Friday Fume

The Mayans had NOTHING on the DICTATOR when it comes to the end of the world predictions huh?

The SKY is falling, we won’t be able to land PLANES…The cops won’t be there after you need them, teachers won’t be able to indoctrinate your kids…

Joe Biden says “Buy a SHOTGUN…BUY A SHOTGUN!!!” Just take it out on the balcony, like he has instructed HIS WIFE to do and FIRE A COUPLE OF ROUNDS INTO THE AIR!!!

Ummm…Not only would you then be OUT OF AMMO and have to RELOAD while the BAD GUYS ARE COMING FOR YOU but…


In case you haven’t noticed…YOU’RE not safe…YOUR FAMILY is not safe…EVEN YOUR PETS AREN’T SAFE from the MORONS running amok in this country but…

Before we all go screaming into the night we could use a laugh couldn’t we?

It’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Oh My GOD!!!!!!

From the “Lucky He Wasn’t NEUTERED in The Act” Files…..

ILLEGAL ALIEN, Tomas Bautista, a 40 YEAR OLD…Has Been ARRESTED in Broward County for…

Oh geez…

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Benghazi – Who Will Demand the Answers?


Who exactly will have the intestinal fortitude to do what’s right.


I’m talking about filing charges against this occupier of the oval over Benghazi.

At the very least…MOVE FOR IMPEACHMENT!!!




Obama, Hillary…Panetta…Dempsey…They’re laughing. To them, sidestepping questions, lying about the facts, covering up their involvement and thumbing their noses at the American people while refusing to deliver justice to those who died and their families, is nothing but a joke.

The more of these fools who “testify” the deeper the cover up becomes.

The more we discover, the more questions we need to have answered.


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Friday Fume

HOLY CRAP…I thought we would NEVER get to the end of this week.

To say it’s been a banner week for socialist insanity would be a gross understatement wouldn’t it?

The problem is NOT in finding the things which irritate us but in narrowing it down for our week in review with an ATTITUDE!!!

There’s simply no way to mention everything but, I’ll do my level best to hit a few highlights of their lowlights.

Friends and Patriots…Today IS Friday and…

I’m Fuming.

JUST when you think you’ve heard it all…Along comes a WHOLE NEW level of socialist INSANITY!!!

Guess what?


Are you KIDDING ME???

According to socialist agitator HARRY BELEFONTE….

“The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children. Yet, as the great debate emerges on the question of the gun, white America discusses the constitutional issue of ownership, while no one speaks of the consequences of our racial carnage.”



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As the Dictator prepares to deliver his Confusion of Lies Address tonight, he is faced with a litany of problems.

North Korea has apparently, conducted their 3rd nuclear test which flies in the face of U.N. resolutions.

U.N. resolutions are, as we all know, worthless but North Korea’s test, which registered a 4.9 on the Richter Scale is just the tip of the iceberg.

North Korea, as we all know, is tight with Iran and Iran, as we all know, is nearing the red line on THEIR nuclear program.

It doesn’t take a nuclear scientist to understand the implications.

As soon as Iran refines uranium to weapons grade, the rest of their work has been done FOR them by North Korea.

The reclusive and insane North Korean government has already and clearly, created nuclear bombs AND, if that isn’t enough…North Korea is much, MUCH closer to intercontinental ballistic missiles that is the “monkey launching” Ahmadinejad.

What Iran lacks in nuke technology North Korea can provide and what North Korea may need in delivery technology…Iran can provide.

A match made in hell to be sure.

This, of course, is not the only problem for the Dictator tonight.

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The Dictator’s State of Tyranny Address

Tomorrow night, ON LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY,the Dictator will deliver his State of Tyranny speech to his American subjects and to a joint session of the congress he fully intends to subvert.

We need to hear from the Great ENSLAVER on the birthday of the GREAT EMANCIPATOR like Lincoln needed to go to the theater.

There will be bowing and scraping, wild applause, cheering, head nodding and all other manner of ring and ass kissing throughout by the collective of elected socialists.

Among those in attendance will be a 4th grade girl from…

Newtown Connecticut.

No…She wasn’t even at the Sandy Hook School BUT…She did write a letter to Nancy Pelosi begging for government control of the people and the scrapping of the 2nd Amendment.

It was Rahm Emanuel who once, so famously said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

“Never let a Crisis go to waste.”

The most important word, as it turns out, in that statement is…”a.”

“Never let A crisis go to waste.”


“Never let ALL crisis go to waste.”

It’s important and, here’s why.

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Weekend Edition: Benghazi – 5 Months Of Treason

“I gave three very clear directives. Number one, make sure we are securing our personnel and that we are doing whatever we need to. Number two, we are going to investigate exactly what happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Number three, find out who did this so we can bring them to justice.”

Those are the words of Obama regarding his orders on the evening of September 11th 2012 and the attack on the Consulate in Benghazi.

“Make sure we are securing our personnel and that we are doing whatever we need to.”

This is a claim Obama has made over and over again.

Now…let me take you to the direct testimony, under oath, of Leon Panetta and General Dempsey just a couple of days ago.

SEN. GRAHAM: Your testimony, as I understand it, Secretary Panetta, that you talked to the president of the United States one time.
SEC. PANETTA: I talked to him on Sept. 11 with regards to the fact that we were aware this attack was taking place.
SEN. GRAHAM: One time.
SEN. GRAHAM: What time did you tell him that?
SEC. PANETTA: I think that was approximately about 5 o’clock?
GEN. DEMPSEY: Yeah, about 5 o’clock.
SEC. PANETTA: About 5 o’clock.
SEN. GRAHAM: General Dempsey, did you ever talk to the president of the United States at all?
GEN. DEMPSEY: I was with the secretary when — at that same time.
SEN. GRAHAM: Did you talk to the president?
SEN. GRAHAM: You talked to him how many times.
GEN. DEMPSEY: The same — one time.
SEN. GRAHAM: How long did the conversation last?
GEN. DEMPSEY: We were there in the office for probably 30 minutes.
SEN. GRAHAM: So you talked to him for 30 minutes, one time, and you never talked to him again, either one of you.
GEN. DEMPSEY: Until afterwards.
SEN. GRAHAM: Until after the attack was over.
GEN. DEMPSEY: That’s right.
SEN. GRAHAM: Thank you.

Let that sink in. Read it again if you need to and let it sink in deep.

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Friday Fume

From the Dictator’s manifesto to Hillary’s campaign testimony…It’s been quite a week.

Socialists are just giddy over the onset of another 4 years of Imperial orders, Constitution trashing and big government control aren’t they?

The garden variety socialist is now firmly convinced that Obama is gonna buy them all lottery tickets and when they win, they can finally move to the Caymans to get away from the tax hikes they all voted for.

Naturally, they’ll want international calling on their Obamaphones…

Anyway…It’s FRIDAY my Patriot friends so hang on TIGHT BECAUSE…


Well, well…

Yesterday, Neville Chamberlain began his confirmation hearings to become our next Secretary of Appeasement.

How nice.

In his opening statements, Kerry made it clear that he would use all his office’s power to find a diplomatic solution to prevent Iran from obtaining nukes.

It makes one wonder…


Really…Does he honestly believe that the oh-so-rational IRANIANS have ANY interest in taking SUGGESTIONS???

I’ve got some breaking news for the great appeaser…

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Hillary’s 2016 Campaign Off and Running

The amount of crap forced down the one and only toilet at an All You Can Eat Burrito Buffet PALES in comparison to the TURD FEST that spewed forth from Hillary’s testimony before the senate and the house yesterday.

Clearly, in yesterday’s senate and house hearings, there were two objectives.

Socialists on the committees were there to build Hillary’s street cred for a 2016 run at the palace.

Conservatives on the committees were there to get answers as to what happened in Benghazi.

It was, to be sure…Orwellian.

In what could ONLY be described as a BALD FACED ATTEMPT to divert the topic and aid in the cover-up of the Benghazi attack…Dick Durbin ACTUALLY SUGGESTED A HEARING ON WMD IN IRAQ!!!!

Tom Udall took the time to thank Hillary for handing out COOK STOVES to those in impoverished countries.



In fact, the amount of praise heaped upon Hillary between the two hearings was enough to make a maggot barf.

It was also clear there was a great deal of collusion between Hillary and the socialist Members of both committees.

Those with a (D) after their names, regardless of senate or house Members, asked the same questions dealing with almost anything BUT Benghazi and Hillary’s answers to those questions were the same, nearly word for word to the house committee as they were in the senate hours before.

I would be absolutely SHOCKED if Hillary didn’t write those questions herself and distribute them to (D) questioners ahead of time so that the questions would then correspond with her pre-written and well rehearsed answers.

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Friday Fume

If you think YOU had a tough time getting through this week…

At least it wasn’t revealed that YOUR fake girlfriend, who was in a fake car accident and diagnosed with fake cancer and who died a fake death wasn’t real.

Maybe Manti can go on Oprah and offer a fake apology.

Chances are…Nobody’s SUING YOU for doping to win bike races…

See…You’re cheering up already!!!

My friends…It’s Friday and…To paraphrase a great patriot…


Well, well…

129 days LATER, upon hearing of a good place to get a STRAWBERRY FRAPPE…

The head of the FBI has made his way to LIBYA to ask a few questions regarding…

What was it again???

Oh yeah…


Good grief…

FBI Director Robert Mueller discussed the case in TRIPOLI with senior officials, including the prime minister, justice minister and intelligence chief.

Well…THAT should wrap things up huh???

I understand that while Mueller was there…

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Yesterday, the Dictator issued a series of 23 Imperial Orders AND ADDITIONAL PROPOSALS including the outright ban of “assault rifles” in what can only be rightfully determined as an outright deconstruction of the Bill of Rights and the 2nd Amendment.

His proposed actions are unconstitutional.

It is also quite likely that he, as a Dictator, is in collusion with several entities including retailers and banks in this objective.

This is THE most egregious act of contempt for the Constitution and the American people I have ever seen a occupant of the oval office enact.

There can be no doubt, by anyone with an IQ of double digit proportions, of the Dictator’s agenda.

He means to disarm America.

Clearly he understands that as he moves “FORWARD” in his quest to “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM” America, God Fearing, Red Blooded Patriots will NOT stand for his SOCIALIST to COMMUNIST shift where GOVERNMENT controls the PEOPLE rather than the system set in place by our founders and framers in which the PEOPLE control the GOVERNMENT.

By disarming the people, this penny-ante Dictator is protecting his OWN hide and cares not a whip regarding the “children” whom he, in a brazen move of political expediency, presented to the public yesterday.

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