The Scandals are Real – Obama’s the Phony

scan 1Remember the good ol’ days of the Obama regime?

Me either but there WERE days when things were not as they are today. Mainly because they were the earliest days of the regime and the Dictator hadn’t the time yet to extend his special brand of Muslim and socialist corruption far and wide.

Before he was even elected back in 2008, there were those of us who were wondering exactly who this guy was?

Barack Hussein Obama…there were plenty of indications back THEN that he wasn’t who he said he was…an American citizen. Old book jackets said he was born in Kenya. The Kenyan GOVERNMENT said he was born in Kenya.

There were no college records we were allowed to see…no thesis we were allowed to read…nobody knew who financed his upper class education, and where-oh-where was his BIRTH CERTIFICATE???

Well…he cleared it all up by RELEASING his birth certificate didn’t he? You know…the one that was proven to be a fake by people who understood exactly how to fake that sort of thing and then by a law enforcement investigation that also proved his social security number is fraudulent and so is his selective service registration but…those were the good ol’ days of the regime.

What followed has been nothing short of a cascade of corruption flowing down from what was purported to be the “most transparent administration in history.”

Fast and Furious…

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Khattala Captured? Isn’t THAT Convenient???

wth 1When it comes to Iraq and the vile barbarians hell bent on genocide there, along with everything else going on right now, I have a few questions and first and foremost among them is…What the hell???

Obama makes it clear that he is NOT going to send ground troops into Iraq to take on ISIS…except for the 275 ground troops he just sent there?  What the hell???

Those troops are combat armed. Okay. They are NOT going to engage in combat with ISIS??? What the hell???

Obama is now talking to…IRAN…regarding military actions against ISIS? What the hell??? Obama says OUR military will NOT be joining with Iran to fight ISIS??? What the hell???

Obama claims he and his regime were caught off guard by the rise and genocidal actions OF ISIS???

Seriously…what the hell?

Let me see if I have this straight…Obama announces to our enemies in Iraq exactly when our troops will be removed FROM Iraq…he seeks absolutely NO provisions for a residual force of troops in Iraq to repel any militant Islamic terrorist uprisings there, thus creating the exact sort of vacuum militant, barbarian, Islamic terrorists seek to fill…he tells the nation during his campaign in 2012 that al-Qaeda is “on the run” is…”decimated” and “defeated” while in reality he knows damn well they are actively rebuilding and gaining strength and yet…ISIS, the Islamic State of Syria and Iran…an Islamic terrorist CALIPHATE in the making comes STREAMING out of SYRIA where HE has been ARMING ISLAMIC “rebels” and…HE’S CAUGHT OFF GUARD?????

Obama armed “rebels” in Libya…Hillary HIRED an al-Qaeda wing to provide “security” in Benghazi…Obama was by all reasonable accounts running weapons between al-Qaeda in Libya to al-Qaeda in Syria…both being our enemies in a time of war and thus committing treason…those terrorists attack our mission in Benghazi and our CIA annex there murdering 4 Americans…Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods…Obama announces just a couple of weeks ago that he is AGAIN arming Syrian “rebels” while he releases 5 Taliban TERRORISTS in a trade for a DESERTER and it comes out that Hillary’s State Department had GIFTED hundreds of surface to air and STINGER missiles TO the Taliban and all of a sudden…out of nowhere…ISIS springs into barbaric action murdering civilians and any who aren’t Sunni Muslims and…

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One has to wonder how many of those in congress who signed on to the amnesty bill, lock the doors of their homes.

Allow me to explain.

When we start talking about border security, the numbers are large and it becomes hard for some to grasp all of the miles involved.

The CRS Report for Congress states that, according to the U.S. Geological Survey…

“The length of the International Boundary line of the U.S.-Canadian border, excluding Alaska, is approximately 3,987 miles, while  the length of the U.S.-Mexican border is estimated at 1,933 miles. The length of the Alaska-Canada border alone is 1,538 miles.”

Are those in the amnesty camp even starting to get it yet?

Perhaps a couple of charts will help the amnesty crowd to process the scope of the situation.

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“Immigration” Bill – About Amnesty or ELIGIBILITY??

If you don’t think there’s anything to the whole Obama fraudulent birth certificate thing…

Think again.

If you don’t think he’s terrified of the truth coming out via the Sheriff Joe Cold Case Posse and Mike Zullo’s investigation…


This Dictator and his band of socialist leg humpers are DESPERATE for a solution and they are trying to rush through legislation to cover his eligibility and other personal issues related to it.

Friends and Patriots…That piece of legislation is cleverly hidden in one of todays most watched issues.

It’s called…


Socialists want to render Obama’s ILLEGAL activities, his forged birth certificate, his bogus social security card and his fraudulent selective service registration as well as his Indonesian citizenship null and void.

Those “republicans” supporting this Senate Immigration Reform bill are desperately trying to avoid a Constitutional crisis in the hopes of never having to grow a set of balls.


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Illegals Are NOT Illegal Just Because They’re Illegal

Well, we CERTAINLY wouldn’t want to offend those who break our laws would we?

ILLEGAL ALIENS, it seems, will suffer hurt feelings if we CITIZENS continue the practice of referring to them as…ILLEGAL.

Boo hoo.

They are henceforth to be referred to as UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS.

Not Illegal aliens. Not illegal immigrants.

NOT undocumented immigrants either.


So says the AP…American Pravda.

What was it that Jon Conyers called them just 2 months ago?

Oh yes…

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The Department of Homeland Security tells their border agents to run and hide if gunfire breaks out.

According to Brandon Judd, Tucson Local 2544/National Border Patrol Council, “We are now taught in an ‘Active Shooter’ course that if we encounter a shooter in a public place we are to ‘run away’ and ‘hide.’ If we are cornered by such a shooter we are to (only as a last resort) become ‘aggressive’ and ‘throw things’ at him or her. We are then advised to ‘call law enforcement’ and wait for their arrival (presumably, while more innocent victims are slaughtered).”

Okay…Got that?

They are to run and hide and as a LAST resort…THROW things at the shooter.

Remember that as you read on as it WILL become even MORE disturbing…Shortly.


We have DHS telling US that in case of an office intruder we should…

Grab up a pair of scissors or hide under our desks.

Now then…Just as I asked you to keep in mind the border agent’s instructions…Also…Keep THIS in mind.

I do hope you’re sitting down.

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Debate 1 – Here We Go!!!

Domestic Policy.

That’s the topic of tonight’s first debate between the contenders for the presidency.

Domestic Policy.

Obama will be spinning faster than the centrifuges in Iran. He’s tried NOT to talk about Domestic Policy as the economy continues to drag itself along, barely alive.

For weeks. If not months, Obama has preferred to talk about his FOREIGN policy because…he felt that was a much shinier ball than his domestic policy.

That all changed 3 weeks ago.


Now he’s pulled the cover-up covers up over his head.

4 Americans dead. A terrorist attack. Failed attempts to divert, as liberals are want to do, the attention to a stupid You Tube Video.

He dodged and ducked, did the View and Letterman…spoke at the U.N. and ran away from even having lunch there not to mention his snubbing of Netanyahu.

He hung with Beyonce and Jay-Z…did a radio show…Pimp with a Limp…The morning after the terrorist attack, he flew to Vegas for a fund raiser.

The foreign policy ain’t got that sparkle anymore does it?

So…Domestic Policy…

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Friday Fume

It’s that time again friends.

Time to sit back, take that load off your shoulders and let it out.

We’ve survived another week of liberal/socialist mayhem and the only way to keep it from driving us all over the edge, is to have a bit of a laugh.

While there’s no telling WHAT the liberals have in store for us NEXT week, we’ll find a way to make fun of that when the time comes.

For now, it’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.


Last week, SPECIAL U.N. ENVOY…KOFI ANNAN…said…”My presence here proves that I believe Iran can play a positive role and should therefore be a part of the solution in the Syrian crisis.”

“If we don’t make a real effort to resolve this issue peacefully and it were to get out of hand and spread in the region, it can lead to consequences that none of us could imagine.”


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