Politics and The First Christmas

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

chr 1It is difficult to escape the political undertow in today’s world. Politics is in play in everything we do, from our daily routines to events half way around the world. Our schools, our streets and roads…regulations imposed on everything from our businesses to the water we drink…wars, conflicts, diplomatic relations with nations both friend and foe…we can’t get up in the morning, proceed with our daily business or go to bed at night without political interference.

This time of the year, we do our best to ignore, to whatever extent possible, the world of politics in favor of time-honored traditions that revolve around Christmas or Chanukah, but we should not forget the role of politics IN Christmas…the first Christmas to be precise.

Just as the death of Jesus on the cross was politically motivated, so too was the story of his birth.

While the scriptures reveal that Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem to pay their taxes, the truth goes politically deeper than that.

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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

A few days ago I wrote an article, “Cruz, Rubio, Vattel and the Ineligibility Lies” in nb 1which I put forth the reasons that both Cruz and Rubio are, indeed, eligible to run for and hold the office of president. That article garnered a whole bunch of notice…much of it positive and some negative.

Obviously, neither Trumpers nor birthers liked it and they let me know about it in no uncertain terms but none of them bothered to argue their opinions with facts regardless of how I encouraged them to state their facts. As I said in the article, “Now, if you want me to climb aboard the crazy train of so-called ‘birthers,’ there are only a few things you need to do. Just show me a law, or a definition from our Constitution that makes either Cruz or Rubio Constitutionally ineligible and not only will I ride the crazy train, I’ll sell tickets to it.”

Not a single one took me up on the offer. Not one and why? Because no law, no U.S. Code and not a single definition OF Natural Born Citizen from ANY of our founding documents exists to prove their opinions to be correct.

I even asked them to show me one Supreme Court case that was ON the topic of NBC and they couldn’t do that either because the Supreme Court has never HEARD a case on NBC.

But there was one person who, on the website ‘Patriot Action Network’ posed a very interesting question and one which I feel deserves an in-depth answer.

Here is that question, exactly as it appeared in the comments regarding my article…

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Cruz, Rubio, Vattel and the Ineligibility Lies

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

Obviously, it is once again time to address a certain issue that has, thanks to Trumpers, elig 1been brought to the forefront because they are scared that their one and only candidate…who is by all indications, running for the position of dictator…is on the verge of being overtaken in some key states.

Ted Cruz IS a natural born citizen and so too, is Marco Rubio.

Oh, I know that’s not the scuttlebutt coming from butt-scuttlers but it is true nonetheless.

Now, if you want me to climb aboard the crazy train of so-called ‘birthers,’ there are only a few things you need to do. Just show me a law, or a definition from our Constitution that makes either Cruz or Rubio Constitutionally ineligible and not only will I ride the crazy train, I’ll sell tickets to it.

Trumps Trump-drunk trolls are all over the place spewing their, and his brand of nonsense regarding this issue and not a single one of them has ever produced a shred of real evidence against the eligibility of Cruz or Rubio.

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The Truth About Planned Parenthood

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

abo 1“As long as we’ve got to fight to make sure women have access to quality, affordable health care, and as long as we’ve got to fight to protect a woman’s right to make her own choices about her own health, I want you to know that you’ve also got a president who’s going to be right there with you, fighting every step of the way…Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.” – Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s 2013 words said during a speech at a Planned Parenthood event.

Abortion is legal in this country with the right of a woman to have an abortion being upheld by the courts on the local, state, and federal levels. And that must be kept in mind by those on both sides of the abortion issue for while this is not an article on the moral or religious rights and wrongs of abortion, it is an article about how what should have remained a states issue now has become a federal issue as our taxpayer dollars are being used…and have been used since 1970…to aid Planned Parenthood in their performing of almost half a million abortions a year…of performing one-third of all U.S. abortions.

Planned Parenthood…America’s premier abortion mill…and the very group that actively lobbies against abstinence-only education in our nations public schools…has always had a somewhat dubious reputation as its founder, Margret Sanger, believed that blacks and the poor were “unfit” to reproduce…and basically founded it as a way to ‘eliminate’…if you will…the black race in America. Now bringing the word ‘dubious’ to a new level, Planned Parenthood is under the microscope…they claim…for just trying to help women who want to ‘donate’ fetal tissue for legitimate medical research. But nothing could be further from the truth as Planned Parenthood is being paid monies for the organs it takes from aborted babies…directly contradicting the very word they use…’donated’…meaning given for free.

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Bibi’s TRUTH vs Liberal Poo-Flinging Monkeys

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots oncprworldwidemedia.net

REB 1It DIDN’T take long for the gnashing of liberal’s teeth and the wadding of their collective socialist, anti-Israel panties to go into full effect over Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Tuesday speech before a joint session…minus slightly more than 50 liberal Islamic regime ass-kissers.

Former Ayatollah of the House…Nancy Khomeini, who turned her back on Netahyahu, shot out the door and ran as fast as her varicose vein-ridden legs could carry her straight to the nearest open microphone to shed Botox-laced crocodile tears.

“I was near tears throughout the Prime Minister’s speech – saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States as part of the P5 +1 nations, and saddened by the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation.”

Give it a rest you old moonbat. Nobody’s buying your snake oil today.

Then of course…there was Chris Matthews over on MSNBC who told all seven of his regular viewers that…

Oh…this was just priceless…

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Chelsea has Foaled

oy 1I would like to add a dose of reality to all the BS surrounding the hatching of Chelsea Clinton’s spawn….the left elite’s anointed royalty perfectly timed, by coincidence of course, to attempt to diminish attention to such as Benghazi and Fast and Furious, both of which were acts of treason and both of which have grandma Clinton’s ample ass prints all over them.

While celebrities and communists (but for the most part, I repeat myself) gush platitudes via socialist media…

I have a bit of something I would like to offer to the diapered distraction.

Welcome to the world Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky…you poor, destitute dependent on this year’s tax form.

There are a few things you need to know.

The world is a freakin’ mess and unfortunately you are, by birthright, predisposed to make it worse as you grow older.

Oh…YOU won’t suffer the effects that OTHERS suffer…YOU’RE a CLINTON. You’ll be taught to identify with the common people, to pretend to “feel their pain” but you won’t. You’ll be taught to CLAIM you don’t HAVE money or that HAVING money doesn’t MEAN anything to you and liberals will lap it up like a puddle on the soup kitchen floor.

There are some things you need to know regarding your DNA…

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Beware the Royal Spawn of Chelsea

YIKESPoor Barack Hussein Obama.

At some point in the future when he becomes a grandparent, nobody in the media will be able to gush over his being our nation’s first black presidential grandchild.

How sad.

First of all, that honor should go to Thomas Jefferson citing his affair with Sally Hemings, a Monticello slave at the time and DNA evidence compiled in 1998 regarding the fact that Heming’s youngest son, Eston Hemings, shared male ancestry with our third president.

While that has been disputed by some, there can be NO dispute over who our first black president was.

One, pasty white, Bill Clinton as deemed by the liberal media back in the day and now, with the mainstream media literally OOZING vapidness from every pour regarding the recent news of Chelsea Clinton’s impending birth canal expulsion, any future Obama offspring would come in a distant third but, while on the topic…

The child of Chelsea may well not even be the 2nd black presidential grandspawn given Horny Bill’s propensity to be as monogamous as a rabbit on Viagra in a hutch full of hot-to-trot bunnies regardless of his poor aim in relation to his presidential humidor, Monica Lewinski.

There could well be more Clinton offspring out there of child bearing age for all we know.

Now, I know there are some out there who believe, perhaps with some validity, that the Obama’s adopted but…

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