Obama’s Mirror…Reflection of a Cop Hating Racist

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

What exactly is the pretend leader of our nation doing this week? Where is he…exactly?police 1

He’s in Alaska…renaming a mountain…making a guest appearance on a reality show, as though he has any grasp on reality and he’s talking to Alaskans…not talking to them…prophetizing doom and gloom scenarios at them as though he were a meteorologist sent by allah to warn them of an impending apocalypse.

“The time to heed the critics and the cynics and the deniers is past. Entire nations will find themselves under severe, severe problems: More drought. More floods. Rising sea levels. Greater migration. More refugees. More scarcity. More conflict.”

“Any leader willing to take a gamble on a future like that, any leader who refuses to take this issue seriously or treats it like a joke, is not fit to lead.”

“It’s not enough to just talk the talk. We’ve got to walk the walk.”

So sayeth the Imam…so speaketh the idiot. Global warming or climate change or whatever the religion of Chicken Little is calling the weather this week is going to kill us all says Obama…it’s going to flood entire nations, destroy life as we know it and unless we heed his word…our children will have nothing.

The ravings of a desperate lunatic and the bilge of a mind polluted by liberalism and socialism.


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Weekend Edition: On 9/11 – 1 Million Muslims Can March to Hell

The American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC), is trying to organize a million Muslim march to the capitol in Washington DC and they’re planning it for September 11th.

They tried to change it to the “Million American March Against Fear,” but, apparently, the roaring laughter over the attempted name change drowned out the call to prayer.


Why on September 11th???

Because, claims the group, “On 9.11.01 our country was forever changed by the horrific events in New York. The entire country was victimized by the acts done on that day. Muslim and Non Muslim alike were traumatized but we as Muslims continue 12 years later to be victimized by being made the villains. To this day every media outlet and anti Islamic organization has committed slanderous and libel statements against us as Muslims and our religion of Islam.”


I see…

The REAL victims of September 11th, 2001 are…


MUSLIMS are being VICTIMIZED by being made the VILLIANS of 9/11/2001.

Let’s see…If memory serves…

NONE of the 9/11 hijackers were CATHOLIC or PROTESTANT.

NONE of those 19 hijackers that flew those planes into the towers or the pentagon or into the ground in a field in Pennsylvania were…JEWS.

They weren’t HINDUS or BUDDHISTS.

They were…ALL of them were…

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