Liberal’s Self-Destruct Mode Activated

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

For a party hell-bent on gun control, the democrats sure have been shooting themselves in both feet every time they shoot off their mouths, and in Joe Biden’s case, he can do both at the same time since he seems to always have at least one of his feet permanently lodged in his mouth.

Democratic presidential candidate Robert Francis ‘Beto’ O’Rourke, out of of Texas has said, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

Well that’s a hell of a thing to hear from someone with an arrest for burglary to his credit. Yes, the charge was dismissed back in 1995, as was his arrest for DWI in 1998. I’m willing to bet Beto wasn’t too concerned about his privilege back then.

After Beto made the, “hell yes…” remark, Republican Texas state Rep. Briscoe Cain fired a tweet O’Rourke’s way stating,, “My AR is ready for you Robert Francis.” Naturally, Bobby Francis claimed that as a threat, and said…

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The Misguided Millennial Miscreants of Marxism

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Gary North once said, “Socialism is simply Communism for people without the testosterone to man the barricades.”

Gary North is an American paleolibertarian writer, Austrian School economic historian, and leading figure in the Christian reconstructionist movement, and he has either authored or coauthored more than fifty books on topics including Reformed Protestant theology, economics, and history. He is also an Associated Scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

Yeah…I had to look it up too and I discovered that the Ludwig von Mises Institute is named after Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises because it promotes teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics and Misesian views on social and political philosophy.

The Ludwig von Mises Institute that is by coincidence named after some Austrian economy nerd Ludwig von Mises, and teaches Austrian economics is located in…nope…Auburn, Alabama because nothing conveys the true intellectual fineness of Austrian economics quite like a slow, southern drawl.

Even though Gary North is right, never mind him and instead, remember what Ronald Reagan once said…

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The Democrat’s Rat Flap Clap-Trap

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Liberals, it seems, just can’t get out of their own way.

Day after day, week after week, and month by month, liberals manage to cause themselves all sorts of problems, and what happens next is so…



Let me give you a few examples of what I’m talking about. For better than two years, all we heard about from liberals…liberals elected to office, liberals that comprise the mainstream media, liberals on the street and Hollywierd liberals was “RUSSIA, RUSSIA RUSSIA.” as they rattled, and prattled on and on about the make believeTrump Russian conspiracy.

GUILTY they all claimed…EVIDENCE was at hand, they all chimed…INVESTIGATE…IMPEACH…JAIL was their collective mantra.

And then, even as it was just getting started, it all began to unravel on them. In the early days of the liberal bloviations, the Steele dossier was proven to be a manufactured phony piece of garbage…then it was shown that it was bought and paid for by Hillary and the DNC, and that THEY paid a former British spy to go to the Russians for make-believe dirt on Trump. HILLARY and the DNC were conspiring with the Russians…NOT Trump.

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Democrats…No One To Blame But Themselves

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Slowly, little by little, the liberal’s 2020 platform is coming together, and it is exactly as we have always said it would be.

Naturally, at the top of the platform is “get Trump.” That’s been a given since the wee hours of the morning on November 9th, 2016 when their anointed candidate, not so much Obama light, but Obama white was too plastered, and too angry to address the snowflakes who left her “victory” party like a glacier leaves a hillside.

While the whole Mueller witch hunt of an investigation failed as profoundly as did Hillary, the chants of “RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA” have become chants of “RACISM, RACISM, RACISM.”

But what else is there for liberals?

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Apollo 11…The History of Our Future

By:Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

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50 years ago, the timeline was impossible, the task nearly beyond comprehension, and the men who made history were extraordinary.

In a way, I feel sorry for anyone who is 50 years of age, or younger. Sure, they can read about it, or talk to folks who are even just slightly older than that about it, but they didn’t experience it, and it was an experience those of us who were young at the time, barely old enough to begin to understand such things will likely never forget.

July 20th, 1969, is what most remember as the date man first set foot on the Moon, but that’s not even close to when it started. To truly understand the time frame, one has to back themselves up through the Apollo program, before Gemini, and before Mercury. Go back to a point in time before being in space, before the breaking of the sound barrier, and even earlier than manned flight.

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The Desperately Obtuse World of Liberalism

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio


I mean, for the love of GOD, seriously.

In the liberal’s world of inexplicably trying to make all things equal that were never, in a million years ever meant to be equal, and with an eye toward gender neutrality, liberals have come up with the most absurd, most obtuse thing yet.

At the University of Arkansas, a true asylum of higher indoctrination run and staffed by liberal loons, the student government, liberal morons all, are trying their level best to mirror proposed legislation by the Arkansas House of Representatives.

The plan is to implement the disbursement of free menstrual products to those who need them in restroom dispensaries across campus.

In all restrooms dispensaries across campus….

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Illusion of Truth, Circle of Lies

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The 2020 presidential campaign is going to be a doozy, and it will begin to heat up in the next few months. Currently, there are some 23 or 24 liberals who have thrown their wadded panties into the ring, and that number will grow before the list starts to thin itself out due to attrition.

As I have said before, the liberals have no way of winning on real issues, so they are running on a combination of social, and social media issues, special interest issues, identity politics and pandering. As a party, they really don’t have a platform, and as individual candidates, they have no planks that deal with anything of substance.

There is something however, that it seems the liberal candidates, and most likely around which the party itself will coalesce…and it should come as no great surprise…

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Biden’s Boondoggle – Healthcare for Illegals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, Joe Biden was asked whether illegal immigrants “should be entitled to federal benefits like Medicare, Medicaid.”

His response was stunning, but not unexpected.

“Look, I think that anyone who is in a situation where they are in need of health care, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for.”

“An obligation?”

We are obliged to take care of people who have entered our country illegally? We’re obliged to provide healthcare, at American citizen’s taxpayer expense to those who are illegally in our country, who are breaking our nation’s laws by setting foot in our country, and who are making a mockery of our nation’s rule of law?

Liberals should be ashamed of themselves, but perhaps not for the reasons most Conservatives are thinking of right now.

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Liberals Taking the Bullet Train to Pandersville

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

With now some 21 official 2020 liberal presidential candidates having thrown their wadded up panties into the ring, and with liberals having neither core values nor any legitimate planks in their socialist collective platform…there is something they all both share, and are trying desperately to one up each other on…

Pandering for votes.

What we have here are a whole gaggle-o-idiots who know that they don’t stand a chance on the real issues, and given where they do stand on real issues, it’s no wonder.

Take taxes for instance…

Liberals want to hike your taxes into the stratosphere. They would have to in order to pay for all the free crap they’re trying to bribe voters with. Free college tuition, paying off student loans, free healthcare for all, free this, free that and one of them is even offering free cash.


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Collusion Delusion

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The easy thing would have been writing an article last week when the Mueller Report came out. In fact, I could have quoted most of what was unredacted with just a few keystrokes. That would have been the easy thing, but…

It wouldn’t have been anywhere near as fun as waiting.

By giving that report a week to ripen, I was also able to provide just the right amount of time for liberals to come to full boil over it.

To begin with…that report didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know. President Trump did not collude with the Russians, and President Trump did not obstruct justice. We all knew that before the release of the Mueller Report, and I can guarantee you that liberals were fully aware of that fact even before we knew it.

In fact…liberals were all too well aware there was no collusion because…

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