Hypocrisy For the Left of Us…Condemnation For the Rest of Us

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The real shame of racism in the U.S. is that racists are controlling the national dialogue, while non-racists are allowing it to be that way. To discover just how true that statement is, and why it’s true, one first must identify just who the real racists are.

Historically speaking, the real racists in America have enjoyed a singular political party affiliation…to the democrat party.

Democrats fought for slavery. Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan. Democrats developed Jim Crow laws. Democrats stood for segregation. Democrats initially blocked the Civil Rights Act and democrats invented Affirmative action….the process of separating blacks and people of color from the rest of the nation for the business of protecting and advancing people based solely on race, regardless of their abilities as individuals.

Those are all historical facts, but today’s democrats, today’s liberals, are no less racist than their historical political party predecessors.

Today, driven by liberal ideology, and the liberal agenda, if you’re black… Continue reading

Scaramucci – The Best Case Scenario

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Late last week, the White House press room was shaken, not stirred and suddenly Sean Spicer resigned from his dual role as the Press Secretary/Director of White House Communications, and the quick as lightning Sarah Huckabee Sanders was in, as Press Secretary…and Tony Scaramucci was the new Director of White House Communications.

What was, by all appearances, a smooth of a transition in those roles as possible, actually holds deeper meaning in the overall aspects of the Trump administration.

To begin with, let me be candid in my assessment of the outgoing Sean Spicer.

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Liberals Have But One Core Value

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

To say that the democratic party, the party of liberals hell bent on socialism, has an identity crisis on their hands would be an overreach of epic proportions. To have an identity crisis…one must first have an identity.

This has been the problem for liberals for at least a dozen years, and I suspect it stretches back a good deal further than that.

Basically, I believe that the party of socialists, masquerading as liberals who have been masquerading as democrats since the Johnson administration, has been on autopilot in a rudderless ship since the days of Jimmy Carter’s malaise.

While that situation went for the most part unnoticed for decades, it went completely unspoken of by their party candidates and elected officials. Identity is derived from a set of core values, and that was, and is still, the problem for the party of liberals…they have no core values to speak of. They do have a core vote strategy…but possible only one core value.

As Republicans…

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Georgia on My Mind

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last Tuesday night couldn’t have gone any worse for liberals unless Megyn Kelly had showed up on CNN to try and spin the special House election in Georgia their way.

As it was, the CNN fake news brigade was a bit long of face when it was over and all the votes had been counted. The outcome was not what they had hoped for, and it certainly wasn’t what liberals nationwide had paid through their noses for.

That special election, to fill a House seat from Georgia had become the most expensive campaign in the history of the house by the time all was said and done, as liberals from sea to shining she ponied up more than $24 million dollars to try and buy the seat for their candidate, Jon Ossoff.

They failed.

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Cause and Effect…Liberalism and Violence

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Naturally, after the shooting in DC a couple of days ago, liberals quickly took to social media to blame the gun. They blamed the gun, laws that protect gun rights, lawmakers who support the laws that protect gun rights and of course, the 2nd Amendment itself.

More prominent liberal elected officials just as quickly called for more gun control, which also came as no surprise, because that is what liberals do…they attempt to seize on any tragic event for political purposes.

There is, of course, a distinct reason for the knee-jerk reactions of liberal jerks…they have an immediate need to try and deflect the blame for such events away from the real, root causes and a political need to try and attach their fabricated blame to others in a desperate attempt to bolster their political agenda.

On Wednesday…

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Liberal Tolerance Now Has a Face

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Finally, liberal tolerance has a face…a lifted, plastic and surgically altered face…but a face.

Kathy Griffin’s face.

A few days ago, Griffin, who engages in false advertising by billing herself as a comedian, went to great lengths, and one can assume some cost, to have a portrait made of herself holding a bloody, decapitated representation of the head of our nation’s President…Donald J. Trump.

This was not an exercise in a momentary or spontaneous loss of class…

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Built Upon a Lie

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots

Albert Einstein once said, “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”and how right he is but not for the reason you might think.

Both modern Jewish and Christian beliefs still hold to traditions from the Old Testament in regards to creation with both great faiths believing that Adam was created from the dust and dirt by the hand of God. Also, Jews believe the place where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac to God the Father and where Christians believe that Jesus was crucified is holy and sacred ground. And built upon this holiest of grounds is also where the First and Second Temples of the Jews were built, and where certain denominations of Christians believe the that Third Temple will arise and be the site of Jesus’ Second Coming and where Jews believe the messiah will first appear.

But what do these varied beliefs have as a common point of reference…simply…the land itself upon which these events did occur and which might possibly see holy events again occur in the future. And that land itself is known as The Temple Mount…an area of only thirty-five acres in the southwest corner of Jerusalem’s ‘Old City’…yet it is the most contested piece of land on Earth. And that contested land sits under…yes under…the Al-Asqa mosque (Masjid Al-Aqsa)…which in Arabic simply means the ‘farthest mosque.’

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The Liberals Utter Lack of Fundamental Principles

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

On election night, in her victory speech, California’s newest Senator had this to say…“Whatever the results of the presidential election tonight, we know that we have a task in front of us. We know the stakes are high. When we have been attacked and when our ideals and fundamental ideals are being attacked, do we retreat or do we fight? I say we fight!”

Make no mistake, the “ideals and fundamental ideals” of which Harris spoke of are not hers alone, they are the “ideals and fundamental ideals” of the liberal/socialist party, otherwise known as democrats.

But what are those ideals, fundamental or otherwise?

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Neil Gorsuch…From Judge to Justice

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Did ya hear some of the crap that was being spewed at the Neil Gorsuch confirmation hearings the other day, from the mouths of liberal manure spreaders?

Take Al Franken for instance…he literally told Judge Gorsuch…who, by the way, will soon be JUSTICE Gorsuch…“Your Constitution isn’t MY Constitution!”

Franken, I suspect, was 100% correct…as Judge…I mean JUSTICE Gorsuch’s Constitution is the one written and ratified by our nation’s Founders and Framers…while Franken’s is in manifesto form penned for the ilk of communist parties everywhere.

That said…

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Obama’s Treasonous Shadow Exposed

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution states, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

Treason…’aiding and abetting’ the enemy…’aiding and comforting the enemy’…treason…a powerful charge to bring against anyone, a charge not to be taken lightly, yet not to bring this charge against someone known to have committed treason is just as bad if not worse for treason unpunished defiles and defames all that is our nation…all that is our Constitution.

And treason no matter how one twists it is the hallmark of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s presidency…he knows it…he knows we know it…and yet he seems not care for this most vile of men knows no one will bring such a charge against him…at least they have not to date.

But that hopefully will soon change.

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