The Law of the Land in La La Land

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

This is the time of the year when states…all of them…introduce new legislative proposals, hoping, often times beyond hope, that such proposals will, indeed, become the laws of their respective states.

Some of the new proposals make sense, but, a vast majority are just plain stupid.

When it comes to stupid…

You can’t fix it, but you can sure find it in California.

Yes…that bastion of left coast liberalism, California, is perhaps the nation’s leader in butt-stupid laws every year, and this year is certainly no exception. Before we get into what may well be this year’s bone-crushingly stupid law proposals from the land of fruits, nuts and flakes…perhaps we should first have a look at what they’re trying to top.

Back in 2017…

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Loons of a Feather

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Whenever something, like what happened last Sunday night in Las Vegas happens, two very predictable things immediately follow, and both of those things involve lunatics.

First…the conspiracy lunatics come crawling out of the woodwork like cockroaches when the lights go out spreading the wildest, most hair-brained notions of how such an event could have taken place.

Let me provide an example that I saw on social media just a couple of days ago…

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Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay Massacre Facts

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“It hurts my heart that this would happen to anyone who was just coming out to enjoy what should have been a fun night.”

That’s what Jason Aldean had to say this morning in the wake of last night’s Las Vegas massacre. Aldean was on stage, performing at the outdoor country music event when a coward, Stephen Paddock, opened fire with an automatic weapon from the 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay.

Coward, and mass murderer Paddock shot and killed himself before police were able to get inside his room, but not before taking the lives of at least 50 concert attendees, and wounding at least 200 others.

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Right Issues…Wrong Suspects

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Donald Trump Jr. is, apparently, the very first person connected to a presidential campaign, in the history of historic things, to take a meeting with someone who is purported to have information of some interest on the opposition candidate.

Never mind that Ted Kennedy, while making his own run at the White House, took a meeting with the KGB in an effort to get the goods on Ronald Reagan.

It’s not the same thing, and you know it.

This was Donald Trump Jr. taking a meeting with a Russian attorney…Natalia Buyadamnvowelortwowhydon’tya…whom he was led to believe had some dirt on Hillary Clinton. See…completely different from Ted Kennedy meeting with the KGB to gather dirt on Reagan. Completely different…not even close to the same thing.

It’s like comparing apples to… Continue reading

Liberals Have But One Core Value

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

To say that the democratic party, the party of liberals hell bent on socialism, has an identity crisis on their hands would be an overreach of epic proportions. To have an identity crisis…one must first have an identity.

This has been the problem for liberals for at least a dozen years, and I suspect it stretches back a good deal further than that.

Basically, I believe that the party of socialists, masquerading as liberals who have been masquerading as democrats since the Johnson administration, has been on autopilot in a rudderless ship since the days of Jimmy Carter’s malaise.

While that situation went for the most part unnoticed for decades, it went completely unspoken of by their party candidates and elected officials. Identity is derived from a set of core values, and that was, and is still, the problem for the party of liberals…they have no core values to speak of. They do have a core vote strategy…but possible only one core value.

As Republicans…

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Cause and Effect…Liberalism and Violence

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Naturally, after the shooting in DC a couple of days ago, liberals quickly took to social media to blame the gun. They blamed the gun, laws that protect gun rights, lawmakers who support the laws that protect gun rights and of course, the 2nd Amendment itself.

More prominent liberal elected officials just as quickly called for more gun control, which also came as no surprise, because that is what liberals do…they attempt to seize on any tragic event for political purposes.

There is, of course, a distinct reason for the knee-jerk reactions of liberal jerks…they have an immediate need to try and deflect the blame for such events away from the real, root causes and a political need to try and attach their fabricated blame to others in a desperate attempt to bolster their political agenda.

On Wednesday…

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Obama and Castro…Two Peas in a Communist Pod

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There IS, I suspect, a very good reason that the ilk of Obama, so many left wing nut-job celebrities and the always light yeacas-1rs to the left of liberal mainstream media has been shedding crocodile tears over the death of Fidel Castro.

CNN called the now dead dictator “magnanimous” and “grandfatherly.”

Absolute idiot, Colin Kaepernick stated that he agreed with Castro’s investing in Cuba’s education system, universal healthcare and wore a Castro shirt to a press conference just days before Castro died.

Steven Spielberg once said, “The best seven hours I ever spent was actually with Fidel Castro.”

In the past, Jack Nicholson called Castro a “genius” and Cuba under Castro, “a paradise.”

Chevy Chase said that Cuba is proof that, “sometimes socialism works.”

Over this past weekend, Barack Hussein Obama stated…

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Trump’s Words vs Hillary’s Actions

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

While the collective mainstream media continues to have a mass orgasm over comments pers-1made by Donald Trump more than a decade ago, and while several key Republicans, including Paul Ryan whose wife is a millionaire lobbyist for the liberal/socialist party who has raised a substantial amount of money for the Hillary Clinton campaign continue to run away from their nominee like cowards…

I think a little perspective is in order.

Americans, and for that matter, America herself have but two choices in November as no 3rd party or write-in candidate has ever had a chance of winning…Trump or Clinton and while Trump is obviously a cad, a lewd and foul-mouthed cad…he’s still a better choice than Hillary.

As Conservatives, we can’t be so consumed with looking for the next Jesus Christ to be our candidate of choice or our nominee that we risk ignoring impending doom for our Constitutional Republic in the process.

News flash…

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2nd Amendment INFRINGED in Federal Court

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots am 1

“We hold that the Second Amendment does not preserve or protect a right of a member of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public.”

Those were the words of Judge William Fletcher, representing the majority opinion of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday in San Francisco. Words that will surely, and rightfully cause a firestorm of dissension from gun owners across the nation.

With regard to the ruling, and without regard to the 2nd Amendment, the court said that law enforcement can require applicants to show they are in immediate danger or have another good reason for a permit.

Of all the insane, abjectly unconstitutional and pig-headed things…

Law enforcement can REQUIRE anyone who applies for a carry conceal permit to SHOW that they are in…IMMEDIATE…danger or have another good reason…for a permit.

Well allow me to point out the bone-crushingly obvious…

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Whoever Wins…the Constitution Loses

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Hillary Clinton, along with violating the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Federal Records ht 1Keeping Act…along with her treason related to Benghazi and lies told to cover her ample, pant-suited ass…is also a vile and vicious anti-constitution freak show regarding our 2nd Amendment.

Before I get to her specific comments, allow me to ask anyone with a working brain cell…and the liberals without such…to tell us all just how effective the liberal gun control measures are working out for them.

Gun free zones? Really? The majority of mass shootings in this country take place in liberal induced gun free zones yet every time some liberal crackpot opens fire in a school or college, liberal numb-nuts rush to the nearest microphone or to their social media to demand more gun restrictions.

And gun restrictions and gun registrations…

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