Friday Fume

What a week it’s been.

I don’t know about you but, my nerves are closer to the breaking point than the elastic waistband on Chris Christie’s tighty whities!!!!

Now THERE’S a mental image.

In New York the other day, Obama told the assembled sheep that, “At some point, the government is gonna run out of money.”


Rose Marks, a FLORIDA fortune teller who claims that PSYCHIC POWERS have run in her family for 1500 years…IS ON TRIAL FOR A $25 MILLION DOLLAR FRAUD scam.

She never saw it coming.

AND…One of the leaders of the New BlacKKK Panthers…One, Hashim Nzinga (buy a vowel) has had his…CONVICTED FELON IN POSSESSION OF A GUN charges dropped in Georgia.

Good thing for him he isn’t a WHITE/HISPANIC without a felony record OR WE WOULD NEVER HEAR THE END OF IT!!!!!

Yep…It’s the end of the week…FRIDAY my Patriot friends and…

I’m fuming.

Okay…HERE’S a moron of the liberal persuasion for ya.

36-year-old David Wayne Jordan…Well known to local law enforcement in Whatcom County Washington for having previously been a guest at the grey bar related to assault and resisting arrest…

Has been ARRESTED AGAIN for…

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