By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
It’s time to call them exactly what they are.
And yes…
By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
It’s time to call them exactly what they are.
And yes…
By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
As we approach a new year, full of possibilities and opportunities, I would like to take a moment to point out an absurdity that has come to my attention.
It’s a serious mater…really it is…but its obtuseness overwhelms its ability to be taken seriously.
Over a period of years, if not decades, we have watched as our system of education has been relegated to the lowest possible common denominator. Special needs students have been mainstreamed to the point now that our best and brightest young minds are all riding the short bus and trying to eat pudding…through a straw….because we can’t give them something as dangerous as a spoon in the cafeteria and because it’s easier to mix Ritalin into pudding than it to mix it into whatever that crap is that Michelle Obama mandated to be served in schools for lunch.
As disturbing as that is, perhaps the most disturbing thing is the fact that our national gene pool has been dumbed down all the way up the ladder to the administrators of our country’s asylums of higher indoctrination.
Here’s what I’m talking about…
Hillary Clinton, who had more than a hand in the murders of 4 Americans in Benghazi, as she and Obama were running weapons illegally from al Qaeda linked “rebels” in Libya to al Qaeda linked “rebels” in Syria, and who cleared the way for al Qaeda linked Libyan “rebels” to provide security in Benghazi when she drew down and removed our own security teams there, can now add another name to her death toll.
Shahram Amiri.
Mr. Amiri was the inside man in Iran who had been providing that Islamic country’s nuclear data to the United States.
Mr. Amiri had made the horrible mistake of placing his trust in the Obama regime which, of course, included one Hillary Clinton.
Hillary, as we are all well aware of, had her own secret server and her own private email account on that server which for most of her reign of espionage and treason at Foggy Bottom was kept in her home in Chappaqua but later resided in a bathroom at the offices of her own private IT guy, Bryan Pagliano.
It comes as no surprise at all, that in the aftermath of the Orlando Islamic terrorist attack…all liberals can talk about is taking guns away from law abiding citizens or making it hard, if not impossible in some cases, to even purchase a gun.
THAT, say the liberals, is the best way to defeat terrorism.
Ted Cruz had a slightly different perspective on the situation…
“You don’t defeat terrorism by taking away our guns. You defeat terrorism by using our guns,” – Ted Cruz.
All the liberals need, is an inch in order to take ten thousand miles and they are using the Islamic terrorism murders of 49 innocent civilians to push their insipid agenda.
Here’s how they intend to start…
“We hold that the Second Amendment does not preserve or protect a right of a member of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public.”
Those were the words of Judge William Fletcher, representing the majority opinion of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday in San Francisco. Words that will surely, and rightfully cause a firestorm of dissension from gun owners across the nation.
With regard to the ruling, and without regard to the 2nd Amendment, the court said that law enforcement can require applicants to show they are in immediate danger or have another good reason for a permit.
Of all the insane, abjectly unconstitutional and pig-headed things…
Law enforcement can REQUIRE anyone who applies for a carry conceal permit to SHOW that they are in…IMMEDIATE…danger or have another good reason…for a permit.
Well allow me to point out the bone-crushingly obvious…
According to a new directive, from the Obama regime, Loretta Lynch, the DOJ and the federal Department of Education… There is no obligation for a student to present a specific medical diagnosis or identification documents that reflect his or her gender identity, and equal access must be given to transgender students even in instances when it makes others uncomfortable.
In other words, when it comes to which bathroom to use, the overwhelming vast MINORITY must be made to feel comfortable at the expense of the vast MAJORITY whose comfort has no value whatsoever.
According to the “Education” Departments chief of indoctrination, John B. King… “No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus. We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.”
Public schools that ignore this directive have been threatened with losing federal funding. Bear in mind, this is NOT a law…it IS a threat…school districts that fail to comply, will be penalized under no law whatsoever.
According to Human Rights Campaign chair…whatever he is..Chad Griffen…
By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots
We have a gaggle of brain dead celebrities, and equally brain dead politicians who just can’t tolerate the most basic toilet etiquette.
Because some states have passed into law, statutes which require men to use the men’s room and women to use the women’s room, liberal moonbats are coming unglued left and…left.
What’s going on here is stupid on more than one level.
First of all…we need LAWS regarding who should be peeing where? SERIOUSLY? It’s become so much of a problem, like people who tend to use their toasters in the shower for which we have safety stickers telling us not to…that we now need LAWS, passed by individual states, telling us which bathrooms we are supposed to use?
Apparently so, but…
By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots
Since 2011, Donald Trump has given some $358.700 to Republicans, that much is true and a figure oft cited by his blind following so as to offset any mention of Trump’s donations to liberals but it falls completely flat when put in factual perspective.
As matters of easily researched public records, Donald Trump has stood for and financially supported liberals and the liberal agenda to a point his followers would much rather not admit.
To be exact…between 1989 and 2010, Trump’s political donations were nearly evenly split between both sides of the aisle with slightly more, $314,300.00 going to the left than the $290,600 that he donated to the right but that all changed radically as Trump himself became more immersed in political aspirations of his own.
After Trump’s inglorious presidential run on the Reform ticket in 2000, Donald J. Trump and his son, Donald Jr., donated $77,200.00 to liberals compared to only $24,250.00 to Republicans during the 2006 midterm elections.
But there’s more…much more…
By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots
Facts are foreign to Trumpers as they continue to ignore them one after the other as they pertain to the true nature of their one and only candidate. Low-information voters are one thing but screw-the-facts to preserve a blind following voters are something else entirely.
It has been more than interesting, and quite telling, to watch as his Trumpness’s blind followers excuse one thing after another like their candidate’s position on abortion. When confronted with video of Trump making his pro-choice agenda known, Trumpers excuse it because it was “so long ago it is no longer relevant” and besides, they claim, he’s changed…evolved.
Then they ignore completely his stand on the topic from just 2 years ago when he again made his true liberal agenda known by tweeting…”7 months, 8 months, 9 months pregnant, it doesn’t matter. Women should have the choice to abortion.”
Just last Wednesday, the Trumpers darling candidate advocated for punishments of any women who get abortions if abortions are made illegal but that men should not be held in any way responsible. His Trumpness was quite clear on the subject even after further questioning by Chris Matthews…
By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots
It seems that the dumbing down of America, via decades of liberalism through government indoctrination centers otherwise known as public schools as well as asylums of higher indoctrination, also known as colleges and universities is nearly complete.
No greater evidence of this can be seen than in the results of Super Tuesday voting.
Donald Trump, with the highest disapproval ratings in history, continues to win primaries. The question is…why?
Here’s the answer…
Trump voters simply don’t give a damn about the issues and they don’t give a flying rat’s ass about Trump’s complete, total lack of substance or lack of any articulated plan to accomplish any of the myriad of things he says he’s going to do should he become the president.
Trump voters also don’t give a crap regarding the fact that poll, after poll, after poll shows him losing in November to whoever happens to become the liberal/socialist nominee.
To Trump’s Trump-drunk, low information voters…absolutely none of what should matter…matters at all and don’t blame me for calling his voters “low information voters because those are exactly the sort of voters Trump himself is reaching out to in this election.
Here’s what he said…