COVID-19 for Dummies

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

I should like to address those amongst us who have been, for the past few of weeks, hording toilet paper. You know who you are.

We have seen you on the news and splashed about on social media with your shopping carts piled with a mountain of toilet paper in such a fashion that one would require a Sherpa to reach the summit were one so inclined to plant a flag atop Mount Charmin.

This, you claim, is because of the coronavirus, otherwise known as COVID-19.

COVID-19 is a RESPIRATORY illness.

For those amongst you who seem woefully unaware of what a RESPIRATORY illness is…it affects the lungs. That is the UPLOADING system, not the DOWNLOADING system. That is to say that contracting COVID-19 will not, I repeat NOT give you a case of the galloping guano however, HAD you contracted a virus with galloping guano as a symptom, to be perfectly honest, and giving due consideration to your mental state at this point you would now most likely be hoarding…

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The Latest in Liberal Lunacy

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Ever feel that all the world is a dog, and you’re the fire hydrant?

That’s the way the democrat party, liberals, socialists and their voters must feel today, and those warm, moist feelings aren’t happy tears being cried by rainbow-farting unicorns.

Oh, the past couple of weeks have been banner weeks for the democrat party as they have carefully taken aim at their own feet and let loose with both barrels. They couldn’t have done more damage to themselves with a Bic lighter on the Hindenburg, or with a can opener on the Titanic. Team Trump should be working 24/7 just putting together campaign videos featuring the democrat party’s circular firing squad.

Honestly, I have never seen a political party implode like this before, and it is pretty damned entertaining. If it wasn’t for self-inflicted bad luck, the democrats wouldn’t have any luck at all.

Let’s just take the last couple of weeks as an example…

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Free Vaseline and Other Empty Promises

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Russian collusion is over.

The Mueller report is over.

The Trump/Zelensky phone call with its quid pro quo, it’s extortion, and its bribery along with its “abuse of power,” and its “obstruction of congress” is over.

And impeachment is over too.

All of those things ended with liberals wadding up their collective panties, and with President Trump standing tall, still in the White House, and still their president, but all of those things had one thing in common…

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Liberal’s Self-Destruct Mode Activated

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

For a party hell-bent on gun control, the democrats sure have been shooting themselves in both feet every time they shoot off their mouths, and in Joe Biden’s case, he can do both at the same time since he seems to always have at least one of his feet permanently lodged in his mouth.

Democratic presidential candidate Robert Francis ‘Beto’ O’Rourke, out of of Texas has said, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

Well that’s a hell of a thing to hear from someone with an arrest for burglary to his credit. Yes, the charge was dismissed back in 1995, as was his arrest for DWI in 1998. I’m willing to bet Beto wasn’t too concerned about his privilege back then.

After Beto made the, “hell yes…” remark, Republican Texas state Rep. Briscoe Cain fired a tweet O’Rourke’s way stating,, “My AR is ready for you Robert Francis.” Naturally, Bobby Francis claimed that as a threat, and said…

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Patriotically Correct and Proud of It

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay, I admit it. I’m confused.

Not the sort of confused in that I don’t know which bathroom I’m supposed to use…that’s liberal confused, and if I ever go down that particular manhole, I hope someone has the common decency to put me out of my misery.

Manholes. We can’t call them manholes any more, at least not in Berkeley, California because they just passed a city ordinance dictating that manholes must now be called “maintenance holes.” Apparently, the women of Berkeley are feeling left out by not having something named after them that leads to a sewer.

In Berkeley, you are no longer allowed to be somebody’s brother or sister. You are only allowed to be a “sibling.” By the dictate of the new ordinance, such gendered pronouns as “he” and “she” are be replaced by “they” or “them,” which no doubt will cause no end of issues in certain circumstances.

Let me explain…

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We Must Quit Making Fun of the Baboons

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

I would like to enter my name, officially, on a dubious list of America’s most wanted, as an offender of the highest order. I will gladly surrender myself, and I am more than prepared to take full responsibility for my actions.

Please make sure, when issuing my arrest warrant, to spell my name correctly.

It’s Craig…not Greg…and the last name is Andresen…not Anderson.

Last week, Florida nincompoop Frederica Wilson, a liberal loon of a congresswoman, said those who are “making fun” of members of Congress online should be “prosecuted.”

For the record, and let there be no doubt regarding this very important and relevant point…

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Who Let the Cuckoos Out of the Nest?

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last Thursday, in a stunning reversal of rhetoric regarding the GOP’s border bill that passed in the Senate 84-8 last Wednesday, Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to liberals in the House stating, “In order to get resources to the children fastest, we will reluctantly pass the Senate bill. As we pass the Senate bill, we will do so with a Battle Cry as to how we go forward to protect children in a way that truly honors their dignity and worth.”

Oh, the hypocrisy.

Those little illegal alien spawn don’t know how damn lucky they are to have been dragged through God knows how many countries, across God only knows how many borders by adults, whether or not those adults are indeed even related to them, and held in what liberals insist are Nazi-like “concentration camps.”

If those were your garden variety American kids, liberals like Pelosi would have tried to stop them from even being born.

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Liberals Say the Dumbest Things

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has long been said that kids say the darndest things, and while that may well be true, it can also be said with certainty, that liberals say the dumbest things.

When it comes to the dumb things liberals say, one particular liberal just can’t help herself, and despite being called out over her abjectly stupid musings time and time again, Alexandria Common Core-tez just won’t shut up.

It seems that she is blissfully unaware of just how moronic she sounds nearly every time she opens her yap and spews forth her nonsense, but in the grand scheme of things, we need to let her continue unabated because with every utterance, she is galvanizing Republicans to vote against liberals in 2020.

Over the past couple of weeks, AOC has made a series of inane and idiotic comments, some of which have even left the left doing face-palms.

Common Core-tez, who has often taken to video selfies to air her deepest thoughts to liberal idiots who follow her social media accounts the way that blue bottle flies follow the aroma of horse apples, did so again last week with this stunningly absurd bit of liberal wisdom…

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The Desperately Obtuse World of Liberalism

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio


I mean, for the love of GOD, seriously.

In the liberal’s world of inexplicably trying to make all things equal that were never, in a million years ever meant to be equal, and with an eye toward gender neutrality, liberals have come up with the most absurd, most obtuse thing yet.

At the University of Arkansas, a true asylum of higher indoctrination run and staffed by liberal loons, the student government, liberal morons all, are trying their level best to mirror proposed legislation by the Arkansas House of Representatives.

The plan is to implement the disbursement of free menstrual products to those who need them in restroom dispensaries across campus.

In all restrooms dispensaries across campus….

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Why Lie About Blind Octopi?

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Well, the global warming, climate change loons are at it again.

Lately, we’ve all been regaled with predictions of doom and gloom form weather weenies like AOC, who told us a while back that civilization would end in 12 years if we don’t do something about climate change now, and by something, she meant that we need to do away with cars, boats, trains and airplanes immediately.

That would make it virtually impossible for any such given loon to make it to wherever the next climate change conference is to be held, but that’s quite beside the point I suppose.

Then it was Beto O’Dork who shaved 2 years off the AOC prediction and told us all that we only have 10 years left before civilization comes to an end if something isn’t done regarding the weather at taxpayer expense.

Apparently, according to liberals…

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