Benghazi – Covering Up TREASON With a Scandal

Did anyone but me catch the attempted distraction yesterday?

The only thing transparent about this administration is their corruption.

Just 2 days ago, three of the four mid-level State Department employees, singled out in the Accountability Review Board (ARB) official BENGHAZI REPORT, as being primarily responsible for the shortcomings OF the State Department which led TO the attacks in Benghazi…WERE REINSTATED.

The 4th, Eric Boswell, assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security had already resigned from his position.

 Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant security tasked with embassy security…Scott Bultrowicz, the former director of diplomatic security and Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell, who was responsible for the entire North Africa region…HAD been placed on ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE…a PAID VACATION while socialists, a complicit lapdog media and this insipid administration TOUTED the THOROUGHNESS of the Pickering report.


Okay, so…WHICH IS IT???



Now, it seems…NOBODY in the State Department did ANYTHING wrong and just as that comes out, James Clapper at the NSA makes public MORE spying on Americans as a DISTRACTION.


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Friday Fume

Friends, Patriots…Lend me your eyes!!!

It takes quite a bit to knock me from my office chair but, even I was picking myself up from the floor this week.

The press was agog all week over some whining, drooling, diaper filling little brat who can’t even speak but…Enough about Barney Frank.

We have a string of socialist celebrities vowing to boycott Florida over the Zimmerman verdict. Hmmm…They’ll go to Cuba, consort with despots, cry at Hugo’s funeral and champion Che but, let 6 women find an innocent man NOT GUILTY and THEN they get their panties in a wad???


And HUD has decided to map EVERY SINGLE CITY in the country to…Get this…ELIMINATE SEGREGATION!!!

That’ll go over like a fart in church down in Sanford Florida where all the blacks in one neighborhood want to force all the white/Hispanics out.

Well…It’s the end of the week and it’s time to let it all loose. Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming!!!

Well, of all the lame-brained ideas.

For those few in the military who worship at the altar of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS…

There’s now a push by socialists to have MILITARY…ATHEIST…CHAPLAINS!!!!!!!


Perhaps, after a war…the atheists can put NOTHING on a hilltop and then WE…WHO HAVE FAITH…CAN SUE THEM!!!!!!!


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Benghazi – Did Obama ORDER a HIT???


There’s not a chance in the world that we’re forgetting about Benghazi amid all the other revelations of abuses of power swirling around this corrupt administration like dirty water going down the toilet.


Yesterday, an important hearing that didn’t draw much attention drew mine.

While most are centered on the talking points, I have always insisted there are other, VERY important questions which need to be asked and answered.


Yesterday, we may well have drawn too close for Obama’s comfort to that answer.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, was in the hot seat yesterday and when the topic of the stand down orders reared its head, Dempsey’s response was telling.

First, he said there were NO stand down orders.

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Benghazi – Who Will Demand the Answers?


Who exactly will have the intestinal fortitude to do what’s right.


I’m talking about filing charges against this occupier of the oval over Benghazi.

At the very least…MOVE FOR IMPEACHMENT!!!




Obama, Hillary…Panetta…Dempsey…They’re laughing. To them, sidestepping questions, lying about the facts, covering up their involvement and thumbing their noses at the American people while refusing to deliver justice to those who died and their families, is nothing but a joke.

The more of these fools who “testify” the deeper the cover up becomes.

The more we discover, the more questions we need to have answered.


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Resigned? Fired? – They’re STILL on the Payroll

In a corrupt government, one can expect slime at every turn.

The Benghazi 4 have now been given the finger once again by the State Department 4.

Those reported to have resigned or been fired have NOT and now, according to the New York Post, will be KEEPING their State Department jobs.

Assistant Secretary of State Eric Boswell, who “resigned” in the wake of a State Department internal investigative report has, in fact, ONLY resigned an “appointed” position and is STILL on the State Department payroll.

Boswell is simply moving to a different desk.

The other 3, including Charlene Lamb, were NOT fired…THEY are on “administrative leave” and ARE expected to be back at work in the State Department shortly although, probably at different posts.



We have a Secretary of State who “suffers a concussion” but never goes to a hospital, never has a CT scan and is well enough to work from home but far, FAR to “concussed” to appear at a congressional hearing and now, 4 who we were told, were FINISHED at the Department of State who, in fact, are FAR FROM finished there.

If that’s not enough…We have the soon to be nominated John Kerry to fill the Secretary of State position.

John Kerry…

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Weekend Edition: Petraeus – A 4 Star Scapegoat

General David Petraeus, head of the CIA, resigned last week.

His resignation was sudden and it was…


Just days AFTER the election and just days BEFORE he was scheduled to testify before congress regarding the terrorist attack in Benghazi…General David Petraeus resigns.


Because of an extramarital affair? An affair uncovered by the FBI due to emails sent between Petraeus and his biographer with whom he was involved?

Those emails were sent, back and forth from Petraeus to Paula Broadwell, the “other” woman on his personal Gmail account. NOT his official CIA email which would lead one to believe that anyone attempting to hack his email would have ended up seeing ONLY personal messages and NOTHING to do with the closely held secrets the head of the CIA would be privy to.

Naturally, an affair opens someone such as Petraeus to blackmail but, that’s ONLY if someone such as Petraeus wants to keep the affair a deep dark secret and is willing to do ANYTHING to maintain that secrecy.

Petraeus, obviously, was NOT about to do that. In fact, by revealing the affair and “walking” away from his distinguished career, he proves he’s not willing to protect his private life over the security of the nation or the people he directs.

It seems that the FBI investigation uncovered this affair MONTHS ago. And if there was some concern over his ability to keep state secrets this all would have come to an end…MONTHS ago.

Also, by law, if the FBI comes to the knowledge of something that rises to the level of a threat to national security, they must inform the white house and the Senate Intelligence Committee immediately.

They did NOT.

Supposedly, James Clapper, the National Intelligence Director didn’t know anything about this until election day. Obama supposedly didn’t know about it until election day and…Diane Feinstein, head of the Senate Intell Committee didn’t find out until it hit the press last week!!!

So…Why NOW?

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Libya Cover Up – Obama’s Whistling Lies

If you look at a Monet with a magnifying glass, it looks like a collection of brightly colored blotches.

As congressional hearings into the Libya disaster and cover-up get under way today, I believe that to really understand the mindset that led to the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi, we must stand back from the painting a little.

With the republican primary season in full swing, team Obama had to know that they would be unable to run by defending their fiscal record. Unemployment was still way too high…food stamp usage was at its highest point in history and rising…Gas prices were out of hand and rising…Obama had never managed to pass a budget…Our credit had been downgraded for the first time in history…GDP was struggling and nearly on life support…The debt clock was going like a bat out of hell…Stimulus hadn’t worked…Obamacare was on the ropes…Manufacturing was way down…Incomes were way down…

You get the picture.

How does one run on THAT? How does one DEFEND that???

The date was April 26th, 2012.

Joe Biden was speaking in NYC.

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Weekend Edition: Lies Upon Lies to Cover-Up Blood on His Hands

Obama told us on September 13th: “Glen and Tyrone had each served America as Navy SEALs for many years, before continuing their service providing security for our diplomats in Libya. They died as they lived their lives — defending their fellow Americans, and advancing the values that all of us hold dear.

Susan Rice, our U.N. Ambassador told us on September 16th: “Well, first of all, we had a substantial security presence with our personnel…with our personnel and the consulate in Benghazi. Tragically, two of the four Americans who were killed were there providing security. That was their function. And indeed, there were many other colleagues who were doing the same with them.”

Both were speaking of the Navy Seals who were murdered in the Benghazi terrorist attack on September 11th, Woods and Doherty.

On September 20th we were told by administration officials: “The two former SEALS, Tyrone Woods, 41, and Glen Doherty, 42, were not employed by the State Department diplomatic security office and instead were what is known as personal service contractors who had other duties related to security. They stepped into action, however, when Stevens became separated from the small security detail normally assigned to protect him when he traveled from the more fortified embassy in Tripoli to Benghazi.”

Then, on September 23rd, we learned that: “Woods and Doherty were killed in the firefight at the annex, according to official reports.”

That annex, some 2 miles away from the Consulate where Ambassador Stevens and State Dept. Official Sean Smith were murdered…WAS ATTACKED IN A SECOND WAVE OF THE TERRORIST ATTACK A COUPLE OF HOURS AFTER THE INITIAL ATTACK.

So…We have gone from…The Navy Seals were a part of Ambassador Stevens’ security detail to…They stepped in to protect Ambassador Stevens when he became separated from his small security detail to…The Navy Seals, Woods and Doherty, we killed at an annex miles away and in a separate wave OF the initial attack.


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Weekend Edition: The Fast and Furious Libya Cover-Up

After 18 days of watching the response to the terrorist attack in Libya, I must admit that I am absolutely livid.

What They’re Covering Up.

It’s bad enough that Obama and his administration knew full well that this attack was a terrorist attack and then they lied about what it was for the better part of 2 weeks but, it gets even worse.

I’ll get to the lies later.

Now we discover that, while indeed there had been 4 attacks or attempted attacks on diplomatic missions  in the region leading up to the September attacks…The Consulate in Benghazi had been classified as a “critical threat terrorism or civil unrest posting,” and, stunningly…

Not one single upgrade in security, either physical or in personnel, was done to protect the Benghazi Consulate or the people who were stationed there.

Not one.

In fact Ambassador Stevens, in his personal journal, found by CNN stated that he feared the rise of al Qaeda in the region and believed he was on a hit list.

Now, cables from the Ambassador to the State Department are being sought but, the State Department is dragging their feet in turning those communications over to the Senate.


Could those communications reveal that Stevens had requested more security…Which was never provided?

Could those communications show much, much more?? Trust me…I’ll get to that!!!

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It’s time to connect the dots and look at the bigger picture.

This is stunningly despicable.

Last week, in The National Patriot, I took on Obama’s comments in his appearance with Letterman in an article titled, “A Potato Will NOT Get Us All Killed.”

I focused on a single comment which I found both appalling and a complete failure of foreign policy.

The message we have to send to the Muslim world is we expect you to work with us to keep our people safe.”

We had just discovered, in a Fox New exclusive, that a former GITMO detainee, Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu, may well have been the mastermind of the Benghazi terrorist attack which took the lives of 4 Americans at our Consulate.

NOW…we learn that the Obama administration is planning on releasing  55  GITMO detainees.


Because it worked so well when we released Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu  back in 2007???

So far, 51 NATO troops, including Americans, have been killed by those we’ve been “training” to take over “security” in Afghanistan so…why NOT release MORE captured terrorists, like Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu, and hope for the best??

Maybe we’ve become SO good at KILLING terrorists in the field that they’re running low and it’s now up to US to restock their supply???

As insane as the idea of releasing 55 GITMO terrorists, ONE OF WHICH OS BIN LADEN’S BODY GUARD,  just 2 weeks AFTER one released in 2007 masterminded the attack in Benghazi, this is NOT the truly despicable part of our connect the dots moment.

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