The Obamassiah – More Demon Than Deity


I keep saying that America is going down the proverbial toilet with the Dictator, Obama, at the helm and I continue to be roundly criticized by socialists for stating the clearly obvious.

I write of the indoctrination of today’s youth by socialists and, am criticized by socialists for doing so.

I have written, many times, of how socialists have deemed Obama some sort of Messiah and have been scolded by socialists for making that observation.

Silly, Godless socialists and their Obamassiah.

Perhaps the truth is just too hard for you to grasp.

Now, we have a video.

Maybe seeing for yourselves will help.

Oh…I know this is just one little boy but, trust me, he is not alone.

I don’t know where he learned this. School? God forbid as SOCIALISTS have forbidden prayer in school.


Maybe, if he goes to one of those progressive Rev. Write “GOD DAMN AMERICA” churches.


Could be…

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Friday Fume

Can you believe we made it through another WHOLE week of this socialist crap?

ME EITHER…But we did and we’re thankful for it.

Nancy Pelosi wants to have a “CONVERSATION” on RACE and JUSTICE when she’s at home next week. I’ll bet the mild mannered folk across the bay in OAKLAND ain’t gonna be jiggy wit it though.

The socialists in congress say that the IRS needs an additional $12 BILLION dollars next year because…APPARENTLY…IT’S GONNA COST MORE TO LEAK ALL OUR MEDICAL INFO THAN IT DID TO POST 110,000 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS!!!

And…The thugs, thieves and despots at the United Nations have decided that November 19th, 2013 be…INTERNATIONAL TOILET DAY!!!!!

I say we send em OBAMA for the FIRST CEREMONIAL FLUSHING!!!!!!!

If you can’t tell, it’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

What have we here???

“An analysis of one textbook cannot provide a balanced understanding as to what the students in Brevard Public Schools are learning throughout their academic careers.”

Those are the words of Brevard County Schools spokeswoman, Michelle Irwin, as she defended…DEFENDED a Prentice Hall World History textbook being used by 9th graders that contains…

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Friday Fume

Oh boy.

My neck hurts from shaking my head all week and I’ll bet yours does too.

OUR government spent $890 THOUSAND dollars on SERVICE FEES related to 13 THOUSAND EMPTY GOVERNMENT bank accounts and SOCIALISTS STILL WON’T ADMIT WE’RE BROKE…Socialists in congress are trying to give OBAMACARE a SHOT IN THE ARM by trying to RAISE TAXES ON THE FLU VACCINE and 15 year old kids, who have to have a note from a doctor to take an ASPIRIN at school can now buy PLAN B ABORTION PILLS WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION OR PARENTAL NOTIFICATION!!!

But that’s just the BEGINNING of this week’s socialist insanity.

What I’m about to relate seems TOO absurd to be REAL but, I assure you…I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP!!!

Sit down, grab something bolted to the floor and HANG ON TIGHT…

It’s Friday Patriots and…

I’m fuming.


No kidding.

The PENTAGON, under the “leadership” of the MUSLIM COMMIE occupying the oval office…Has released the following statement:

“Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense. … Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis.”



Yes, socialists weasels…I KNOW it says “RELIGIOUS” and not just CHRISTIAN but…

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Weekend Edition: Oh…You’re OFFENDED???

If you’re intolerant of those who refuse to open their minds to the extent their brains fall out…If YOU are easily offended on behalf of others when you, yourself have nothing to be offended over…If you walk into a room and count the number of people who look like YOU vs those who DON’T and, if YOU think everybody should think the way YOU do because YOUR ideology is for “INTELLECTUALS…”


I’ll also bet you’re a registered Democrat who ascribes to the idiot-ology of socialism.

If I’ve offended you already…GOOD…You deserve to be.

I’ve checked…

I’ve read it over and over again.

I have consulted specialists.

I have studied it 8 ways from Sunday and guess what?

There is NOTHING…

ANYWHERE in our Constitution that says that YOU nor I for that matter…

Have the right to NOT be offended.

Suck it up cupcake…YOU’RE NOT THAT SPECIAL!!!!!

If you see a cross, an image of Jesus, a nativity scene or a hear a prayer and you don’t subscribe to Christianity…

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Replacing Faith with Socialism – Youth Indoctrination

This nation was founded on Judeo-Christian values.

Too bad, socialists but, it’s a fact.

In GOD We Trust.

Socialists want to change that. They DON’T want We the People to trust in GOD…THEY want the SUBJECTS to trust in the GOVERNMENT.

To bring about this “fundamental transformation,” socialists know they must indoctrinate the nation’s youth against the fundamental principles upon which this nation was founded.

That is exactly why socialists have, over the last few decades, usurped the education system via the Teachers Unions and set the agenda, curriculum and standards for education. They, the socialists, own k-12 AND asylums of higher indoctrination as well.

That means…From age 5 through 18, public school socialist instructors are manipulating your children.

From the time your kids are of age to vote through their next 4 years…Longer of they seek an advanced degree, those same socialist soaked sponges are in the hands of Marxists as well.

Just a week ago, at Flour Bluff Intermediate School in Corpus Christi Texas, a quiz was given regarding 9/11. Look at the question at the bottom of the image.

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An Ode To Those Who Cling

Every day’s a Holiday

Unless of course, you’re Christian,

Mohammad’s  considered acceptable

But Christ is an affliction.


Reading the Koran in the Park

Is clearly Not Detested,

But Quote the Bible in Public Places

And You will be Arrested.


Freedom OF Religion

Is What the Founders Said,

But Freedom FROM Religion

Is the Atheists Flag of Red.

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