forces who are steadily reclaiming territory in Iraq and Syria.”

That is just some of the nonsense Obama spewed forth a week ago in what was his last State of Fabrication address but that’s not all he had to say on the topic of ISIS.

“Masses of fighters on the back of pickup trucks and twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages pose an enormous danger to civilians and must be stopped. But they do not threaten our national existence.”

“We don’t need to build them up to show that we’re serious, nor do we need to push away vital allies in this fight by echoing the lie that ISIL is representative of one of the world’s largest religions. We just need to call them what they are  —  killers and fanatics who have to be rooted out, hunted down, and destroyed.”

Let’s start right there, shall we…with calling them what they are.

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Netanyahu, NOT Obama…Leader of the Free World

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

bib 1By Wednesday morning, the European Union had congratulated Bibi Netanyahu on his election victory over labor party rival Herzog.

By Thursday morning…Obama had done no such thing.

In fact, according to Reuters, John Kerry who is in Switzerland working on the ‘deal’ with the Islamic Terrorist State of Iran…REFUSED to address the questions posed by reporters regarding Netanyahu and the Likud Party victory.

Little wonder…after all, Obama had sent his top campaign adviser to Israel to mastermind the Herzog bid to get rid of Bibi and, Kerry’s Department of State sent the V15 group some $350,000 of U.S. Taxpayer money for the exact same purpose.

The goal naturally was to rid the world stage of Netahyahu so that the forces if Islam would have a much easier time of things. With Netanyahu out of the way…the path toward the nuclear arming of Iran would have been paved in gold…without Netanyahu…ISIS could actually become ISIL as Obama so optimistically calls them.

It’s fair to speculate that there was a meeting in the Situation Room at the White House on Tuesday night and that Valerie Jarrett was NOT at all happy.

I mean…they thought they had that election bought and paid for but things just didn’t work out the way they THOUGHT they would.

So sure were the liberals of the mainstream media that Netanyahu would LOSE that they geared up for it all day long on Tuesday just giddy over the opportunity to be the first to utter the phrase: “Netanyahu LOSES!!!”

Lester Holt who has replaced the lying Brian Williams over at NBC put it this way…

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NO INDICTMENT!! Ferguson Lynch Mob Riots!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com                                                                                                                     riot 1The decision of the Grand Jury in Ferguson has been delivered.

There will be NO indictment of Officer Darrin Wilson on ANY of the possible charges in the shooting of thug and thief Mike Brown.

Now…Ferguson becomes the scene of mass rioting, looting, arson and, most likely, death as

thousands, most of whom don’t even live there, most of whom have no connection other than a shared thug mentality with Mike Brown take to the streets and go on the rampage.

From sources on the ground in Ferguson, my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio partner Diane Sori and I understand that nearly half a BILLION dollars has been funneled into Ferguson by those wishing the total destruction of the city based on false allegations of racism.

Agitators, the leaders of these mobs, have been paid in the six figures to whip up a combination of hate and white guilt that will incite the violence we are about to see and don’t be one bit surprised if that violence, that ugly mob mentality doesn’t spill over into urban centers around the country.

The lie having been perpetuated for the past three months is this…

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Israel’s Allies and Enemies: The Truth Exposed…Part 3 of 3

pa 1Article Co-Written by Diane Sori

As we wrap up this 3 part series ‘Israel’s Allies and Enemies: The Truth Exposed’ with the benefits of what we believe to be the ONLY truly viable plan to establish a two-state solution in the Middle East, one very important thing bears repeating…while Israel IS in favor of a two state solution to achieve peace with the ‘Palestinians,’ ‘Palestine’…as in the Palestinian Authority with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood as their in-house Islamic army…is decidedly NOT as Hamas has it written into their charter that Israel is to be destroyed and all Jews, on a global scale, are to be killed. ‘Palestine’ is only in favor of a ONE state solution and Israel is NOT that state. While the solution we propose will be difficult to achieve, as King Abdullah II of Jordan is the primary roadblock to the ‘Road Map to Peace’ in the region, peace is NOT impossible, and the solution we propose IS viable, and should be given serious consideration.

In Part 1 http://thepatriotfactor.blogspot.com/2014/08/op-ed-israels-allies-and-enemies-truth.html of this most important series, Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor and RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media exposed the truth about the Jordanian monarchy’s continuing ties to both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood…ties the media will NOT tell you about…and ties that are in and of themselves stopping the peace process from moving forward. In part 2 http://www.thenationalpatriot.com/2014/08/11/israels-allies-and-enemies-the-truth-exposedpart-2/of this series Craig Andresen of The National Patriot and RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS explained how King Abdullah II, playing both sipa 9des of the coin, in addition to the silence of the Arab nations…except for Egypt which clearly sides with Israel…has stood out. However, by the Arab nations NOT outwardly siding with either side really means that the islamic factions involved, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, do NOT have their support.

To understand why peace at this point in time cannot be achieved one must understand the dynamics of the Arab mindset. This mindset has been set in motion by the 1924 destruction of the Caliphate, subsequent western occupation of Arab lands, the establishment of Israel in 1948, the two Gulf wars, and the continuing of the west’s ‘War on Terror,’ all contributed to how the Arab mind works. And with the Arab mindset totally controlled by the words of the Hadith…programmed if you will to hate all non-muslims…this translates into meaning  we infidels. The Arab sense of right and wrong is the polar opposite of how we westerners think, just as they relish death…we relish life.  Any western attempt to orchestrate political change in Arab countries is instantly rejected and thrown back at us through the call to jihad. This is why all proposals by the west have been rejected and is exactly why it will take an Arab country…like Egypt…to broker an actual peace treaty even though will put an Arab leader expounding such a proposal in jeopardy. Remember, history records the fate of Anwar Sadat after signing the Egypt/Israel Peace Accord along with the same fate for Menachem Begin.

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Israel’s Allies and Enemies: The Truth Exposed…Part 2

isr 1The fact of the matter is clear, the political landscape regarding the current and protracted situation between Israel and the “Palestinians” is greatly different than the biblical landscape, set forth in Genesis, where it comes to the borders OF Israel.

“From the Nile river (which is mainly modern Egypt and Sudan) to the Euphrates (modern-day Iraq).”

Since its inception in 1948, Israel has never been in the business of conquering other nations, never insisted on the biblical borders and instead, only wanted to live in peace. A peace often interrupted by the hatred for the Jews by other surrounding entities but Israel, having never let down her guard, has repelled all such incursions and has, in fact, sought peace through the giving up pieces of what little land she has.

Today, all Israel wants are the borders drawn after the 1967 war, a war she did not start but a war she won and to be left alone to exist in the world as a Jewish nation.

To understand the dynamics at hand and arrive at a viable solution, we must first break down the entities involved.

In part one of this investigative series, Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor provided crucial insight into the real position of Jordan and Jordan’s King. Trust me, we’re not done exploring Jordan’s role on all of this but, more on that later.

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Friday Fume

fume 1It’s been another tough week for liberal idiots…

They’ve been proven wrong on Iraq…wrong on the criticism of Bush…wrong on their denial of Obama’s scandals and yesterday…

The Supreme Court voted NINE to NOTHING that Obama completely blew the Constitutional Separation of Powers clause. NINE TO NOTHING and now BOEHNER is SUING the Dictator for ABUSES of POWER!!!

While rational people, at the bottom of a deep hole would quit digging…LIBERALS ARE ASKING FOR MORE SHOVELS and who are we to deny their request?

Well, lookie here, it’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Back in 1960, the city of Detroit had THE highest per capita income in the NATION and then…liberals took it over.

Today…Detroit is a third world city and like third world COUNTRIES…their people have gone to the UNITED NATIONS of thugs, thieves and despots seeking powder blue helmet relief from their day to day struggles.

A gaggle of liberals from a COALITION of…wait for it…WELFARE RIGHTS GROUPS…are all upset because the water has been shut off to 4700 Detroit water customers because…THEY HAVE FAILED TO PAY THEIR WATER BILLS…and those who demand that others take care of them…VIA WELFARE…went to the U.N. to get their water turned back on.

Here’s the REAL story…about HALF of the 324,000 Detroit water customers are at least 2 months over due on their water bills and of THOSE…46,000 were sent shut off notices and of THOSE…only 10% were ACTUALLY shut off and here’s where it gets interesting…Of the 4500 that were shut off…HALF OF THEM CAME IN AND PAID IN FULL WITHIN 2 DAYS!!!

That means that a damn good number of those who simply felt they didn’t need to pay their water bill…COULD HAVE buy why spend your OWN money when you can live off of someone ELSE’S dime???


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BUSH Lied and People Died? WHO’S LYING NOW???

The liberal “there were no WMD in Iraq” crowd is being suspiciously silent right now as their chosen one, Obama, is about to launch military strikes against Syria’s Assad.

There ARE WMD in Syria and I doubt anybody would deny that but, there are some very dire questions which must be posed.

First…Where did Syria GET the WMD?

Remember…the “There were no WMD in Iraq” crown has, for a decade, jeered at the idea that WMD were moved FROM Iraq TO Syria even though there were satellite images clearly showing caravans of heavy trucks moving SOMETHING out of Iraq and across the border into Syria.

Now, chemical weapons are being USED in Syria and that brings up the 2nd dire question.

WHO is using them?

Yesterday, Obama trotted out the Vietnam war traitor, John Kerry, to tell us all that, “What is before us today is real, and it is compelling.”

Kerry stated, “Our sense of basic humanity is offended not only by this cowardly crime but also by the cynical attempt to cover it up.”


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