Obamacare- Socialism in the Hands of a Dictator

Are you getting sick and tired of listening to liberals and. Specifically, Obama, tell you that they won’t negotiate with a gun to their heads?


I’ll bet.

Obama, just yesterday, said he was willing to negotiate…as long as he gets everything he wants and, what he wants, is Obamacare.


Try to dicker with the early onset of socialism and Obama won’t talk to you. Not even a little bit and, he’s willing to continue his campaign against our military veterans, travelers, and anyone who wants their tax returns in order to make sure socialism takes hold uninterrupted.


That’s what this is all about.


An obtuse bill that he had to bribe those in his own party to pass before anyone was given the opportunity to read it.

Let’s bypass all the bald-faced lies Obama has told about Obamacare over the years. I’ve covered those ad nauseam and frankly…

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Obama – King of his Own Mountain

The socialists have now proven, beyond doubt, that they don’t know the difference between clover and crap.

Socialists like Reid, Pelosi, Obama, Hoyer along with socialist talking heads on MSM are crowing.

They are all blaming Republicans for the government shutdown and they are just plain giddy.

They think they’re rolling around in clover.

They’re not.

What they are actually rolling in is their own poop and they are too dense to notice the difference.

Their poop…Obamacare…Is what caused this shutdown and it’s a stink so pungent that even Obama doesn’t want Obamacare coverage.

Reid doesn’t want it. Pelosi doesn’t want it. Hoyer doesn’t want it either.

NONE of the elected socialists wants Obamacare to provide THEIR coverage and were it not for SUBSIDIES provided them and their $174,000 salaries…They wouldn’t have it at ALL.

YOU didn’t get a subsidy…Did you?

People with common sense try to avoid stepping in poop but socialists just can’t help themselves from rolling around in it.

Just how bad IS the stench of Obamacare?


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Friday Fume

The inescapable fact that liberals and socialists are BAT CRAP INSANE has been on FULL DISPLAY once again this week.

You just can’t make this stuff UP.

Before we get into the thick of what hit the fan over the last 7 days…

Let me give you a few quick hitters.


Another clear-cut case of ZERO TOLERANCE for COMMON SENSE!!!!!

AL QAEDA TERRORISTS in LIBYA have “STOLEN” hundreds of REAL guns, an undisclosed number of high tech night vision goggles,  and dozens of Special Operations transports armed with machine guns, fragmentation grenade launchers, and STATE-OF-THE-ART…HIGH TECH CLASSIFIED GPS ON-BOARD UNITS!!!


Like kids STEAL candy on HALLOWEEN???




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He’ll Talk To Iranians but NOT to Republicans

As the annual convention of thugs, despots and thieves takes place in NY city, our Dictator’s meltdown is on full display.

Obama’s foreign policy doctrine has handed center stage to a former KGB hit man, the al Qaeda he said one year ago was decimated and on the run is running amok IN Syria, North Africa and throughout the Middle East while no answers and no action has been taken regarding their attacks in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of 4 Americans.

Now, as the sock puppet of the Mullahs strides into the U.N. building, Obama is considering a meeting with the new Iranian “president,” Hassan Rouhani.

This, just 1 week after signing an executive order waiving the restrictions on arming al Qaeda as al Qaeda storms a mall in Kenya, killing non Muslims.

Did I say our Dictator, Obama, was having a MELTDOWN???

Why, yes I did and, as proof, I offer this quote FROM the Dictator.

“They’re messin’ with me.”


Who’s messin’ with the Dictator??



Al Qaeda????


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The Dictator’s Budget Won’t Add a Dime to the Deficit?

Yesterday, when the Dictator made his absurd budget decree…

I was gobsmacked.


He’s NOW recycling his bald-faced lies.

Let me take you back a few years.

“I want to be very clear,” said President Barack Obama on July 18, 2009,”I will not sign on to any health plan that adds to our deficits over the next decade.”


How many time did he repeat that lie?

Over and over again. Every time he sputtered about Obamacare. In his Hate of the Union speech in 2009 and 2010.


Okay…That was then but we’re talking about NOW and when you hear THIS I suspect YOU will have the exact same reaction as did I.

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Rewriting History? Socialists Will Say Anything

Say Anything.

It’s more than the title of a John Cusack movie…It’s the socialist mantra.

Say anything, the socialist base will rally around it. It doesn’t matter that it’s absurd. It doesn’t matter that it is transparently a lie.


Go ahead. The Pravda media will either back you or ignore the whole thing.

Tell em Obamacare isn’t a tax. Tell em it won’t cost a single dime. Tell em it’s the “AFFORDABLE” Care Act.

Say anything.

Tell em it has to be passed to find out what’s in it.

Say anything.

Tell em whatever it is it must be done for the sake of the children.

Tell em that the economy gets more “Bang for the buck” from food stamps than from anything else.

Tell em, “Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go.”

Just say anything…

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We are just a few days away from the end of the world as Obama knows it.

Sequestration is like giving the government growth machine a vasectomy…NOT a full castration.

To be quite honest, I was far more scared of the end of the Mayan calendar than I am of sequestration and for good reason.

What we’re talking about here is NOT the massive cuts and mayhem projected by the Dictator but a 2% slowing of the GROWTH of government this fiscal year or…roughly over the next 6 months.

That’s 2% of a projected $1.3 TRILLION DOLLAR SPENDING SPREE which means, at the end of this fiscal year, our big government spenders will STILL have spent more THIS year than last year.

This is, naturally, the truth the Dictator would rather you NOT know.

HE, and his faithless minions would much rather have you TERRIFIED of what will happen after this Friday’s deadline and he’s going to do everything he can to send you that message.

Sequester is NOT the doom and gloom, mass extermination event this Dictator is wailing and gnashing his teeth over and if your IQ is anywhere near double digits, it should cause you no alarm.

However…That said…

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Today, WE Choose and Obama Must Lose!!!

This is IT!!!

November 6th, 2012.

Today…WE choose.

Obama vs Romney.  Socialism vs Capitalism.  Free stuff vs Freedom.  Arrogance vs Humility.  Corruption vs Competence.   Bigger government vs Smaller government.  Community Organizer vs Successful Businessman.  Appeasement vs Strength.  Lies vs Integrity.

If you really want to boil it down…

Obama wants fewer rich people.

Romney wants fewer poor people.

Our economy is closer to the abyss today that it was 4 years ago. Then, we were in a recession and today, we face the fiscal cliff and Obama shouts…”Forward.”

With Obamacare, Obama engineered the largest single tax increase in American history with 21 NEW taxes…12 of which hit directly against the middle class he claims to embrace. Now, he wants to raise taxes again.

4 years ago, gas prices were $1.84/gallon. Today, it’s $3.50/gallon.

When Obama took office, he inherited a AAA credit rating and today, we’ve been downgraded twice.

Since Obama took office, the average income has dropped by more than $4000.00 and more people have completely dropped out of the workforce than have become employed.

When Obama took office, there were 32 million Americans on food stamps and today, that number has risen to 47 million Americans.

Obama says we’re moving in the right direction. He says things are getting better. Obama says we’re making progress and we shouldn’t stop now. “Forward” he says. “Forward.”

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Putting it All on theTable

We are now a week and a day from the election.

What does Obama have left?


He’s running on empty.

The choice could not be more clear.

Mitt Romney is a man of character.

Obama, a man who’s only campaign rhetoric now is character assassination. Last week, his Chicago thugs recruited Gloria Allred to try and embroil Romney is something related to his testimony in a decade old divorce and child custody case.

A judge look at the “evidence” and told Allred to pound sand.

Mitt Romney has an economic plan to grow the national economy, cut taxes without cutting revenue, put us on a path toward energy independence, focus education on students, teachers and schools instead of the teacher’s unions, create jobs by allowing private industry to flourish and crack down on trading partners who gip the system by manipulating their currency.

Obama has the exact same plan he had 4 years ago which has doubled the deficit and added 6 trillion bucks to the debt, seen 23 million people still looking for work, increased welfare and food stamps to historic levels and led to the most anemic GDP in history.

Mitt Romney understands that peace must be gained through strength, that we must stand with our allies and against our enemies and adversaries, that there can be no daylight between our great nation and the great nation of Israel and that terrorism IS terrorism and we must stay on the offensive against it.

Obama thinks a foreign policy of appeasement and apology combined with his own personal arrogance is the right path.

Mitt Romney has spent 25 years in the private sector growing and managing businesses.

Obama has never run a lemonade stand.

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The Image says it all.

Mitt Romney has officially chosen Wisconsin’s Paul Ryan to round out the Republican Ticket.

This is a GREAT choice.

Paul Ryan, the 28 year old wiz kid who became a Congressman from Wisconsin 14 years ago is now the 42 year old budget genius who will, in a couple of weeks, become the Vice Presidential nominee!!!

Yesterday, on Right and Wrong Radio with John Matthews, I said that, from the short, short list, if Romney wanted to refocus the dialogue and the discussion on the issues that matter the most in this election…The economy, unemployment, jobs and the deficit…Paul Ryan would be THE best VP choice.

While the Obama campaign flounder about trying to talk about anything BUT the issues…

A Romney/Ryan ticket will HAMMER on those issues AND on Obama’s FAILURES regarding those issues!!!

Paul Ryan has put forth budget proposal after budget proposal which have been passed by the house only to be referred to as DOA and put on dusty back shelves by Harry Reid in the senate and never voted upon there.

Contrast that to OBAMA’S budget proposals which HAVE been voted on in the senate and have NEVER RECEIVED A SINGLE VOTE!!!

Mitt Romney, in the 80 some odd days leading up to the election will highlight America’s future greatness while Paul Ryan will focus on Obama’s 4 years of economic failure.

That is a 2 front plan while Obama has…nothing.

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