Nobody Left to Blame Part 1 of 2

exit 1Oh, to have been a fly on the wall at 1600 Pennsylvania yesterday.

It had to be somewhere between pissed and panic mode after what transpired Sunday in Maryland and I’m willing to bet there were people hiding under their collective desks trying to dodge the verbal hand grenades, tirades and mayhem.

On Sunday, Obama forewent the golf course to do something he has, by and large, been begged NOT to do.

He campaigned for a liberal.

Most liberals in this midterm election year have kept the Dictator far, FAR away from their campaigns because, like rats off a sinking ship, they knew him to be a pariah.

Sunday…the ship deserted the rat.

The Lt. Governor of Maryland, one Anthony G. Brown, is running for the lead chair in his state and, in a move he’ll most likely wind up regretting, he asked Obama to speak at a rally.

Obama delivered a 25 minute speech but…just 10 or 11 minutes into his sad and sorry rhetoric…the crowd…started leaving.

They got up…they turned on their heels and…

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Liberals Have the MAD COW Over Ebola

COW 1It was bound to happen.

Sooner or later, the proof that liberals suffer from mad cow disease would surface and, now we have it.


On Friday, the Dictator did what any left thinking ass hat would do to ease people’s undue panic over Ebola.

He named an EBOLA CZAR because, as everybody is aware, Czars have a long history of fixing things.

So…who IS our czar savior from the rampaging wild Ebolas?

Why…it’s none other than the FIRST person anybody would THINK of for such an important position. It’s the name that virtually LEAPS to mind when our health is at risk.

Ron Klain of course.

Ron Klain…oh come on…KLAIN…RON KLAIN!!!

I know what you’re wondering. Just who in THE hell is RON…FRIGGIN’ KLAIN??? He’s an…ummmmm…attorney. Naturally…but not just ANY garden variety ambulance chaser…oh NO…THIS Ron Klain used to be the chief of staff for…

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Real Conservatives…Real Issues

A Conversation Between Craig and Diane

REAL 1By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori (RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS)

Craig: I think it’s time we have a conversation about the election coming up on November 4th. I’m seeing a lot of stuff in social media that has nothing to do with the election and it’s starting to concern me that people are getting apathetic and won’t go out to vote.

Diane: Yeah Craig, I know what you mean…apathy just like in 2012…and we all know how that turned out now don’t we.

Craig: It seems a lot different now in 2014 than in the last midterm in 2010. In 2010 everybody on our side was on the same page, we showed up at the polls in record  numbers for a midterm, and we voted on the politics and policies of Obamacare.

Diane: ObamaCare…the anything but healthcare we were promised…lie after lie being shoved down our throats by those who didn’t even bother to read it before they voted on it.

Craig: It seems to me that we only have a couple of weeks left to get our side motivated and focused on the real issues. If we can do that we can turn this midterm into the 2010 midterm part 2.

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Obama…Islam’s Dancing Puppet

is 1Let’s connect the dots and reveal the truth that no liberal wants YOU to know.

Just a few months ago, on June 23rd, 2014 as I outlined in a National Patriot article, Bush Was Right – Saddam Had WMD ISIS had overrun and captured Al Muthanna…the Saddam Hussein chemical stockpile in Iraq…the very chemical weapons liberals far and wide have claimed never existed.

In that article, I stated two VERY important things.

First: “Muthanna is, in fact, where Saddam Hussein manufactured and stored…WMD and is now believed to be where the gas he used against the Kurds came from.”

And Second: “ …if they can find a way to transport the sarin, the VX and the mustard gas stored there, if they can find a way to disperse it in populated areas…the horrors we’ve seen over the past two weeks perpetrated by ISIS will pale by comparison.”

ISIS…the marauding 7th century barbarians have now used 21st century weapons of mass destruction against the Kurds in the Syrian city of Kobani and if you think they will stop at that…

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Weekend Edition: Focus People…FOCUS!!!

tnp eagleSeriously, are we that easily distracted?

We have an election in 3 week’s time. It may well be THE most important midterm election of our lifetimes and rather than paying a lick of attention to the things that really matter…far too many are being distracted by…


A couple of days ago, Lala Land airhead Gwyneth Paltrow makes some oozy, schmoozy comments about the Dictator and yesterday…social media was CHOKED with the crap.


Last Wednesday, an off duty cop shot and killed some upstanding 18 year old in St. Louis and the streets of Ferguson LIT UP with BURNING AMERICAN FLAGS and once again, social media was clogged up tighter than eco-toilet at a democrat national convention.

WHO REALLY GIVES A CRAP? The punk had a rap sheet, an ankle monitor and, according to his cousin, a sandwich.

Cops recovered the 9mm stole sandwich which this piece of garbage was pointing and firing at the off duty cop from the scene.

3 weeks people. That’s all we have left is 3 weeks and if you’re not paying more attention to the midterm election in your state than you are to each and every shiny ball rolled across the floor by liberals than YOU are part of the PROBLEM when you SHOULD be a part of the SOLUTION!!!


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The Epidemic of Liberalism and TYPHOID WHO???

pan 1Oh, for God’s sake…

KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY would ya? The wild Ebolas are not going to stampede through your town or neighborhood and get you.

Don’t get me wrong…there are precautions you should take to minimize any chance that you could be blindsided by a marauding Ebola and primarily among them is this carefully guarded bit of advice…

If you’re out and about, running errands or doing your daily business and you happen upon a puddle of someone’s bodily fluids…don’t…and I repeat…DO NOT frolic about in it….especially if it is a fresh puddle as the Ebola virus will only live for a matter of a quarter of a day or so in such conditions.

That, as I said, is the primary precaution one should take to avoid being attacked by a wild Ebola but there is one other very important and necessary precaution one should employ…

DO NOT WALLOW ABOUT IN LIBERAL BULLSHIT as THAT is a definitive carrier of the virus.

Good grief people…get a grip.

You want to worry about an epidemic? Worry about the epidemic of LIBERALISM which has been characterized by some as a MENTAL DISORDER. I however, see it differently. To ME…LIBERALISM is more like a brain eating amoeba and unlike the wild Ebola, liberalism is airborne.

Every time one of the infected opens its mouth, there’s a chance of it spreading and while you may THINK you’re immune to LIBERALISM, even a slight case can be deadly.

By spreading LIBERAL BULLSHIT across social media in regards to Ebola, you are, in fact, spreading LIBERALISM.

Here’s how it all works…

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Voter Fraud…It’s On Your Ballot!!!

melo 1About a week ago, master race baiter Al…not so Sharpton, attended a ‘Voting Rights’ rally in Cincinnati Ohio where he embraced one Melowese Richardson.

You remember Melowese…don’t you?

Melowese Richardson is the woman from Ohio who, nearly 2 years  ago, voted.

She voted and she voted.

Then she voted again…and again.

Melowese Richardson then voted some more.

By the time she was done, she had voted at least six times, for Obama, in the same election.

Oh, I know there’s no voter fraud because Holder and Obama, Sharpton and Jackson along with numerous other liberals and socialists have told us that there is no voter fraud taking place and that’s why we don’t need any voter ID laws.

Liberals and socialists say that you and I…Conservatives…are just making this crap up because we’re racists who don’t want black people to vote.

Never mind that ol’ Melowese admitted to it. WE’RE just making THAT up too I suppose but let’s allow Melowese to tell HER side of the story…

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More Lipstick for the Islamic Pig

mus 1Liberals and socialists, as we all know, get their little panties in a wad anytime religion enters our schools.

Say “Under God” in the pledge and liberals get an instant wedgie. Point to the sky after scoring a touchdown in a high school game and liberals have kittens. Say a prayer, read a bible during open reading time, mention the Almighty during a graduation…liberals and socialists are fit to be tied, lawsuits are filed, the Uncivil Liberties Union goes on a rampage and the whole world must stop until the situation is resolved.

Hell, they have been known to take their wadded panty cases all the way to the Supreme Court.


Let ISLAM drift into the curriculum and all you hear from the left side of the aisle is…crickets.

Liberals and socialists, those running nearly all government centers of indoctrination will bend over backwards to tell you that ISLAM is the RELIGION of peace. They well run about screeching like a turpentined cat telling you that RELIGION is VERBOTEN in our schools and then…liberals and socialists will CRAM their “RELIGION” of peace down the throats of your children AT SCHOOL.

Just look at what is transpiring right now in Jenison, Michigan at a government center of youth indoctrination…

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Chelsea has Foaled

oy 1I would like to add a dose of reality to all the BS surrounding the hatching of Chelsea Clinton’s spawn….the left elite’s anointed royalty perfectly timed, by coincidence of course, to attempt to diminish attention to such as Benghazi and Fast and Furious, both of which were acts of treason and both of which have grandma Clinton’s ample ass prints all over them.

While celebrities and communists (but for the most part, I repeat myself) gush platitudes via socialist media…

I have a bit of something I would like to offer to the diapered distraction.

Welcome to the world Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky…you poor, destitute dependent on this year’s tax form.

There are a few things you need to know.

The world is a freakin’ mess and unfortunately you are, by birthright, predisposed to make it worse as you grow older.

Oh…YOU won’t suffer the effects that OTHERS suffer…YOU’RE a CLINTON. You’ll be taught to identify with the common people, to pretend to “feel their pain” but you won’t. You’ll be taught to CLAIM you don’t HAVE money or that HAVING money doesn’t MEAN anything to you and liberals will lap it up like a puddle on the soup kitchen floor.

There are some things you need to know regarding your DNA…

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Weekend Edition: Benghazi, the Truth and Men of Honor

par 1Among the many REAL issues that we, as Conservatives, Tea Publicans and Republicans must put front and center for the 2014 midterm elections, right along with Obamacare, the IRS targeting, the NSA spying, our economy and the most disastrous foreign policy Benghazi.

The interview Bret Baier of Fox News did with three of the CIA ops who were ON THE GROUND…IN BENGHAZI that night, September 11th, 2012, was THE most telling of any interview done so far.

Critics will gnash their teeth…claiming that all they’re trying to do is sell a book. Yes, there is a book, “13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi” written by Mitchell Zuckoff along with the security team from Benghazi but these three…Kris (“Tanto”) Paronto,  Mark (“Oz”) Geist, and John (“Tig”) Tiegen have a lot more to lose than to gain by speaking up.

Under this Obama regime, they’re through. They’re done in the intel community because the truth of what happened there doesn’t match the Obama fabrication of those events.

Not even close.

According to Baier’s interview, those three men, on the CIA security detail in Bengahzi were ready, geared up, armed, ready and calling for close air support to go to the compound, just a mile away, within five minutes of the start of the attack.

Not only did that close air support never come but…Tiegen, Paronto and Geist were told to wait.

That’s right…

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