My Name is Holocaust

For their own good, I made sure their weapons were taken away.

I relegated them to the status of 3rd class citizens while I rallied the people to my issues.

I told them we would dominate and that the government would protect them.

For their own safety, I rounded them up. I took them from their homes and from their work and I sent them to places where we could guarantee they would be kept from harm.

When they arrived at their destinations, I took their belongings and removed their individual identities. I shaved their heads and humiliated them. I took their clothes and I separated them from their families.

Those who were weak or old or too young were sent to one side while those, able bodied, were sent to work.

The able bodied never saw the old and weak or their children again.

I enslaved them.

I starved them.

The goal was to wipe them out. To rid the world of their kind. To do the rest of mankind a favor. That was the goal.

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Obama Campaigns To the World’s Thugs


It’s that time of year again.

The time of year when the world’s despots gather at the den of thieves and have their say while the world watches.

Wednesday, on Yom Kippur, Ahmadinejad will address the Assembly.

At a time when, supposedly, a movie that nobody has seen has inflamed those who ascribe to an ideology, an organization dedicated to the protection of political correctness over the protection of freedom is allowing a worm who has called for Israel to be wiped from the map will allow that worm to verbally assault Israel on Israel’s most holy day.

Absurdity breeds absurdity and within the United Nations, it’s a matter of inbreeding.

When the cur of the Middle East rises to the pulpit, the delegation from Israel will stand and leave. So too will the U.S. delegation.

There are two different reasons for letting their feet speak volumes.

For Israel…It’s a statement of objection not only to the cur but to the organization which owns the pulpit.

For our delegation, under the Obama administration, it’s to save face on the stage.

Among the world’s other wincing excuses for leadership, Obama was there.

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November 6th – The Bottom Line and the Red Line

You will, I hope, excuse me if I take Prime Minister Netanyahu’s word for it when he says that Iran may well be only 6 or 7 months away from attaining nuclear weapons.

I base this on the idea that the Prime Minister most likely attends his Daily Intell Briefings.

Just a few days ago, Prime Minister Netanyahu, in a most rare statement, ask for our help, as American voters, to, “elect a president willing to draw a “red line” with Iran.”

Our current part time occupant of the oval office has declined to do so.

In fact, Barack Hussein Obama has declined to so much as MEET with Prime Minister Netanyahu on the topic this week while the Prime Minister is in our country.

According to Obama…such a meeting just doesn’t fit into his schedule.

Appearing on Letterman last night, however, did.

Meeting with the Egyptian leader of the Muslim Brotherhood this week, also fits into Barack Hussein Obama’s jam-packed schedule.

The Prime Minister of the only true democracy in the Middle East, whose nation has been threatened with annihilation by the Adolph Hitler of the 21st century…Not so much.

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