Libya: Another Deadly Gamble

Glaring. Transparent. Arrogant.


The decisions being made by the Obama Campaign Administration led to the deaths of 4 Americans in Libya. Directly.

The narrative on Libya, from the Obama Campaign Administration, since the last weeks of Gaddafi has been…We led from behind. Gaddafi is no longer a threat to his people or his country because, we led from behind. The Arab Spring has taken hold in Libya because, we led from behind. The people of Libya are now, for the first time in decades, free. Libya is safer now because Gaddafi is gone. We will help Libya become democratized. Libya can be considered a success because of the Obama policies.

As the Obama Campaign Administration claimed victor in Libya due to the Obama Doctrine and leading from behind, it fit nicely into the narrative that Obama is a foreign policy genius and that he’s tough on terrorism. In other words, the places where Obama has blessed with his genius are now safer than ever before.

What we KNEW to be true in Libya was this: The black flag of al Qaeda was flying over the courthouse in Benghazi the day after Gaddafi was laid out in the refrigerator section of a grocery market.

What we didn’t know until Ambassador Stevens was murdered in Benghazi was the fact that Libya was SO safe…Stevens had to sneak into the country on a cargo ship. The fact that Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, told us this means that SHE knew Libya was NOT a safe place for our Ambassador from day one.

That’s not the way you send an Ambassador into a safe country and it’s something an Administration wants to keep quiet if they are projecting that their policies have made Libya safe. It’s better for the CAMPAIGN if people are led to believe it’s safe.

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Dropping the Question of Mass Destruction

As we speed toward the November 6th election and even faster toward the next presidential debate, I believe there is but a single question which Mitt Romney could pose that would virtually bring the Obama campaign, not to mention his Canadian made bus…To a screeching halt.

Romney would need to preface the single simple question with a statement and that could be done either in his next opening or closing statement. I would suggest that should Romney win the coin toss he should choose to go first.

Now before I reveal that statement and simple question, we should take a quick look back at the last 4 years.

During Obama’s time in office, he has yet to pass a budget and even though his party controlled both the house and the senate for the 1st two years, Obama has steadfastly blamed republicans for the lack of a budget.

When it comes to the deficit, we have racked up more than a trillion dollars per year during the Obama administration and, Obama has blamed republicans for that too. Well…Republicans and George W. Bush.

During Obama’s 4 years in office, our National Debt has increased by more than 5 trillion dollars. Who’s to blame? George W. Bush because, as Obama has blathered over and over again…Things were worse than he thought when he took office.

For the first time in our history, our credit rating has been downgraded…twice…so who might be held to blame by the Obama team?


George W. Bush…Republicans…Republicans…George W. Bush and on and on it goes.


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Hey, Obama…What Happened???

It was just 4 years ago that things were SO different.

What happened?

That is the question which must be haunting Obama night and day.

4 years ago, he was a rock star and today, a has been.

4 years ago, anything that had anything to do with him was a mob scene with people pushing and shoving to just get a glimpse. Even if they couldn’t get close enough to see, they could say they were there.

Last week, in his Windy City, a fund raiser was, like his glass, half empty.

Perhaps it was the price of admission.

$51.00 per head.

That’s right, Obama only managed to half fill a room at just fifty one bucks per person. That would have NEVER happened just 4 years ago.

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Obama to Biden: “Oh…Cabin Boy…”

America now has a choice.

Romney/Ryan or Obama/Biden.

The former stands for everything the latter doesn’t and liberal/socialists know it.

Yesterday, I predicted the liberal/socialist response and it wasn’t hard to see coming. Liberals are scared and they’re trying to do everything they can to fake glee over the announcement that Paul Ryan is the VP choice.

It became very obvious very quickly that the pre-approved liberal talking points went out in a hurry and equally clear that liberal pundits had been sweating it out waiting on those emails.

One by one, each repeated the exact same line. Word for word.

“The Paul Ryan plan will end Medicare as we know it.”

Interview after interview, pundit after pundit, the liberal/socialist line was repeated over and over again.

“The Paul Ryan plan will end Medicare as we know it.”

You’re darn right it will and what liberal/socialists don’t want you to know is exactly what Paul Ryan DOES know…

If we don’t end Medicare…”AS WE KNOW IT…” it will come to an end altogether.

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Friday Fume

And so, we’ve all survived another week. It’s been a long week of liberal lies and insanity but the more they talk, the deeper the hole they’re digging themselves into.

It seems that, more and more, all we have to do to counter their inane behavior is use their own words!!

Let’s all sit back, take a deep breath, grab a beverage and have at it!!!

It’s FRIDAY my friends and…

I’m fuming.

If you were to ask the Emperor if HE knows the definition of the word, “Truth” he would most likely tell you that he does.

That would, of course, be a lie.

There he was, the Lyin’ King, spewing forth another load of bull in Mansfield Ohio when he stated, with great certainty…

“And you do not have to take my word for it. (Fat chance…) Just today, an independent, non-partisan organization ran all the numbers on Governor Romney’s plan. This wasn’t my staff. This wasn’t something we did. Independent group, ran the numbers.”

He was…LYING!!!

He was referring to, “On The Distributional Effects Of Base-Broadening Income Tax Reform,” which, in and of itself is a pack of lies.

Ya see…That “study” was written by…Samuel Brown, William Gale, and Adam Looney….OKAY?

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Romney’s MUST Give Speech

It’s time for Mitt Romney to start telling it like it is. Like it really is. It’s high time he took off the nice guy gloves and started laying it on the line with respect to our economy.

What follows is the speech he needs to start delivering.


My name is Mitt Romney and I’m running for President.

Next month, our party will hold a convention and, I expect to receive the Republican nomination at that convention but, there are some things you need to know and waiting until after the convention might be too late.

My opponent, Obama, is running about telling stories. He’s on the attack. Okay. We, my staff and I, expected that. I would hazard to guess that some of you expected it too.

His plan is to attack…ME. Early in our republican primary race, his campaign issued the order…”Kill Romney.”

Now, I’m not just speaking to those in my own party when I ask this question: Is that what a president, immersed in the worst economy we’ve seen in many, many decades and a skyrocketing debt should be doing? To those who voted FOR Obama in 2008…Is that what you elected him to do?

Please, correct me if I’m wrong but…Didn’t you elect Obama to change things? Change them for the better? Didn’t you elect him to fix the economy? Didn’t you elect him to cut the debt in half? Didn’t you elect Obama to bring transparency to the government? To mend the divide between parties?

How’s that working out for you?

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Friday Fume

Friends and Patriots…Today is a special Friday!!!

This is our 52nd FUME which means…NEXT Friday is The National Patriot’s 1 year anniversary!!!

Do you KNOW what that means???

THAT means that TOGETHER…We have survived a FULL YEAR’S worth of liberal INSANITY and to celebrate…I left a little video fun for ya at the end of this Fume!!!

So what do you say we strap ourselves in TIGHT and wrap this week up with yet ANOTHER review with ATTITUDE???

If you’re ready…SO AM I!!!

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.


Say it’s not so…

Guess who’s ready to throw his pants back into the political ring???


That’s right, THE PETER TWEETER wants to run for MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY!!!

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Bachmann’s Campaign Falling Apart?

Well, it seems Michele Bachmann’s quest and campaign are nearly finished. Reports are filtering in that her entire paid staff in New Hampshire, the location of the 1st in the Nation Primary, has quit.

It seems to be true that all 6 of the staff she has had in New Hampshire have walked out the door. Bachmann has been laser focused on Iowa and that may well be the reason.

According to New Hampshire State Legislator, Fran Wendelboe, “It certainly underscores the impression that New Hampshire isn’t a priority for her. She’s totally written us off.”

Early reports claim the staff was citing a lack of focus on New Hampshire as their reason for locking the door behind them.

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The Obama Plan Finally Revealed

The Obama plan for the economy is now clear. It’s a 3 part plan.

1)      Retreat

2)      Lecture

3)      Campaign

That’s it…lock stock and barrel. It’s as easy as 1,2,3…A,B,C…

On Friday, S&P dropped the United States from the AAA rating we’ve held since 1917. We held AAA through the 1ts World War…through the Great Depression…through the 2nd World War…through the malaise of Jimmy Carter. The United States has been able to withstand everything thrown at her…everything until…Obama.

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